The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 366 of the Chapter 366 of the Prince of Tennis

Combat Force: 9000000 (Tennis Respect)

Birthday: December 13th

Constellation: Sagittarius

Age: 16

Weight: 66kg

Blood type: type A

Enciprived wrist: right hand

Preschool: Tao Sword Tibetan Front, heavy sword hitting the ball

Systematic evaluation: There is a sharp sword, sharp!

really! At night, I am sigh, this is the second player he wants to find, I wish the sword!

900W's combat power is also surprising in the night, it is indeed a master, the whole person's momentum is incomparable, it looks an offensive player.

bass! I wish the sword talled high, then lightning a racket!

! The old five three people stunned were tennis actually blown on the feet of Zhu Sword and raised the smoke.


"How could it be!" The three did not see the night long-lasting movement, and the serve of Zhu Jian was actually gave it back in an instant?

They have never seen this scene.

"I said, 'Ball King'!" The night grew is very heavy to bite the king's two words. "Is your serve so soft?"

Zhu Jian looked up at the night's long wind, his eyes were sharp, such as sword, and the war was in his eyes.

bass! Tennis has been pinched in the hands of the sword, and then bounced in half of the air. He himself jumped up, the sword was out of sheath, and the whole person exudes Jin Guang!

Heavy sword hits the ball!

boom! Tennis an instantly incorporated into a golden giant sword, and the waves become a cone whose waves made it break through the obstruction of the air, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

Feel this, the momentum is like a general moment, and laugh at night, "It's good!"

The night long body shape is flashed, and the whole zoom is displayed in an instant, moving instantly! The giant sword is in front of the wind!

"My God!" The thin man made my eyes, "I have an illusion again, Nima, how can people flash from the front to the backfinder in a moment !!"

The tiger is sluggish, the night is long, and the right foot is in the back, and the arm is twice as much as a moment.

The first hundred and eight-style fluctuations!

boom! The huge explosion remembers that the silver racket and golden giant sword in the loud life are in the emission!

The giant sword constantly stretching the strings, thinking is to break through the string, but unfortunately this racket is not everything.

boom! The night length is slightly hard, the silver brilliant flashes, the golden giant sword is swallowed!

! Silver light column fried in the foot of Zhu Jian, after bounced, the wire net behind him was done directly, disappearing the trace!


I wish you a lot of people in your eyes, "I am actually a shocking color in my eyes." This is not possible! "

boom! boom! I wish you a madness like two heavy swords!

The sword is more prosperous, the power is bigger!

Unfortunately, he stands opposite the night, and there are two dozens of hands attack, and I wish the swords of the sword to hit the ball to be easily and free!

Even twice, three times the ball speed and force!

The night is winning, score 1-0! The night-length wind four times simply got a score, so that the king of the front district, the king of the front district, did not have the power.

The night's wind shines with colorful light, and the old five three people are stupid.

"This person is a monster!"

"Haha, I am sorry! You are good, let me be a little serious!" The night is helpless smiles.

Although I wish the sword has 900W combat power, but the five-dimensional gap in the night is really big. As long as the night is very serious, this ball can't be hit.

If you don't feel that you are invincible, just the five-dimensional gap is too big, the player's strength will have essential differences. At this time, the role of the ball skills is relatively small!

Zhu Sian is a born jiaoao person. In his family's eyes, he is a rebellious child who is not convinced. In fact, it is only a child who is bullied too many times. After the conviction of the sword, it is difficult to endure the outbreak, and the crazy attack bully him.

As a result, everyone was hit by the fist. From this moment, I wish the swords to understand, this world strong is respect!

In such an environment, I wish the swords into a young man, in his world, only defeat everyone, you can get it!

······ Flowers ······

He is arrogant, but it is because this is the U17 training team member because he is being opened because people fight, and then he is bored to come to this second.

Strong strength, after being reflected by the old five three, gradually began to dominate the 2nd coup.

Now he is threatened by the gentlest boy who has seen last year in front of him.

And I actually can't even see the movements of him, this makes the sword to be almost mad!

"Ah!" Zhu Jian, a whole person, suddenly suddenly gave the golden light of the whole God to the income, and it appeared to become Puttong.

However, in his opposite night, the wind has discovered that Zhu Jian will be restrained, actually more dangerous.

....... ........

bass! The night grew is tall high, and raising his hand is a heavy gun.

"It's so fast!" The old five three people sighed.

Although the night-long wind did not make a goal, the speed of this serve also exceeded 200km / h, which was a speed in the eyes of the old five people!

! A black light flashing, the heavy blew over the night, the seril, was awaited back to the lightning!

"Good!" The thin man is big.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ? ? ? ?????????????

! Night long wind right, a golden light column rebounded to the sword!

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