The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 367 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

I wish the swords deep in the darkness of flashing, ! Actually, I can't see the ball!

! Tennis actually disappeared in the air!

The night is also surprised, thinking that he can't feel the existence of tennis!

Snapped! Snapped!

When the tennis appear again, it is already jumping at the bottom line behind the night length.


"Well! It's too handsome, boss!" Although the old five three people don't know what is going on, I wish the sword is unbeaten in their eyes.

Secrets - Treasurer!

I spit a few words in Zhujun, so that the night's wind is also surprised. "It can restrained the breath that you are so fierce, even if you return the ball, it is quiet, just in the sky! Yes! Yes!"

"Is it more serious?" The night is laughing, and the foot is shining in the foot ...

303 chapter, easy to rush

This brightly expanded expansion of the light waves soon quickly shrouded the entire stadium, and the night cost is rising behind a whirlpool.

The whole person is also dyed into golden, and the field of wind is in an instant!

The old five or three people have been stunned, "What is this?"

! Zhu Sword's sword hooded a sharp time to disappear between the heavens and the earth, black light flashing, waiting for tennis, it is already behind the night.

However, this time, tennis actually violates the life of the physics common sense, like being traged like something, and then the tennis starts to rotate back to the night length.

The thin child is staying, a ghost expression, "Is this a magic, how did you do?"

Snapped! The golden light on the night's wind is getting more and more prosperous, his tiger is slightly, and has been dyed into golden rackets naturally.

! Tennis that have become a golden ball flew over the ball, and then fell in the Zhu Jian speed, and immediately rolled back to the netbel.


"This is impossible! My sword has never been broken by people!" It seems that Thai's own wishful sword has concealed his face.

"Oh!" Night wind once again throwing the ball in the air, tending, "Zhu Jian! The world is very big, there is no experience, how can you board the highest top peak! Enlightenment! "

A ball into the soul, soul into one goal!

boom! In the blink of an eye, the tennis golden boulder boulder blew after I wish the sword, and the speed is not comparable to the sword.


Step by step, I wish you you can't move it all!

The speed of the night is too fast, too fast!

Don't say that I have to catch the trajectory of tennis, even if you let him waving the ball and touching luck.

"Monster! Thanks to the professional players I have seen!" The old five actually a PI share is sitting on the ground. He looked at the world's top professional tennis player in the Shanghai Masters. And his intuition told him. Night long hair is faster!

"Is this kid to be brought about from 220km / h, it is too incredible!" The old five heart rose a chill.

This chill is also in the hearts of the other two, and the mouth is very big. I don't know what to say.


The same angle, the same fall, night long wind raising hands is two meters a ball!


The night is winning, score 2-0!

Still do not respond, I haven't hit a horse in the Tanglian tennis, and I will lose a game again.

Zhu Jian's right hand in the right hand of the ball in the right hand, never gave him such a great sense of pressure, the night grew well is like a vertical upklove of the cliff.

But Zhu Jian is a sword, the fire in the eyes is still not dissipated. This kind of person is like this to stand, nor will it be surrendered!

The momentum of the sword is constantly improving, the blue flames are burned on him, and the night is hard to know that he wants to be desperate!

boom! I wish the sword right arm, put a strange posture, turned as a sword, a sword stab!

It is actually hit tennis with the top of the racket!

! The night-catching side of the star is flashing, the tennis has appeared behind him!

Laughing at night, this trick is very similar to the heart of the second and no two predecessors!

! When the night is long, the aperture under the body turns into a dragon roll into the whole court, which is a fan of the wind.

The starry was swallowed by the wind roll and turned back to a tennis again. Finally, it was taken out of the place outside the field!


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

No matter what kind of way I use, what kind of hitting technique, I will solve it, waiting for him to go out of this result!




This game has become a slaughter, I wish Jianzhan, but I can't do it from the night length of the wind.

The night is serious, he knows that the people who have been in the face of the sword, only to defeat him through the bottom!

bass! The night is high, and the tennis is on his head!

The whole person is wingsted, and it is in the air and then instantly launches, and the silver racket is full!

Samurai snack!


Tennis is directly smrumed into two trips in the half air, and the left and right two light columns are blown around the sword!

The deep pit of the two hemispheres appeared on the ground of the sword half!


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