The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 380 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The night grew is given to the A big, and the Audi has made a cut throat, "Let's take a look at your true strength!"

A Grand, Audou simultaneously spit a turbidity, eyes closed!

"What do they want to do?" The first time I found the changes in the atmosphere in the field in the first time.

"There is a fun thing to have any fun!] Don't laugh in the road.

A Grand, Agou once again blinkled, the two eyes became multicolored!

Grab the seven games!

Cuthel clearly felt that the power of tennis on the rack is completely different.






The first disk, the Chinese team wins, the number of tops 7-6!

I won't be a victory of the first game for less than two minutes.

"Ni!" The chrysanthemum was surprised to look at the Chinese team in the field, and the two exuded the colorful glory and then link together!

"Do they also tune?" Dashi is also shocked.

"No! This is not the same as tune!" The dry ruled the mirror on the nose, "these two synchronization rates have exceeded 100% !!"

"How is it, the two people's synchronization rate is 100%!" Sighting.

Laughing in the night, the analysis of dry is good, this is not toned!

It is more powerful than the tonar, and the night length is not named.

Night wind is inadvertently found in the practice, there is a large twins between the two twins, and two people sometimes can even induce each other's ideas.

The night cost is through some techniques, which makes the two have achieved a new realm.

Both people can not only feel the other's ideas and completely tonard to the other party, but also share all resources with each other.

Simply, it is integrated with ideas, and then two bodies can control!

Vision sharing, strength sharing, two people are not just merged, but a body integrates all the power of two people and then played!

This is the existence of more contrast to the sky.

Night-hard winds found this skill in the exchange list of superhen systems, actually a gray 800 could not be exchanged, which proves that this skill requires high conditions.

It is very likely that a twin that is very high in the maturity is likely to achieve the realm!

The Czech team's Cuthel was originally enough, and now I have to fight two people more than the original person. It is almost unhappy.

1-0! 2-0! 3-0!

The situation of the competition turned into a charm of the Chinese team unilaterally, and the Czech combination was unable to fight.

In the end, Alder, Ai two came to attack heavy guns, tennis as shells were generally blown in the Czech combination!


At the end of the competition, the Chinese team wins, the number of discs is 2-0, the number is 7-6, 6-0!

"Okay!" A Da, the second two people cheered, like two children!

Rossiki is a paralyzed place, and the rack in the hands slipped!

All games, he can't do it in addition to the serve.

"It's too strong! Too strong!"

Dashi Xiu Yiro wrinkled with brows, did not speak, but looked at the night growth in the seating area.

"The long wind is still a terrible!" The first time I have a sigh in the heart of Dashi ...

315 chapter, blood abuse

The Czech team's seating area is dead, and the face has long lost the easy expression, and there is a face like a dead ash.

They did not expect self-think of unparalleled Czech chariot in the face of the tennis world. The Chinese team who said that it was a fish.

The Czech coach has met the scene he is about to go to get out of class, but once again, I have saved the Hero Bosse, who has saved the Czech in the Czech!

His face is dignified, and his eyes are still very confident.

Original Czech team was in the second singing of the ace Barorush just to make him adapt to the atmosphere of the game. Before the war with other teams, adjust the status first, the poor Chinese team completely became a warm-up tool, but unfortunately let them It didn't expect that Barorche became their last life.

Czech people looked at Barorche standing, revealing the eyes of the wings, this is the hope they finally turned over!

The Baro World Youth Tennis rankings live in the fifth, and once two youth groups who won the Australian Tennis Open.

So he has always regarded Melbourne as his own blessing, and he is an absolute confidence to his hard tennis strength.

Originally, his goal is to lead the Czech to win in this competition, prove that he is now, but now his mission is to ensure the Czech team.

And his opponent is the prince of the Chinese team - Lin Yi!

Lin Yiwei walked to the court on the court, and the whole person exuded the golden brilliance, so silently went to the field.

Everyone in the neon U17 team feels that Lin Ye is in a different temperament.

Laughing in the night, Lin Yi is like this. Even if you don't do anything, you will immediately attract everyone's gaze.

Elegant and confident!

The trace department is frowned. "How do you feel that this child is going to install?"

Night long wind gave Lin once a gesture to indicate that he ended as soon as possible, Lin Yaran is coming, and the night is still going to pick up!

Looking up, I am sitting in the trace of the table, "Take a good look, the trace! What is the elegance of the real prince!"

Start in the game, three plates, Czech Barros Shi! The referee announced the way.

Barros is up to up to up to the night, and there are about two meters, and the arm exhibition is quite good. It is a famous tee machine in the world!

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