The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 381 of the Chapter 381 of the Prince of Tennis

bass! Barros shrews the ball tall, then the whole person is full, such as the eagle exhibition winning!

Flame attack!

boom! Tennis an instantly incorporated into a diameter of a fire column rushed to Linyi, and the waves touched the audience on the stage and felt the enthusiasm of the fire La!

"Good powerful serve!" Said the tail.

Lin Ye does not change color, smiling, hands in the hands of the wooden racket, draw a semi-circle in the air!

~ ▉ ▉ ,,

Da da! When Barorche came back, tennis had jumped on the bottom line behind him.


"Ni!" Not only Barorche, all the audiences in the scene were stunned. They only saw the Yuli's unparalleled action, and did not see how he was resolved in Baro's powerful play.

It feels that it is a blank feel, a 'empty' taste.

"How did he do it? A cadre?" Asked in the end.

The dryness cured shook his head, and the hand holding a notebook was also slightly vibrating, obviously very shocking.

"Secure 2, this person's trick seems to be stronger than your 'no'!"

"..." Silent Silent Silence, the eyes are actually awkward.

When the night's wind, I looked at the angry Barorh, the fire, and the mouth was very disdainful. "The more you just have a strong person, the more you will be hurt!"

Throughout the night, the wind is so powerful, and it is unwilling to re-ended the game, how can Lin Yisheng's name for this just known as a famous player!

The competition continues, Barros in extreme anger will increase their flame attack to the limit, the fire column has been strong once, and finally the high fire column attack!

The air waves are also constantly tumbling fluctuations, and tennis breakthrough in the air. The sound explosion sounds into a piece!

But all this is in vain, and in Lin Yi's elegant waves, Barorh's crazy attack appeared to be pale.



Barrche has also turned a luxury after playing tennis to Lin Yi.

All of the Czech team have already undergone high heads, and in the eyes of hope to despair.

And Lin Yixian is still stunning, just like a game, but his personal dance performance!

"Too beautiful!" This kind of adjective was actually emerged in the tail mouth. He also did not have other shapes to describe his own feelings.

"Yeah! That person is really like a prince!" Sheng Xiong Road.

"Oh? This is the long wind, this kid, what is the person?" The trace department suddenly rushed into the mouth, "the uncle will personally defeat him!"

On the side of Baishi Tibet, I looked at the Swim of the Department, and the heart did not think that the trace is the opponent of this blonde.

In the white stone eye in the Bible of the Tennis Bible, Lin Ye's hitting is perfect, that is, there is no extra action and full of beauty, this is even what he can't do.


Barorh is still crazy attractor. Every time he hits the ball is strong, and the night's wind has already seen Barorh is a powerful player, the style and Duku are very like, stronger than Duku!

Higher strength, the ball is better, and the anti-hands technology is also good.

Unfortunately, he encountered Lin Yi, which made the night, feel a headache!

1-0! 2-0! 3-0 ......

Although the game seems to be like a performance, the actual score is ruthless.

Lin Yi has always smiled behind, in the eyes of the night, it seems more desperate than infinite murder!

competition is over!

Two 6-0!

The Barorche, known as the super master is shaved!

At the end of the game, China U17 team won, big score 3-0!

"Wow!" The audience who appeared in the stage was in the middle of the audience to see the score displayed on the big screen, who can't guess the ending.

Yang Yi, who was excited, waved his fist, as a tennis reporter, he has been marginalized, and the sports weekly report is more reported basketball football, and tennis has always been attached.

And the article published before the game was spurred by many fans, and Yang Yi finally gave a breath.

He has already thought about it tomorrow, you have to publish the topic on newspapers and websites!

"China Dream Team XUE Washing Bow"

Another one to introduce the new team of the Chinese team, focusing on Lin Yi!

The topic is the 'prince's elegance', and Yang Yi took a lot of Lin Yi's close-up.

I have to say that the blonde of the blonde looks very handsome, with the temperament of the star, almost certainly attracting a large number of female fans.

"We are walking!" The Phoenix on the table stood up and turned to leave. His fingers pinned, the calm appearance was the inner heart, the strength of the Chinese team is far beyond his imagination.

"The breeze is no matter where it is, and it will take a big strong person around him!" Taicheng sighed.

"Yes! According to my statistics, in the long wind, everyone's strength will grow faster!" Jianzhen took out the notebook, basically summarizes the fact that night long winds as a classic player manufacturing machine.

"Is there such a thing?" Chrysanthemum expressions exaggerate!

"Okay, let's go!" Handsman Guo Guang stood up, and his eyes finally gathered in the air with the night long. He nodded and then leaving everyone.

The Chinese team seating area, everyone packed the equipment and turned and left back to the village to rest.

Only night long and Li loud two people came to the central coupling, two opponents behind them, two largest won the championship, the US team and the Spanish game!

When the night, the night was coming to the central stadium, the US team and Spain were just going to the second game.

The first third single-playing game is playing Mars and splashing, filling three discs, all the plates are seven!

Alonso finally got the victory of the game from Spain.

The second two-game game is also a victory in the Spanish combination, and the game is also full of three games.

It is a third-single game for the night, and the US U17 team will send it to him, and it is said that the tennis prince who is almost forgot is.

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