The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 469 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Where is the long wind? Where is this stinky boy run?" The day is full of confusion, turning to Xiang Tian Lizi, "No, never seeing him absent training! Coach, long wind?"

"Oh ~ ▉ ▉ ,


Tonghuang private school.

"Oh? This is Tonghuang, it doesn't look very much, it is far away!" A blue white figure walked into Tonghuang High School.

Tonghuang High School Basketball Hall.

Today's time is lunch time, Tonghuang High School Basketball Party is sitting on the court and starting to have the convenience.

This saves time to facilitate the afternoon practice.

"I started!" Tonghuang high school score defender Sakurai smiled and opened his own convenience.

Everyone was attracted by Sakurai, because it was exuded with aroma.

"It's really cute, Sakurai, you are!" Tonghuang high school center, if the filial piety looked at the Sakurai, "Is it wrong with my sister?"

"Sorry, but because I do it yourself, I should not be mixed ..." Sakurai whispered.

"Oh, do you do it yourself?" If you look at the Sakurai, you're surprised.

"Hey, it seems to be very delicious!" Suddenly, the black hand has been extended from the Sakurai to his convenience, and then picked up a crispy intestine into his mouth.



"Where are you going? Don't escape the practice without reason!" If you are full of filial piety, "Do you travel this afternoon?"

"Haha, how could it be!" Qingfeng's brilliant eating the Sakurai's liking as disdain.

"Well, this is delicious, hey, this is good!"

"Sorry, you try to eat!" Sakurai laughed.

"Don't give him, Sakurai!" If the filial piety is dissatisfied, he is a serious person, practicing basketball, so people who don't usually practice the ball.

Qingfeng's brilliant face is cold, "noisy, as long as there is a good reason, you can practice it, right?"

"It is evil ~ ▉ If the filial piety is not good, look at Qingfeng, see what he can say.

Snapped! Qingfeng actually took a photo of a photo, "the photo collection of the north of the north, before staying here, I just came to take this!"

It's going to turn around, "So I have to go back, you have worked hard, refuel exercises!"

"Wait, Qingfeng!" If Song Xiaocai is in front of Qingfeng, grabbing his collar, shouting: "You give me an appropriate to stop, I told you to stay!"

"I forgive you once, let go!" Qingfeng's brilliant sound ice was frightened.

"Ni ..."

! Qingfeng Dahui instantly plays a high raise leg, and kicked the abdomen of Songfiao.

"~ ▉ If the filial piety is played in this way.

"Qingfeng!" The captain of Tonghuang High School today couldn't see it.

"I have a good saying, he doesn't let go, I have no way. Practice exercises, don't talk!" Qingfeng's face is incorporated.

"Good, I got a point to play." Qingfeng suddenly turned into the cherry.

"That ... 82 points!" Sakurai's way.

Snapped! Snapped! Qingfeng Dahui suddenly picked up a basketball on the ground, from the bottom line crazy drills into the inner line.

Then jump in an instant, such as Dapeng Wings Generally put the basketball in the hand into the ball box.

Dangdang, the sound of torn sounds throughout the whole ball.

! When Qingfeng Dahui fell again, his hands had already a basket, and it was hard to be pulled down by him!

"Al! Another thing!" Qingfeng Dahui suddenly turned, "What can I practice this kind of practice?"

! Qingfeng lost the basket and then went to the door of the ball. "When you are better than I am strong, I will order me again, although it is impossible!"

"It's evil ~ ▉ If you are auxiliary filial piety, this is standing, but it is kicked.

"You are okay, what is the loose? Sorry!" Now Ji Xiang said.

"Why do the captain apologize!" If Songfiao is loudly.

"You are not wrong ... but don't say anything to Qingfeng, the strength is the truth, you should understand it!" Today, Ji Xiang slowly.


"Tiger Wood of Golf ... Do you know?"


"That replaces the NBA Lakers Legend Sacrinkle ..."


"Yes, Woods is because they have won too many games, they extend the court and increase the special provisions of the club. Squs is also strong, the strength is too strong, the inner line is unmanned, and the four people hang on him cannot stop. He is a dunk, so the alliance has introduced an offense will not be sentenced to the rational collision zone. "Now Ji Xiang slowly.

"And there are also a variety of strange things to deal with Squark, such as cut your shark, etc., in the competitive sports, sometimes there is a change in rules because a player is too strong, these people are rare, but still exist Those who are stronger is stronger! "

Snapped! Snapped! The door of the garde came out of the door, and a picture of the Qingfeng, blocked his path.

This short hair is the night!

"This ophthalmatic sports is like this, in the world, such as the player Moon, such as World of Warcraft, is called the fifth race because the Elf is completely a new level in his hand, than Ordinary four races, called the fifth race. "Night wind and high sound.

"So blizzard will continue to weaken the night elves, limit MOON's play! One person can be strong to change the rules of sports!"

"Amount ... Are you?" Tonghuang high school people certainly can't understand the night's wind, I don't know who this strange man is? "

"What do you want to do? Let's open!" Qingfeng's cold looked at night long wind.

"Qingfeng Dahui is? You haven't gone to the steps of the rules! It is still more mad than me?" The night is not expected to stare at Qingfeng.

The eyes of the two are in the air, the Mars is four!

391 chapter, the strongest match?

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