The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 470

"Who are you?" Tonghuang High School Captain Today, Ji Xiang came over.

"Honesty, night long wind!" Night long style.

I heard the name of the night, Qingfeng's brow, "You are the night growing in the green room?"

"Yes, I think you will come to me soon, not as good as I come to you first!" The night's voice is faint, "You have no miracle, there is no one can play, how are you? Well?"

Night wind is a little disappointed for the miracle, and now Huang Han is not his opponent, while the green dynasty is not a bit position.

The green dynasty is a pitcher, and the night grows is more powerful.

I haven't had a fight for a fight for a long time. Therefore, the night's wind has produced a strong interest in the best Qingfeng Dahui, which is called the miracle.

To a certain extent, the night long wind and Qingfeng Dahui are very similar, and the confrontation between the two people is expecting the night.

He must come to personally confirm the strength of Qingfeng, in fact, Qingfeng's brilliant and night-long wind are also an idea, but the movement of the night is faster.

Qingfeng's bright eyes are flashing, and there is no one a long time to challenge him for too long.

"Ni! This honest kid actually dares to pick yourself alone, he didn't eat wrong medicine?" Tong Huang looked at the night long as a dead.

"Probably, he doesn't know how terrible it is!" The people next to him attached.

"Sorry, night long classmates, our basketball is prohibited from private fighting, you still go back! We still have to train!" Tonghuang High School captain turned a way today, he didn't want the scene to lose control before the game.

"Today, you flashes, this is something between our two!" Qingfeng brilliant stared at night long, he instinctively felt that night long wind and all the waste he had from the previous one is completely Different, there is a peerless master's gas field.

The average person is not moving with the eyes of the murder who kills people, and the night's long wind, like nothing, it seems that he did not put himself in the eyes.

Today, Ji Xiang looks at Qingfeng's expression, knowing that he has already burned, no one can stop him.

"Let's take your right!" Today, Ji Xiang shook his head and walked away.

"In this case, I will play with you!" Qingfeng's voice was scared, and his expression was somewhat.

"Playing the ball, put this stinky face, wait for you to win, let's talk!" The night is laughing.

"You!" How can Qingfeng's rival, how can Qingfeng? "You will regret it!"

"I have no regrets in my dictionary, come!" The night's wind picked up the basketball on the ground, and the two found a half-footed half of no one.

"How to fight?" Qing Feng asked.

"Five goals, win!" Night wind slowly.

"Good!" This time, Qingfeng Daxie did not have nonsense, he was ready to let the night grow up today, Tonghuang High School.

Snapped! Snapped! The night long seems to be inadvertently moving basketball in front of Qingfeng.

Tonghuang High School's eyes gathered to two people, and the victory has not suspected in their hearts, but they want to know what extent to which night live wind can force you.

Hey ~ ▉ ~ ▉! !

Night long wind suddenly accelerated the speed of the ball, the basketball beats back and forth in his feet.

At this point, there is only a stadium, opponent, and basketball in your hands.

"Do you know how I have to pass by?" The night's long wind suddenly made Qingfeng's great fortune, then it was anger.

"I don't look at me," Qingfeng's big glow is slightly tight, and the anger laughs.

"This is the case!" The night's body is like a ghost, suddenly changing, the basketball has arrived on the right hand, his body is extremely conventional.

The waist is sudden, the basketball of the night is all dial forward, and then the body is twisted in an extremely awkward angle, then take the ball and takes the right foot, and then the left hand greeted.

Snapped! The basketball just arrived in the left hand, and the Qingfeng Dahui at this time has been cleaned by him.

The dazzling actions are completed between everyone, and even no one really looks at the movement of the night.

Even the Qingfeng Dahui in front of him is not, because the body that is hitting with a soft use of the body blocks the sight of Qingfeng's brilliance.

This ball looks like a night long wind, then throw the ball, then turn it, the ball is automatically flying back to him.

There is a magical general beauty miao.

"Nani! What is it?" Tonghuang high school, in their impression, Qingfeng, the first time, was so teaseed.

Qingfeng's brilliant face is gloomy, the body is like a lightning, a sliding step is chasing a night grow.

At this time, the night-catching winds directly jumped, jumping up in the air, continuously rising, holding basketball's hand rising speed!

"Drink!" Qingfeng brilliant jumped from the night long, and the right hand was reached out and wanted to cover up the night.

It is unfortunate that the night long-winding and Qingfeng Dahui, who did not expect it, stay almost a second in the air, and the night growth is still rising, Qingfeng is already beginning to fall, his right hand from the night The long wind is in the hands of the knife basketball is getting farther and farther!

"This is impossible, he is more high than Qingfeng, the lag is still long!" Tonghuang High School widened his eyes couldn't believe everything in front of me.

"It's a tightness than me. It is a ridiculous!" The night length finger moved slightly.

Basketball leaps from his fingertips, ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

······ Flowers ······

Night-hard winds have a super-shocking jumper with a super-shocking jump.


Snapped! The night's wind will throw the ball back to Qingfeng's brilliant, ridiculed: "How, I am eligible to be your opponent?"

Qingfeng Dabu has not been irritated by the night-catching words. Instead, the face is actually smiling, "Very good, very good, this is!"

Snapped! Snapped! Qingfeng's big brilliant shot basketball.

! Qingfeng Dahui suddenly turned down, basketball came to the left hand from the right hand, and then brushed from the night length of the wind like a wind, blowing at night!

"Well?" When the night's long wind turned, Qingfeng Dahui has been in his body, and the bow is flying away.

"When I used the speed, I have been with a speed." The night is slightly surprised.

Since coming to the world of basketball, there is no one can keep up, or even near the speed of the night, then Qingfeng Dahui is just a night, the night is over.

........ [... ▉. [▉]

This startup speed and explosive force are not changing.

The night's first time realized how fast his speed is so fast, because Qingfeng is as fast as yourself, but the first time actually does not respond!

~ ▉ ▉ ▉

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