The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 571 of the Chapter 571 of Wangzhao System, Prince of Tennis

The fast attack counterattack in Luohan high school.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Wow, come again?"


At this time, the black child appeared in front of him and blocked his pass.

For the black son, this passing is that it is familiar to unfamiliar, it is simply in the bone marrow.

"Prevent it!" I haven't waited for the first grade yield.


"Since there is, I will not pass the ball, or shoot it!"

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ . . . . ....

"Ni! Is this guy who can shoot it?" The fire god was shocked.

"The principle is so!" The first grade of Cheng is finally understood.

"You are right, the black child can prevent his sight to induce, but when you just practice, I noticed that the five basic skills of the Luoshan high school are particularly solid, the shooting is quite accurate, that is, ...... "The night is holding the chin." If you are one-on-one words with the Five, there is no chance to come. "

"how so!"

"What should I do, is it necessary to send a long wind to get on the game ..."


"Oh! In fact, I don't have any interest in any new type, because my hurricane is totally different, like you is impossible to win!" ..

The black scorpion is still the face, but it is just the eyes of the eyes and dead, and there is blue light in the eyes flashing.

"This guy ..." Tricks suddenly had a bad feeling, "Will I observe me?"

28 to 37!

The score on the field has been pulled to a bit number in Los Mountain!

"Sure enough, I lost the honesty of the night-length dragon, I am unresser, the combat power is greatly reduced. If I go, I am afraid that the situation will be quite unfavorable!"

"Yeah, the rotation time has already passed, why didn't you send a night Changjun? Is it hurt?" Tian Xiaotai is also very doubts.


At this time, I have always organized the rhythm of the redishi, who organized the team attack.

A sudden change has fallen to Yuejun, only the fire god in front of him.

"Don't want to go from me!"

The redishi has flashed a red light in the eyes of Ten Lang.

The fire god body also moved to the right of the Redishi.

At this time, the redishijou is actually a car, basketball returns to the right hand, continuous changes.

The fire god loses balance in this moment!

"Ni! Such a small space is actually a continuous breakthrough?" Honestly was shocked.

Night windmaked nodded, "Now I still look like some points, good technology!"

After the Boss's Bo Lang broke through, it was directly two steps, and the left hand was holding basketball!

"I haven't finished yet!" The fire god screamed, and he didn't look directly after jumping. The right hand tricks out, actually a slight 450 basketball.

Snapped! The basketball changed the trajectory in the air, and finally slammed out in the basket.


After the fire, the root Wu Vali picked up directly, grabbed the basketball into the basket before jumping.

"Wow ~ ▉ ▉ !"

"It's dangerous, the guy jumped too high, actually touched the shooting of the bishlet!" Luo Mountain High School made a breath.

"It's a pity!" Honest is also some regrets.

"I am evil!" The fire god was an angry patted basketball, "it is a little bit a little!"

The score gap is getting smaller and smaller, and the advantage of honesty is emerging.

"Not a wonderful, this, the advantage of honesty is no longer, if the Los Mountain high school is played, the front of the king is unblocking!" Qiang Tianhao second road.

"Hey! It seems that Hao Erun has completely become a honest fans!" Tian Xiaolan is too brave enough, "explain it to keep neutral!"

"Haha, Tai Yongjun is laughing, how can I ..." When Tian Hao was going to play Tai Yong 'to play Tai Chi', he suddenly saw the night-long style stations on the honesty.

"Come! Honesty king wants the king to return?" Qiang Tianhao called.

Snapped! The night is still sitting again, "Amount ... I just extended lazy waist!"

Chapter 474, desire to become strong

"Defense! Defense!" Honesty was shouting.

Basketball has reached the hand of Qiran, but at this time, it is also black scientific!

"What? Honesty changed the defensive strategy?" The high tail and one of the views on the stage were shocked.

Chi Sisheng is cold and looking at the black son in front of him, and the basketball in the hand is not jumping.

"Cut, is it the same ability?"

"It's great! Defense !!" Xiao Jinjing called.

"? Luo Mountain can't be smooth, it seems!" Now Ji Xiang said.

"How is it, there is a bishlet!" Qingfeng blindly muttered.

Snapped! Snapped! Redishi Qi Lang put the basketball after running the ball in the arm, then a breakthrough and a recycle.

When you are, the black son is swayed to the ground, the Redishi is a shot from the three-point line!

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