The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 572 of the Chapter 572 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

~ ▉ ▉ , the basket is rolling into white waves.

"It's three-pointer! 45 to 50! The score is only five points!" The audience began to excite, because the suspense of the game came back.

The second quarter has just been four minutes, and the leading advantage of sincerity up to more than 20 points, only five points left in just a short time, it is one or two rounds.

"A good ball!"

"Nice, captain!" Luo Mountain high school people gave up.

On the table.

"Ah ~ ▉ ~

"Yeah!" Today, Ji Xiang smiled, "How to forget that monster!"

At this time, the unexpected thing happened, and the coach of Luohan High School was the first application to pay.

When there is still two calendars behind Luohan High School, there is no pause, and in the high school of Luo Mountain, it will be a key moment, and the Lushan High School actually applies for a pause!

The audience was awkward, and there were still many screams, because the exciting game suddenly stopped suddenly.

The night-long style is holding the chin. If you think, "the other's coach seems to be very cautious. It is no wonder that Luo Mountain High School will receive a national championship for a few years. Don't be a steaming opportunity, you can't show a flawless flash? ¨! "

"I should admire your mind, or stupid!" The night was laughing.

Luo Mountain high school replacement.

Hand of towel, hands of towels, water delivery, Redishi, was greeted back by the stars.

"Is it necessary to suspend it if it is not too big?" Luo Mountain coach suddenly passed.

"No." On the game, I don't know what the other party is, I need to be cautious at this time! "

"Well!" Luoshan coach nodded, "Now the other party has completely abandoned you, that is, the other party completely handed the fate to your hit rate. But we can do not just a weapon!"

The Luohan coach said, and looked at the real ling of Ling, who was sitting next to him, the laser just smiled, did not speak.

Honest high school replacement.

Honesty Wuhu down, everyone is full of sweating, and the first section is relaxed and has a distinct contrast.

In particular, the black son of two rounds of retraining, the whole body is almost sweaty.

It is worthy of the king, and the pressure is really full.

In the first section, it was a lot of pressure in Luo Mountain, so everyone was very easy.

The hit rate is also high, and the defensive enthusiasm is also strong, but after waiting for the night, it is next.

The ball of the black son is limited, and the offense of the honesty is almost completely stagnant, but let the other party will compete to the limit.

Another defensive no crown five tiger will be more exaggerated in the solar well of Ye Mountain, and directly fall.

"Tujing, you are fine!" Xiao Jinjing quickly took the so well.

Pharao Lizi also took the ice bag and placed the forehead of the solar.

"Call ~ ▉ ▉ I have no role in this kind of player, no you, I am nothing! Even sudden variability is also playing not win Luoshan high school! "

"But ... I am still happy! It's really unwilling!" Tangjing cleared the double boxing. "I want to become stronger, can fight with everyone!"

Laughing in the night, smile, grabbing the neck of the solar, "You have already done very well, you have to change the efforts to never stop, as long as you do your best, you will be worthy! Miracle generation, they It's just tall! "

"When you are eager to become stronger, you will continue to be strong, everyone has a door, you only need to push it!" The night is growing, but it is shining in the eyes. .

"Changfeng!" Honestly looked at night long wind, it is true that the night is always the most hard work in honesty.

At this moment, the honesty talents understand the reason why the night is so strong, because he is eager to become stronger, like it is eager to breathe.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉, pause end, the game continues.

In the morning, Luo Mountain high school will hand in the basketball to the hands of the Redishi.

Snapped! Chiczi Qi Lo took the basketball in an instant, and he took a cover from the inner line and took the basketball.

And the day to defend his day is also a big call, and directly squeezed from the smashing of the smashed thousand!

"Is it hard to break through the cover?"

"Wow, what is going on, honesty is so angry so much!" There is a viewer on the desk.

"Look at this look, it is to start attacking!" Once and the day, Sakurai muttered muttered with each other.

"Yeah, Luo Mountain High School also planned to use tribial attacks, that is to say to become three-pointer, like us!" Today, Ji Xiang is nodded.

"Ah! I am really happy, I am super fire when I ended! I was completely suppressed by you, now!" Zhi Lingzu smiled and smiled in the day, "Looking at me ! "

"There is a kind of kind! I am looking forward to this day for a long time!" The day suddenly laughed, and the glasses flashed a white light, and his thoughts went to the country of China!

475 chapter, the battle of pitcher

The Times, the most embarrassing player, the most embarrassing player, is the famous superstar of NBA.

Ray Allen can be said to be the top shooter on this planet, his shooting posture too standard, so that it is called a textbook.

In the loud eyes, Ray Allen is also one of the most powerful pitcher. Maybe Dian peak Nash is the only player who can enter the 190 club, and the hit rate of Beisteron is also high.

But you have to admit that Ray Allen's shooting posture is relatively perfect, and he is also the number of people in the history of the NBA, like Nash, and the 96 golden generation of the sky superstar.

There are countless honors in life, and even in the eyes of many people, even the most great shooters in NBA history.

Of course, NBA's greatest shooters are Alanheston in the night-hearted heart, but Ray Allen is at least one of the greatest shooters in the night.

However, although the day is in Le Aren, but no matter how he contacts Ray Allen's shooting posture, watch the video is good, imitate, how to learn, and shoot the mid-range rate.

At this time, the day of the Sino-Dichard of the Sino-Times saw a person, which was one of the people who had no crown five tigers.

At the time, the day is just a replacement sitting, but the shot of the act of Ling, let him see the new direction.

On the day, Shuping also believes that the actual Ling is the best shooter at that time, no one.

In the heart of Shunping, the movement of the act of Lingjiang is full, and the difficulty is not high, very handsome.

After raining, looked at the basketball to draw a perfect arc in the air, the feeling of hollow.

And basketball with the ball Mo, wiped into the drunk goal, and shook the day at the time, and the best shooters in all-460-Japan!

The lens transfer is now on the court.

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