The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 589 of the Chapter 589 of the Herbs of Tennis Prince

"Ah! Unfortunately, it is almost to prevent it!" "Honesty sighed.

"Cut!" The night grew the wind to throw basketball back to the referee, "I actually forgot to interfere with the ball violations!"

Among the basketball game, basketball is playing on the basket and bounces, if it can't touch basketball in the cylinder of the entire space in the basket.

Whether it is the attacker or the defenders, as long as it is in the cylinder, even if you touch the ball!

"Call, it is also good to interfere with the ball!" Luo Mountain High School replaced a lot of breath.

"Say it back, the guy's bouncing is too high, just the ball is close to the rebound!"

"Yeah, our internal line does not have any opportunities at all!"


"Haha! Sorry, Xiaojin!" The night grew, haha, took the shoulders of Xiao Jinjing, "defending well!"

"Yes, haha!" Xiao Jinjing also smirked.

"Cut ~ ▉ Is the wild cat is also a beam cat! Actually, in the process of conversion between me, this neurore response is really fast!" Really linger, one cold, "" Honesty selected It's so delicious! "

Honesty is the seat.

"It's so powerful, Xiao Jinjing predecessors!" The first grade speech.

"But the ball is that the ball is a wild 530 or intuitive, or is it lucky?"

"No! That's not luck!" The day suddenly suddenly, "If you say that the Lingjiang did not make a fake action, it was one of the three shootings, while the small gold conditions were reflected in the words, maybe it is Luck. But I just had a shot between the shots, and Xiaojin has a very fast response to the false action! "

"what is that?"

"Speaking that Xiaojin himself has not realized that there is something or habit to make his intuitive change in the shooting basket!" The day is full of meditation.


The acceleration of the black child is reproduced, and the basketball is in the wind!

The fire will be turned around, and the right hand will raise basketball!

"Wink!" Renalu Valley Yongji embroisted, and the muscles hit a hit hard.

~ ▉ At this time, the fire god put the basketball with the rebound!

! The basketball rebounds back to the sky.

"Ni!" Renalu Valley was very shocked.

A golden figure falls from the sky, and the night cost has gripped the basketball. The hands of the hands are trying to show, and then instantly!

Dang! Hand powerful dunk!

Crunch, the basket was embraced by the night's greetings in the eyes of everyone!

Chapter 489, I want to play basketball!

"Danger!" There is a speaker on the scene!

The steel frame of the basket is broken directly, nor does it know that it is too long to have a long-lasting wind, or the quality is not good.

The rebound is directly smashed, and it will be supported by the night long!

"What are you doing? If you want to die, I can let go!" The night grew is said to Yongji, who fell on the ground.

"Oh!" Renalu Valley has returned to God, and quickly drilled out from the basket!

! The night is light, and the right hand is thrown one side, and the huge sound resounds the entire alley.

The whole game is quiet, all people rose the same idea in the heart, "Is this guy really people?"

Third, the night before the wind is still destroyed twice, this time it is directly to break the basket, the rebound also fell down.

The roaring hall of the explanation room is also stunned, I don't know what to say.

~ ▉ ~ ▉ Judging finally reacted, blowing the third official suspension of this game!

"The basket is damaged, the game is suspended for ten minutes!"

Not only is the Lushan High School, and everyone is straightforward.

On the day, I also shook my head and shook my head.

Every time, sincerity, everyone thought that the night-long wind will break the bottom line of their common sense again and again.

Ten minutes later, the staff of the scene changed its basket and basket!

Because this is the previous game, the organizer specializes in air from Germany to come over the latest hydraulic basketball stand.

This intended this time after the end of the competition, did not expect night-long wind to help them in advance.

This kind of hydraulic basketball stand is very advanced, and the installation is simple and fast, and the load-bearing ability is not a general iron ball frame, theoretically, can withstand the weight of ten tons.

This kind of load gravity, even if Shak O'Neill is buckled, there is no pressure.

Dudi ~ ▉ Joy to rub the sweat of the forehead, blowing the whistle started in the game.

"It should be no problem this time. ¨!" The referee wiped the sweat of wipedhead.

At this time, the score is 120 to 112!

The competition is very busy, but sincerity is still a lot of people, that is, a variety of past, Luo Mountain high school recovered two points.

Snapped! Basketball has come to Zhiling, his current look is unprecedented, because he knew that night long wind had already charged the momentum of Luohan high school.

If you can't make breakthroughs on the weaker little kimoto in the honesty, Luo Mountain is dangerous!

It is also the mortuary between the two, the downs between the two teams.

On the table.

"Honesty, the player seems to be a substitute player, the other party is no crown five tiger, it should be unable to stop? It is not so good to have a city!"


Really linger directly hugged basketball, held his head, "this time, you can't do anything!"

"Hey? Is there a three points without a fake action?" Okuncun was shocked.

"No, that is his second section, the shoot basket - void!" Ice room is also.

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