The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 590 of the Chapter 590 of the Super Short of the Tennis Prince

Zhulong suddenly jumped quickly.

"Have him, Xiao Jin!" Cheng Shujiu shouted.

Xiao Jinjing's thoughts fly to a year ago.

"Ha? You said that you have to go into the basketball?" The sister of Xiao Jinjing is shocked. "What should your tennis?"

"Tennis ... I gave up!" Xiao Jinjing relied.

Xiao Jinjing, sister, "You, give up how many things from Xiaoyao! Baseball is also given up, football is also giving up, swimming also gave up ..."

"So those things are not suitable for me!"

"I said that I didn't have a hard work in this world, I don't have a lot of exercise, you don't stick to it, how do you know that you can do it!"

"So, I will definitely stick this time, I am going out!" Xiao Jinjing turned.

"Hey ~ ▉ 2, I haven't finished it yet!"

In fact, Xiao Jinjing is indeed a three-minute heat from a small to big, and there is no special reason to join the basketball, just because it is very interesting to watch the friend's water houseball.

Xiao Jinjing did not think about it to play basketball, nor did you think about it.

Moreover, the basketball is under the leadership of Xiang Tian Lizi. It is a general, and even people will feel that he will refill it soon, create a new insistence time shortest record.

But later, Xiao Jinjing actually was inexplicably insisted, every day was a hard practice and continuous run.

Also because of the sincere high school basketball, there are very few people, and Xiao Jinjing also has many opportunities to play.

Of course, the most famous Little Jinjing of the beginner has committed a lot of low-level mistakes, so that he feels that he may or not suitable for basketball.

Just when Xiao Jinjing is going to give up, a friend's water house is trying to work hard, and the water takes the talents that Xiao Jinjing himself.

Later, Xiao Jinjing was cried as he gathered in Tokyo finals in Honest High School. Xiao Jinjing feels that this life has this unwillingness for the first time!

From that time, there was no idea to give up the basketball in the brain of Xiao Jinjing.

Until now Xiao Jinjing still does not understand that he can find his talent is also, but Xiao Jinjing still insists on it.

From a small to big, I have insisted for the first time for so long.

This year, honesty has happened a lot of things, black sons, fire gods, and the joining of the long wind, the whole honesty became extremely powerful.

Everyone is full of enthusiasm for basketball, playing in this team, Xiao Jinjing feels very happy.

Although not like a first grade, it is very fun to sit on the small gold well.

He wanted to go with everyone to finally, even he did not find that this obsession has been deep in his heart.

He did not find it, in fact, he is deeply in love with basketball!

"Small gold! Give him a powerful look!" Honesty, the silence of the silence suddenly broke, "I have two years of hard work, you love the basketball, and your talent, now show now Come out!"

"Ah, ah!" Xiao Jinjing smashed, actually jumped up, broke away from the so-called void shooting.

He jumped up!

"Ni!" The real contraction of the pupils, the small gold well hooded all his eyes!

Xiao Jinjing cautious two at this time, "I want to play basketball, until the end of life!"

Chapter 49, the end of the third quarter

"What! He actually jumped in the situation of the void shooting in Ling," Ye Mountain Xiao Tailang was shocked to say.

"Although I didn't touch the ball, I can't see the basket!" Root Wu Vali is also a big shock.

Snapped! Snapped! Basketball has turned a few laps on the basket!

"Enter !!" Luo Mountain High School cried.

"Don't enter !!" This is a honesty, the water house is also sweating in the forehead.

~ ▉ ▉ , very fortunately, fell into the basket.

"Enter it! It is evil!" Honestly sighed.

"But this ball is a lucky ball, and the real ▉ ▉

"No!" Xi Tian Li suddenly said, "May ..."

"This is my last chance, I seem to have missed a chance of chance, I may stop can't stop the empty !!" Xiao Jinjing is sweating.

"How can I stop can't stop! It is already very close!" The first grade new students hurriedly asked.

"Just now, the goal makes it a matter of two things, one is Xiaojin to break away from the void's stiffness!" Xiang Tian Lizi explained, "- 533 - Another thing is Xiao Jinjing The jumping capacity can't touch the shooting after you jump! That means that he only uses the sky! "

"The unfortunate one just now is really the last chance, but the height and bounce are too much, if Xiao Jin is tall ten centimeters, no! Five cents may be enough!" regret.

"Not what is the last!" Sitting next to the day suddenly spoke, "Koi Jin's blessings, I have found the way to crack the three shooting baskets! Coach, the fourth quarter, let me play Let's! "

beep! At this time, the referee blew the whistle of the end of the third quarter.

120 to 115! Honesty leading scores are reduced to five points!

There are five minutes to rest than usual, rest for five minutes! After all, it is a final, all aspects have to be regular.

On the table.

"Five points of differences, I really didn't think of honesty, I can lead to the third quarter!"

"However, the champion is still not good, after all, the redishi is still not playing!"

"Yeah! The last ten minutes is the key moment to divide the winning and negative!"

Honesty is the seat.

"Daily ... Do you want to be on?" Yuejun saw the day, smooth in the lace.

"Ah! Four fouls have the last ten minutes, I know the risk is very big, one will not pay attention to me! But as a pitcher, this time I have to defeat him - real ▉ !" Unparalleled.

"Sorry! Daily, because I am not enough ..." Xiao Jinjing voice did not fall.

I have interrupted him in Shuping, "What are you talking about, if I have no small gold, I have lost it!" I flash a golden light on Shunping glasses. "I will even learn the little gold." Guy! "

Xiao Jinjing gang, then the face turned into cartoon type, the mouth Ba became W-type, "Hey! Have it to you, please, day! To win him!"

Xiao Jinjing stretched out the right hand. Hold the box and the day.

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