The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 631 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

Muji has a smooth and stable and stable and stable basketball!

"Well, change it again?" Yu Sang fortunately, "I really put us as a sparring!"

"Come on! Mu Ji!" Xiao Yan Zhi Shen gravity, killing the wood, pulling the wood.

~ ▉ At this time, the black and the day will start the inner wireless running [plug] into!

"Come again, after playing back, the pass mode is the ball mode?" Xiao Hao Zhi was dispersed by the two people who were [plug].

~ ▉ a semi-turn, pick the ball into the basket with one hand.

If you take off rabbit, your footsteps are very fast!

The general center movement of the textbook, the long wind in the night is nodded!

526 chapter, white hot competition

"It's so powerful, Muji predecessors!" The first grade of the honesty laughed.

Honesty second grade life is laughing, they have seen a more powerful wood, and he has not resumed the full state.

"It's evil!" Xiao Yu Zhu Zhi took his own knees.

"Don't be interested, Xiao Yu! Anti-attack!" Sen Mountain was comforted by filial piety.

The core of the attack on the sea constant high school is still a Jan Song fortune. When the defensive, the night is not going to guard against the Shu Song, he wants to see the anti-yellow cool.

Now the voluntaries are not the opponents of Huang Hai, only the night is far from the wind.

And the black man is impossible to prevent Sangu Song, the defensive responsibility naturally fell to the head of the next day.

Days and Shu Song fortune!

Yan Sang lucky and cold look at the day, "" The first grade of the ghost is very hard, but the end is only one year, and the consciousness of our third grade cannot be better than! "

Shu Song fortunately, the man was blusted in the eyes, and the whole person turned to the left.

"Left? No! It is right!" The day, I just wanted to slion stepping to block Yue Song.

Shu Sang fortunate is already in front of the country, after making the basketball in his hand, started to break through the right side of the day!

"Nani! Have you can't catch up?" When the day, he went back to God, and Yan Song was a honesty.

Muji Tie Ping Gao Qiqi wants to stop the jumper from jumping from the air!

Shu Song fortunately, the body basketball will change from the right hand to the left hand, a very fast tie on the basket, swaying the defensive defensive of Muji, playing the basket!

32 to 34!

"Goodball! Senior!" The sea is often shouted in the high school.

"Your honesty wants to take us as a sparring, it is not so easy!" Yham Sang lucky turned to the day and flat.

On the day, the speed of Hao Song is a long progress than the summer league, in addition to the miracle of several people and night long winds, may be the fastest speed of Yha Song's luck.

"Nothing, the day, do you want me to help!" The night long laughed.

"Let's go!" Was so small that the man was so small that the day is also a bit angry. "How is the third grade, give it to me!"

Attacker and defensive, night long wind controls basketball to the half of Haimei high school.

As long as the night is always holding the ball, Hyordic High School is in focusing on the night.

Because no one can stop him, this is also a matter of one, and a team has a super superstar. It has great advantages.

Huang Yu is too instant to stop in front of the night, and the second section is very important. It can't be opened by honesty. This means that he must defend the night, you can't let him get.

I looked at the look of the look, I was too cold, and I laughed at night. "Do you think you can prevent me?"

On the small Hao Zhi, he blocked the night's wind, and then returned to the inner line and dead, he stared at Muji, he was afraid of the night of the night.

The night-long wind is ignored by Xiaoyao's disturbance. It is also casually to make basketball between the two [legs].

Snapped! Suddenly change the ball, the night long wind is in the right side of the right side.

Huang Yu is too slippery and attacked at night and also maintains a sudden change of the night long wind.

He has repeatedly watched the video recording of the night, and this time Huang Yu is too unrest, it is still before the night length.

Laughing at night, "Not bad, have progress!"

Snapped! The night-long wind right instantly turned back back, and the momentum hugged the basketball to shoot.

It seems like a night long wind has been used to change the rear side steps drying basket.

Huang Hai is too unsurmous, and the night's live wind does not jump at all.

"Worse! It was cheated again!" Huang Yu is too strong.

Night live winds directly from Huang Yu.

! Huang Yu is too much to dodge it is not anxious, and the two collided in the air.

The night is always windy, and then puts the basketball in slightly.

~ ▉ !

beep! Xiang Tian Li was blown out whistle, Huang Yu is too defrauded.

Two plus one!

"You still have a little tender!" The night grew tooled to Huang Hao cool.

"You!" Huang Yu is too lung to be blowing.

"Huang Wei! Cold and quiet!" Hao Sang lucky pressed Huang Yu cold shoulders.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ,,,,,,,

37 to 32! Night long winds will be extended to five points.

Yan Sang lucky and cold looking at night long wind, sighed, "Sure enough, it is fatal!"

"Counterattack!" Yu Song did a big drink, starting to move quickly after the ball!

On the day, I will follow the chance of Samsung, and I don't let him have a breakthrough.

Shu Song fortunately, the body of the body, the right hand of the driver, "Day, you can't stop me!"

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