The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 632 of Tennis Prince Chapter 632

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"I want to have to go!" The day, I bishped it, and the whole person tiger puff us.

Yushusi is fortunate to turn around, the movement is a lot, and the day will be in the day.

"It's too fast!" The day is flat, this speed is already a fight.

Hao Song fortunately broke through the day, in the face of the night-hearted wind, directly, it is directly dry and jumping!

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34 to 37!

"Running a jump shot?" The night was frowned, and it was originally thought that Huang Yu is too much to pay attention to it.

Didn't think of such a short time, Jan Song's fortune has not been in the same day.

Shu Song fortunately, he was very bold, and it was clear that a series of movements had greatly consumed his physical strength. He had to carefully choose a long-distance shooting in the face of the night long.

Because he knew that once flying into the air, it was the night of the night.

To say that in Hypet High School, who is practicing the most hard-working, that person is not Huang Yu cold, but their captain, Yushusi, fortune.

A guy who regards the team's life is a guy of his life. The failure of the summer league makes him a desperate desperate desperation of the champion.

This desire allows him to remind himself that he must become stronger.

Because the strong team of the country is too much, honesty high school, Luo Mountain high school, Tonghuang, etc., too much strong team, only by Huang Yu is too cold, must not work.

As the captain, he must pick up the whole sea constant high school, sharing the pressure of Huang Yu cold, creates a chance to compete with other team ace.

······ Flowers ······

To this end, Yoshun is fortunate to run every day and stick to 30 kilometers per day.

Everyday's marathon's training has created the speed of Yugong's luck now.

This is not his talent, but his efforts after his day!

"Can be evil!" The day, I wiped the sweat of the forehead. The eyes were ignited in the eyes. "I actually lost me twice, the long wind! Give me the ball!"

In honesty, in addition to the night grows and the volunteen, it is probably the highest in the day.

"OK!" The night grew blow did an OK gesture. He didn't hesitate. After passing the room, he passed the basketball to the next day!

On the day, I will ignore the Sen Mountain in front of you, and you raise your hand to the Sen Mountain, the disturbance of the filing is a front three-shot.

Snapped! Basketball bounces into the basket in the basket.

38 to 34!

Xiang Tian Lisi raised two fingers!

"Hey?" The day, he looked at the foot, it turned out to step on the line, a distance of a long distance.


Attacker and defensive conversion, the Hai Changzhong is also the attack of Yham Sang, defending him or the next day, two people.

On the day, I urged the whole body to put the whole body, and I was almost hanging on him.

"Can be evil!" Yham Song did not get rid of the day, but it was tighter by him.

At this time, it is a good choice, but the free throw is standing in the night, and there is no pressure between the vast wind and invisibly, so that he does not dare to do too much move.

I am afraid that I have been broken by the lifetime, after all, the first game was three consecutive times.

"Seniors!" Huang Yu cold is too sudden to appear in the right side of Yha Song!

Yan Song did a nodded, nodded, and picked the ball to Huang Yu cold.

Snapped! Huang Yu is too steady to catch the ball, the feet are open, and the cold looks in front of the face with a smile.

"Come, the contest between the two teams!" The eyes of everyone inside and outside the course gathered to the two people.

"Although it is just helped here, it is too unhappy, but please, Huang Wei! Beat him!" Yu Sang fell.

Huang Hai cool too much feeling the powerful momentum of the night, "this guy ... just just play?"

"Whether it is!" Huang Yu is too instant to accelerate, and the left hand is dead to stand the night, the right hand is the ball.

In fact, this action is strictly fouled. It is just a fierce competition. This kind of foul referee will generally not pay attention to it. The Xi Tian Lizi will not blow.

bass! Huang Yu is too big to break through one step in the free throw line, and it is directly jumping, and the golden light is four shots.

Night live wind is also jumping directly, and the right hand has been shocked to cover Huang Yu cold.

Huang Hao is too long, and the whole person is almost flat in the air, and it is a super-standing basket of Qingfeng's brilliant.

"Is it a perfect imitation?" The night grew away, and the whole person actually suddenly pulled a higher in the air. "It is too slow than Qingfeng, you are too slow!"


Hyordic high school people stayed directly, "this strength and bounce too ... metamorphosis!"

527 chapter, unbearable

"This bastard!" Huang Hai is too low, "predecessors! Let me give me the next ball!"

"Ah!" Yu Sang lucky also nodded.

"It's true, the trump card said, how can I refuse!" Yu Song fortune men's jersey wiped the sweat of the head. He didn't want to make Huang Wei and night long wind.

But the situation on the court is turning around, and the plan will never change.

"Next time I must rest assured the basket!" Huang Yu looked too much, the whole person's momentum has changed.

"There is a matter of this!" The night was long, and it didn't matter if it didn't matter.

Because it is the bottom line, the ball is still attributed to the sea.

After Han Sang, after half a game, he didn't hesitate to pass the basketball to Huang Yu cold near the three-line line.

Everyone spread, and made two people made a space.

Night-catching wind and Huang Hao cool too much attention in the air, Mars is splash!

The crowd was in place between the mountains, and the birds sound should be ignorant, and this is one of them.

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