The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 633 of the Chapter 633 of Wangzhao System

"It's a definiteness, the surrounding air is like a solidity, a terrible tension!" The day is sweaty on the forehead, "the top masters between the top masters, the winning and negative is between it!"

At this time, Huang Hao is too big, and the whole person is started, and no fake action is directly broken by speed to the right side of the night!

! The night long wind slip is blocked, it is the shirt cover of the boyfriend!

~ ▉ At this time, Huang Hao is too directly to pick up basketball, with both hands, and there is only this moment.

"Too true!" The night grew away, from the ground, then the body directly came up.

"Nani! How is this possible?" The foreign people in the sea are still watching.

When the night grows, jump is actually jumping to the front half of the half-meter, and then it is first, and the basketball of Huang Yu is too shining directly.

Not a fan, but directly with one hand!

"What is this bike!" Huang Yu is too sharp to shrink.

"It's incredible, actually from the air, I took my cover and took Huang Wei's shoot basket!" The early riper is also rising, and the mouth is getting closer.

"Good ball, long wind!" The day is flat.

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉ , you better not to mess with you. Don't say that I have not remind you!" The night long wind turned cold and cold against the excellent ceremony.

It is clear that individuals are single, suddenly blocked, and the night is still a little small.

If it is not the quality of the night, the body is very hard, and directly toned directly. This ball is directly flying directly, and then by the other party to make a hitting pen.

Snapped! Snapped! After picking down the basketball, the night is shocked by the ball to smooth the day, and he is open.

Sehang High School is naturally fast back, honesty restores the speed of lightning.

Snapped! When the night is long, it is already in the three-line lines of the sea constant high school.

Originally, he should pass to Muji, according to the tactic, but the night is not at this time, Huang Hao is too hitting him, although it fails, but the night grows must also be one.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! The right hand of the night long wind is reduced, and the whole person is almost in the ground, and the posture is like a cheetaa that is about to start.

~ The rumor sounds in the ears of Huang Hai, and the night is started instantly. It is like the radiometric stone to pass by Huang Yu.

Huang Yu is too big to surprise the speed of the whole body, and desperately want to block the night's wind.

At this time, the night long's body suddenly took a meal, pick up the basketball, and then back from the left hand from the back to the right hand.

bass! Night wind is originally a broken breakthrough is actually changed to the right through a lightweight change.

The Huang Hanliang that has been started too much wants to change to it. It is not anxious, and it is directly outside the court.

Snapped! After changing the game, the wind is in the right hand, raised the basketball, on a back basket, play the board into the basket!

40 to 34!

The whole series of movements are easily written, and this elegant and clear feeling of peace, the openness of the night, has a clear contrast.

Visual impact is still quite big!

At least a few seconds, standing outside the scene for a few seconds, no speed or strength is crushing him, but use skill to deceive Huang Yu ...

It seems that it is not a series of competitions, the battle of the ace, the night grows in the absolute upper!

The inner line of Muji iron is also stunned. The night grows to give him a surprise. The center technology does not say, the super physical quality is also calculated, Nima, the guard skill is also so smooth, like Thousands of hammerines are generally used.

"What else does it can't do?" This is a question that rises in every person in the field.

"Can be evil!" Huang Yu is too late to come, the fire in the eyes has not been extinguished, "I can continue to play, I'm ending in this state! Only this guy, I will never want to lose !! "

At this time, the fat trainer of the sea constant high school has been spoken. It is actually proposed to change people. If you have to change the cold.

"Ha? Etc!" Huang Yu cold is too doubtful, "Why do you want to change me at this time, coach! If now go ..."

"Huang Wei!" Yu Song's lucky appeared behind his shoulders behind Huang Hao, "Don't ask why it is done by the instructor."

"Wait! How to even say this, you know, I can't go down now!" Huang Yu cool turned to the head and hurriedly, "If the physical strength is no problem, you have seen it for so long!"

"Want to go?" The night grew away. He has long seen that the two rounds of 1.2 Huang Haowei just did not play the strength.

"Don't be installed, the boy! Your leg has been hurt!" Yu Sheng lucky men's cold channel.

In fact, Huang Yu is too open to use perfect imitation, and the pressure on his leg is quite large.

And he can't stand the provocation of the night's wind. When the legs are not recovered at all, it is forcibly and the night cost, and the current legs are not overwhelmed.

It is obvious that the two rounds just now, Huang Hao is too completely dead and the night cost-effective.

The result is of course imisceptable.

"Arles, was found!" Huang Yu is too unwilling, "But this little hurt, I am not worth mentioning for me Huang Hanyi! Please let me ..."

PS: A little bit, the update is late, sorry.

528 chapter, nature

"It's enough! Huang Wei!" Yu Song fortunately, "" Now the current situation is you have lost! "


"I know that you are in the first time, people who want to beat them are at night, but you are desperately exercises and a very special, now your double [leg] is overwhelmed! This kind of you, still Is there any qualification to stand on the court? "Hao Sanglun is fortunate.

The head of Huang Han is too cold, and there is no way to bite his teeth. It is only turned to open, "it is evil!"

Hai Changzhong has changed the cold and changed the nine players.

" , you are so embarrassed, is it too blow to people!" Sen Mountain said by filing.

Shu Sang lucky turned his head. "Don't say that this child will not go, although it is just an exercise match, but the kid will be back. Before this, if Huang Wei, we will be opened. Even if Huang Yu is on the court, it is no more than things! "

"Just let the honesty see the strength of our predecessors in the Hualong high school!" Yha Song was ignited 31 firefights in his eyes.

"Oh!" The expression of everyone on the Hai Chang high school has changed, and the momentum of the entire team is completely different from the first quarter.

A exercise competition is a race that is going to be desperate.

"Do you want to die?" The day is full of face, "Since they all go all right, we also have a little strength!"

"Of course! It's a good opportunity to exercise tactics now!" The night is migraine, and it is too cold, "He will play!"

After the three-point hit of Yugu Lou, a gambling three-pointer, the sea constant high school has been divided into 37 to 40, only three points!

Attack and defensive conversion, honesty high school is still a night long control ball!

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