The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 699 of the Chapter 699 of the Prince of Tennis

~ ▉ ▉ † † !!!

90 to 77!

"Oh! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Guaixian Hao Erba fat big face was excited to tremble, quite funny, 1,36 seconds, do you joking? "

The audience is also boiling again, this moment everyone has become a fan of night.

Most of the scenes have seen the various super-difficult dunk movements of the long-term winds of the world, and in the few ten seconds, the night-catching winds will show his invincible score capabilities []!

"Let's take someone to stop him!" Qian Tian Hao two gowsses cry, "My little heart is already can't stand it!"

And the people of the Emperor High School have just seen a hopes hope that once again, it is averaged, and everyone is at the same time, "Is this monster not to overcome?"

There are still more than ten seconds in the competition, and Huang Yu is too directly to the Redishi.

There is no time, and the redishi is directly drunk.

In the face of Yi Yuejun's defense, it is directly drunk three-point spheroid, and the speed of the decassi is quite fast. Yuejun's eyes will not react at all.

~ ▉ ▉

740 night long wind is now in the burning state, the quality of all aspects has been greatly improved, and the people who are imagined in the high school in the emperor are terrible!

"Cover the hat! He breaks the ball! He took the ball!" Guaixian Hao booled.

With the roaring roar of Tian Hao, the speed of the night is getting faster and faster.

Time is also running speed.

Five seconds!

Four seconds!

Three seconds!

Two seconds ... Night long wind, look at it, there is no time, just crossing the middle line is directly jumping.

Everyone in the emperor high school is still chasing, and the night grows is already invested in basketball.

A ultra-high radiator is a shooting!

The audience at the scene is not from the autonomous standing, and the eyes are put on the air rolled basketball.

At this time, the time on the basket is already getting zero, the red light is on!

Snapped! A crisp sound, after the basketball played, bounced into the basket!

93 to 77!

Ultra-distance slap three-pointer!

Sixty seconds, a person who is extremely horrible with the night is a strong score of 16 points!

PS: The first monarch is full, some book friends did not add, sorry! Please add two monarch: 425245510. Pulling it a night, add morning, it will be dehydrated. Hey……

Chapter 588, half ahead

Honesty leading advantages After the end of the half, the expansion of the unimaginable sixteen points.

All kinds of brick houses in the game, the least honesty in Honest, the middle school, will be suppressed by the high school of the emperor, but now it is hopped.

Night long winds a three-point ball for five sneakers, and the days in the medical room will be blindled, and they can't hang it again.

The audience standing in the audience is full of hands, and the ceiling of the whole course seems to be overturned.

In the case of the miracle of five people in the miracle, they were in the case of honesty and high schools, they were a more than 90 points, called the miracle.

The night cost stopped on the court, sweeping a bit of a slogan miracle, with a ridicule.

He lifted his hands and surround the audience, like it has been a championship.

Muji Tieping, Yi Yuejun and others rushed up, excited, hugging the night, even the black child with face, is also an intersection.

It's all rushed over, and I directly pressed the night, and the stacked wall.

Until the referee, he blocked it, and the people who were honestly scattered.

The night of the Mioguang high school is the dead, the camera is still very bad, giving a long lens, showing everyone of the high school in the audience in front of the audience.

"OH! NO! Did the Emperor's high school in the world of innocence have lost their fighting spirit?" Sitting in the explanatory room, the front of the hall frowned, he didn't want to see the game.

He is going to be the same as the last almost perfect summer league final, and finally divide the winning and exciting game.

"Sino-Village guidance, please sum up the game of the two teams in the first half, and then forecast the next half of the two teams!" Qian Tianhao finally remembered the middle village sitting next to the village.

"Cough!" Zhongcun Handsome Cough and Two Sounds, "The two teams in the first game can be said to be an enemy, but the second game, the champion honesty high school suddenly succumb, and the opponent is three-pointers, and finally by sincere "The fidelity night long winds set off a attack frenzy. ¨!"

"This attack is a terrible, and the first half of the first half is unfavorable! But the competition has not ended yet, no one can predict the results! Dangdang high school players should not give up!" Zhongcun Jun auxiliary Each analyze.

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉ .

Honesty high school locker room.

The day has returned to the locker room, it seems that there is no big problem, but I want to go to the field, it is almost unlikely.

Snapped! On the day, I took the shoulder of the lower night, "I have a good, long wind!"

"Haha!" The night is very happy, "I haven't used it all!"

On the day, I will fight, I have no strength to fight against the opponent, I haven't worked hard. Long wind this boy, still so mad!

Snapped! Snapped! Xiang Tian Lizi took the clapping, gathered the honesty gathered together, "the first half competition, we have a good performance, continue to keep, take a champion!"

"Oh!" Honesty is now a big momentum.

"First grade, hurry to give the main player to the main player!" Xiang Tian Lizi urgently.

"Yes!" The first grade of everyone should take the way, and then began to restore physical fitness on the field.

The night-length wind swept a honesty, all of them were sweating.

Although the summer is in the summer, sincerity is already as much as possible, but the face is the five people who have a miracle of the miracle.

In addition to the lifting of the night, after the blood is burned, the physical strength is restored, and it is resurrected in place.

Others are actually very tired, especially the internal line of fire gods, I and Muji, one to see the anti-Zimei Town, one look at anti-Qingfeng's brilliant, this physical energy consumption is quite huge.

Call ~ ▉ ~ After a few people are excited, the physical fatigue response begins to breathe.

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