The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 700

Especially the wood, the body is hurt, and the injured legs are somewhat swollen. After seeing the Libraria, they directly personally help them.

On the side, I still cry.

"It's really sorry, iron, now you need you, I can't change you!" Xiang Nai Li sow.

"Cry what to cry! You should be happy for Muji, if he is replaced, I believe he will regret it for a lifetime!" Night wind slowly.

"Changfeng!" Muji-Tie Ping did not think that night costume can also experience his present feelings.

Like the day, this is likely to be among them, the most shining day, how can it give up!

Emperor's high school loving room.

Sangcho-machi is still called, he is a very strong person who controls Yu, and the development of the game is out of control.

And he actually was given back to the locker room by his own players, which made him not angry!

"Shut up!" Chi Si Ziro's mamidity is a murderous murderous, "At the beginning, you said that there is a way to defeat the night's wind, we will reunite together! It turns out that your tactics have no effect!"

"You!" Sangcho-machi Long History was can't say.

Indeed his little ball, it is only a bit effect, it will become invalid after the night length breaks.

Mikachi Long History has never solved this point of night.

"We haven't lost yet, you are really disgusting when you are in a pole!" Ziyuan Tower turned against the replacement of everyone.

"The state of the night, I have seen in the game, you should consume a lot of physical strength, and the next half is our chance!" Achiced Ten Lang.

"Said so much nonsense, one word, it is to win!" Qingfeng's brilliant cold road, his mouth is actually a slight fighter, some excited.

The miracle's generation of generations also wishes at the same time, and the atmosphere in the locker room is quite strange. Nowadays, the temperature of Jixiang feels that the temperature around it seems to drop a few degrees.

"I almost forgot, these guys are also a one-class monster. If the collective broke out ..." Today, Ji Xiang pushed the glasses on the rigid, "failed to pull the game back!"

In fact, the last half of the competition, the miracle can be said to be a single pick, they are used to the model of singing alone, and they have not erupted.

Once the five people in the world of the miracles broke out, no one knows what the next game will happen.

Among the surprising eyes of the high school in Dangang, the miracle of the generation of generations will overlap together, and they have nodded at the same time, and the momentum is complete!

beep! The midfielder fifteen minutes of rest ended, and the voice of the referee was introduced.

The most crucial next half competition in the national contest is officially started!

Chapter 589, the counterattack of the light

The two team players appeared in turn, and the cheers in the scene sounded again.

In addition to sitting on the day, since the high school, this is still the first player, plus a black child.

And the high school of Danguang is also a miracle of five people, and the night grows very obviously feels completely different.

"Do you want to die?" Night long-lasting horns slightly, "I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

bass! The referee whistle will throw the basketball high height in the air, and the two people in the Purple Town and the fire gods simultaneously jumped to the basketball.

! This time, Ziyuan Tun did not give any opportunities for the volunteers, and took the basketball to the next red divits.

The red electric light flashed in the eyes of the redishi, and it turned out to open the strength of the ZONE.

! A loud noise, the redishi is a step forward, and the basketball is directly thrown out.

boom! Basketball is in the air into a red light column, and the basket of high school is high school.

too fast! This pass is more fast than the super super super-accelerated ball!

! It is also a loud noise, just in the purple electricity of the purple electricity in the purple of the mid-line, the whole person appears in the three seconds of Honest High School.

! Muji-Tie is also jumping with Ziyuan to grab it. The result is directly hit by Ziyuan Tun, and the purple Tower turns, raises the basketball in his hands, wants to come to a gorilla dunk!

This buckle can be as small, this is the giant dunk in Ziha Tower in Zone mode!

At this time, a golden figure flashed, and the night-long wind turned back to his own half, and there was a free throw and jumped directly.

! The night-hearted hand puts on the basketball you want to dedup in the purple in Purple, simply in the first half of the domineering cover.

"It's evil! It's this guy!" Asahuna opened Zone, the power increased, and it is still not a loyal opponent.

This time, Ziyuan Tun did not choose hard, because he knew that he would be more than a slag that would be crushed.

~ ▉ Night wind does not think of it is a very violent purple Purlah Town actually recovered the basketball back your chest and then the small shot!

Snapped! The basketball played on the rebound, played back to the basket, and finally turned over to the basket in the end of the basket.

79 to 93!

In the next half of the emperor high school, I used a aerial force to put a shooting twice.

Honesty other players have already paid in several people who are not in the high school of God, because they all open Zone!

That's right now, the generation of Miyu High School is a full member of the whole member!

This is not the pseudonym zone, but the power of each of them himself, but the body potential.

The night is looking at the purple Town, which is directly turned back to prevent any trash, wrinkled frown.

The game has become a scene of the night, with a variety of five, but this game is more serious.

Snapped! Yi Yuejun has just transported basketball in half, and wants to hand over Muji iron, the iron, the red mats, the red glory, is the eyes of the Emperor!

And at this time, the Redishi is in the Z▉▉ state, and the speed is improved is not a star half.

Snapped! Snapped! After the bisquangee, after the break of the ball, the monk of the miracle of the emperor high school is fast.

Qingfeng Dahui, Huang Yu is too cold, there is also a bishler, three-line fast!

Everyone is a different color light, the speed is fast, and the audience at the scene can only see their remaining shadows.

Night wind is standing near the honest free throw, others are still coming back at the high school in Dizhen, even if they come back, now they can't keep up with the miracle.

Snapped! Snapped! Basketball passed back and forth between the three hands, and could not see the basketball (DBBC) figure, only to see the electric light.

The night length of the eye is picking, the blood in the burning is already at the end of the half [fading], that is, the night length is still not open.

Night wind does not plan to open the door of Zone, because he wants to try the limit of his ordinary state.

~ ▉! The audience on the scene exclaimed. "What is it?"

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