The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 701 of the Chapter 701 of the Prince of Tennis

The stadium actually appeared three nights of long wind, respectively on the route of the three generations of the miracle.

"My God, what do you want to do? Do you want a person who relies on three people who open Zone mode?" Duoguang high school tapestry is now thrown down.

Let the audience have never thought that the scenes after the scene, the three generations of the miracle saw the lifetime of the night, slightly.

"Even if you have a strong, you can't keep us three!" Huang Yu is too big, the body is also chemical into two, one left one right.

The same is true of Qingfeng Dahui and Redishi, that is, there are six remaining shadows on the field, and the three-way shadow of the night grows is not enough.

Snapped! In the end, the six-faced shadows broke through the defense of the night, and finally became a miracle of generations, basketball in Huang Yuzhi.

Huang Hai is too hesitant. After moving directly into the free throw, it is three steps on the basket, and the movements are rapid, because he knows that as long as it is slightly slow, the night grows quickly back!

At that time, Huang Hai was too unidentified. Even after he opened Zone, it used the perfect model speed that he had reached his personal [] peak.

However, he reached out the moment of the right hand to raise the basketball, the night lengthy wind actually appeared in front of him, the arms opened, such as falsen prey.

Snapped! Huang Yu is finally chosen to pass the ball. As a miracle, they have given up their own dignity.

Two hits a good, three, even if it is five hits, only one thought in their hearts, that is the win!

After Qingfeng's brilliance, the body flew directly, flying a basket.

Night long winds to reverse the body in the air, and want to block Qingfeng.

"Okay! This guy's body is constructed, the movement of the air is too big to go!" Qingfeng is not awkward.

bass! Qingfeng Dahui did not shoot, but flying directly to the rebound, avoiding the night's wind, that is, flying out.

Then look at the back of the basketball on the height of the basketball!

It is the unsettled shoot basket of Qingfeng, and the basketball is finally around the rebound, and it has fallen into the basket!

79 to 93!

Emperor Gang High School attacked two consecutive attacks, and there were fewer patches, their counterattacks!

590 chapter, recover the score!

"The magical ball, actually from the back of the rebound! I can't believe my eyes!" The Queen Hao 2 in the explanation room began to roar. "It seems that the counterattack of the high school in the emperor is finally coming?"


"I can evil!" The fire god took a basketball. After his physical strength, after opening ZONE, it consumed a lot, plus the constant confrontation and Qingfeng Dahui confrontation, and the fire god found his own double [leg]. Don't move, let alone Qingfeng Dahui after the opening of the hang!

Attack and defense, honest attack!

This time, the night-length wind passed the basketball. I saw that some of the other few people in Cheng Esheng were killed, and the black son was also perfectly imitated Huang Wei, I was too dead.

At this time, it is the only generation of Qingfeng, a miracle of Qingfeng, the only one who once close the night.

Snapped! The night is continuous, and then it is connected to the Qingfeng, and the speed of Qingfeng Dahui is already the limit of the basketball career. Under the weight of the night, his body Opening out the potential hidden in the body!

Night live wind is also slightly surprised. At this time, the speed of Qingfeng is more fast than him, and the defensive distance is very good, it is not easy to shoot, and the night is not a great opportunity!

"Nice defense, but you think that this strength can prevent me. I am really too real!" The night is cold and cold, and then directly forces to enter the inner line.

! It is also the sound of the muscle collision. Maybe Qingfeng Dahui in ZONE is now fast than the speed of the night, but the strength is still a lot, almost a moment is hit.

Snapped! At this time, the night-catching wind turned the ball, change the basketball to the left hand, and then lightning back to one pull, the footsteps under the feet are general.

It is the footsteps that night long has not made out, and the back is single.

After the top of Qingfeng, the night-long wind was leaped back, and the body naturally looked up, basketball was also projected!

A series of movements have been made up, and the Qingfeng Dahui neural response is already fast enough, but there is still no sight of the night's wind.

~ ▉ !

At this time, a purple figure rushed to the sky, it was Ziyuan Tower!

It is almost blocked the sky, almost blooming in the right hand!

"Good high!" There was a ball in the table and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Night wind did not think that the purple incense suddenly appeared in this position, and his heart was bad.

Snapped! The fingertips of Purple Town actually be enough to jump in the high-altitude night, change the basketball to the air in the air.

"The rebound!" Chi Si Ziro turned to the head and rushed to Huang Yu.

The Huang Hanliang of the basket is also jumped directly, and the rebound will be accepted!

At this time, the whistle of the referee sounded, "Di Guang high school players interfered with fouls, two points of goals are effective!"

95 to 81!

"The audience of" ~ ▉ Scene is exciting, all feel sorry for this ball of Ziyuan Tower, just a little bit.

On the big screen hanging from the scene, everyone can see a moment of Basketball drops in Puriza to the basketball, it is indeed an interference ball!

The night is frowned, and I looked at the miracle of generations.

Sure enough, the momentum is completely different, and the night grows, even if a person is strong, it is impossible to pick one on the next half, unless ...

It is still not planning to use that skill. ≮ Alternative:, ≯ Now there is more than ten points after all, don't worry too much.

When the night is falling back, standing to the position of the organizational defender, now he must activate other players in Honest and High School.

The offensive of the high school in the emperor is still the speed of wind and electricity.

The miracle of generations have passed the basketball between several people, and basketball is also turned into a golden light in five people.

The high school in Dizhen has never cooperated such a tacit understanding, and the five ignorant players really integrate together.

bass! Basketball suddenly appeared in the green dynasty of the ground line three-point line, the second game, he as the only shooter in the high school in the Emperor, actually defeated the day and night.

This makes the appearance of the appearance, but he is born [arrogant], he ignited the fighting spirit that he never had, "I lost it, I must come back!"

The green dynasty is thinking about it, and when the jump has not reached the highest point, the basketball is directly done.

Too fast, defending his Yuejun even can't even push in front of the green, basketball is already hollow.

The three-pointer in the green come again!

84 to 95! Depressed a game of Danguang high school respondents finally succeeded, started to cheer, and the hope of winning!

This is also a miraculous generation of these old fans for the first time, the five people played by the Emperor High School, the role of the chasing, and the tacit understanding of the five people can explode, no one knows!

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