The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 702 of the Chapter 702 of the Prince of Tennis

"Ball!" Night live wind directly reached out, Yuejun sent basketball to night long.

At this time, you can't let the miracle of generations, or if you don't have any words.

Snapped! Snapped! Night long wind speed drums have passed half a game.

~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ .

At this time, the eyes of the two are electricity flow, and the light of the light looks more active than any time.

"You are not forgot!" I will pass the ball! "The night long-term winds whispered the body is starting to start, Huang Yaoliang Taishi and Qingfeng Dahui two people die to stand the night, do not let him force.

However, all of the lives were thought that the power of the two people in Huang Hanmai and Qingfeng's brilliance can block the monster of the night, and the two actually started a step back.

The forehead is also a blue-daring, it is not until you can't resist it, and the night is directly forced!

"My God! How big is his power!" The Queen Hao in the explanation room was in a sluggish.

At this time, the inner line of Purple Town is also directly opened his defensive people, and directly to Qingfeng's big brilliance and Huang Haiwei two, exhausted.

!! The sound of the muscle collision of the two people in front of the front, there is no megaphone, and the collisions are splashing between Mars.

Night wind is like a big hammer, suddenly hammering the three people of the world!

I hit two times, and the night's wind finally felt the resistance. The three people who had a miracle landed in the event of the night. They did not let him go back to the basket.

....... ... [.. [..

At this time, when everyone's attention is on the night of the night, the night is actually a shot of the ball, which has passed the gap under the three people in front of the basket!

Snapped! Muji is stable in the basket, caught the ball of the night, or the passing of the ball with a slightly spin, pick up and comfortable to attack directly.

Dang! This time, Muji-Idi is no longer wasting, it is directly a single-handed dunk to put basketball into the basket!


"Ox!" Ziyuan Tower hit the basketball in the fall.

"Calm! Purple Yuan!" Redshi Ziro shouted, and his Yu Guang has already seen the frontal green dynasty.

boom! The redishi is directly passing the ball, and the basketball is like a shell, and the scene is generally brushed, and then accurately hit the chest of the green.

The green chest is painful, and the red boss is a long pass in order to not be honest. It has been very powerful, and the chest hitting in the green is naturally painful!

And the green is already can't take care. His current task is to grab, and there is still a distance from the high school triplet. There is a long distance from the middle of the high school, and the green is filled with this ultra-distance shooting.

Even if the night grows, it is not possible to react again, and Yuejun, which defensive, is still in the middle of the emperor.

! I remembered the fascinating network sound on the court.

87 to 97!

The Green Dieng's three-pointers have finally pulled the division to the distance!

"Ah!" There is a rare bridister, venting his own anger.

"Pretty! Green!" The replacement of the high school in Dizhen is finally alive, and constantly waving white towels.

The situation of the competition seems to be reversed quietly!

591 chapter, Zone big outbreak

"It's coming, the three-pointers of the high school in Dizhao! Di Guang high school finally blown the horn of the counterattack!" The situation of the competition is developing towards the two hopes hoped by Qiang Tianhao, so the front field seems to be excited.


"Do you want to fight against the battle? I will satisfy you!" Night and cold.

Attack and defense, the attack of Honest High School! !

Snapped! Snapped! It is still a night-catching ball, and it has passed half a game.

This time, the night's live wind did not choose to attack the attack but the right hand, the left hand gave a goddess.

"Do you want to pick up your cooperation?" Redishi Qi Lang will focus on both.

The fire god immediately put it, giving a noble cover for the night, honesty high school, made a long time have not used the shutdown attack, which represents the honesty high school leading to the night, I have to start fighting!

Unfortunately, now Qingfeng Dahui is in the state of Zone. The fire god does not stop Qingfeng, just hinder the defense of Qingfeng's brilliant, and he has been forced to override over the night.

Of course, the core of the offense is not that I can really block all the defenders, but pull open an empty order!

Snapped! During the ball, the night's long wind suddenly came out of the earth, this ball is too perfectly imitated, the eyes of the earth can not see, because the movement of the night grows is at the same time, it is very casual, it is not What law can be followed!

The fast shot of the night is rolling forward, leading the fast!

Vulcan suddenly felt that he found a breakthrough direction, the original tired body also began to recover, from the bottom of the heart!

Just like the night length of the wind has opened a radio ring.

! The fire god grabbed the basketball in the hands before the purple Town, and then actually jumped directly, without any hesitated basketball!

"Ah!" The fire god smeared, and suddenly shot red electric light, it is Zone!

The volunteen actually entered the Zone state, and it seems like a deeper zone!

"Give me!" The purioshan Town in the three seconds of the Emperor Guangzhong line, jumped directly, and it is more jumped than the night's leading wind!

Hold your hands, almost everything in the eyes is covered.

However, the fire gods simply ignored the purple incense in front of the Purple, continued to be mad, and the right hand was launched, and the basketball was back in the brain, turned into a flying anti-bow!

"Ah ~ ▉ ~" The two people screamed in the air, and the shining rays were burst in that moment.

Dang! A loud noise is echoating over the energy altals, and now the audience is stunned.

The Qianjian Hao in the explanation room is also an almost falling down.

"It's too incredible! The first half of the volleyball, I am actually a threshold of Zijun, the Purple Shan Dynasty, and the honest people are monsters?" Qiang Tianhao was shocked.

The audience exploded in an instant!

Fast two competitions, the two teams are used to win!

And like the fire god, the bloody dunk finally appeared again!

"Dry good, the fire!" The honest substitute is also a jubilant.

The ice room on the stage also nodded, "Big me, you have broken yourself! Let the miracle look at your strength!"

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