The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 705 of the Chapter 705 of Tennis Prince

Exhausted to prevent Redishfrie, basically hanging on the bishlet of Qiri, Yuejun didn't want to give honesty, now the blackman also opened Zone, which means that the weakest point in the honesty is it. month!

Snapped! Snapped! Redishi is a continuous knew that the basketball is running back and forth between his left and right hands.

Suddenly, Chi Si Ziri took a basketball, and then the body broke through the right side of Yuejun. Yuejun was shocked. The body was not refunded by the back, and the condition reflected in the right to block the footsteps.

At this time, the redishijou will take the footsteps to the footsteps back, and the highness of the basketball ball in the hand is reduced. Then change to the left, and it breaks through Yi Yuejun half a body.

"I want to go!" Yuejun intends to use foul to block the Redishi Qi Lang.

Unfortunately, at this time, the Red Sites were in the eyes of the red, the Emperor's eyes opened, and the action of Yuejun was predicted, and I took a half-turned to escape the defense of Yuejun.

It is also a big angle, and Yuejun's body wants to hit the body to lose the balance in an instant, fell to the ground.

The redishi is a three-point line that stepped into the high school. At the same time, the other four of the high school in Dizhen also moved.

The green dynasty runs at the bottom of the bottom, and Qingfeng Dahui and Huang Yu are too cold. The inner line of Purizine Town is also a violet flash in the eyes. It instantly backs the wood.

This moment, the angle of the four passes of Shiro Ziro is coming out, and the night grows again can only defense to the three lines!

bass! Redishi Qi Lang did not choose to pass, but after breakthrough, he stopped in the penalty line!

! Basketball hollow network!

96 to 103!

The high school in Dizhen began to abandon the gorgeous play, pursue the goal in the shortest time!

"It's evil! It's been there. ¨!" Yue Yuejun raised the floor, unwilling!

"It's okay! Yue!" Wared in the past and pulled Yuejun.

"Changfeng ..."

"The day is looking at the seniors, Yue Shan's senior is ridiculed!" Night is laughing.

"Yue! What is your guy? We are predecessors, how can you be flattened by these first grades!" The day on the troops will be shouting.

Yi Yuejun, then the gods changed, recovered the ancient can't be unchanged.

"Shut up! Day!" Yuejun turned back to the cold channel, "I haven't forgotten that I am the second grade of the second grade!"

On the day, there is a slight flood in the mouth. "Is this guy in Yili finally have to break out? Come on! I also seem to play!"

Looking at the day, a pleasant expression, Xiang Lei shook his head, "No, day! Your current state can't play!"


Yuejun picked up basketball and made a gesture for the night long style, nodded at night.

Snapped! Attacker and defensive conversion, honesty high school counterattack.

Yi Yuejun passed the basketball to the night's wind, and he was rushing to the half of the high school in Dizhen.

boom! This time, the night is not lucky, it is directly to throw basketball, it is also open, the body is like a blast!

Basketball instantly turns into a golden light column, rushed to the front field of the Emperor's high school, which is sometimes hidden in the golden small lightning.

Phantom copy!

Huang Yu is too cold again to disappear in the court. He used the perfect imitation and wanted to break the ball of the night!

Unfortunately, when Huang Yu is too cold, it is surprised.

Because in front of him, Yi Yuejun, Yuejun actually went through his position, and he took the basketball to pass the ball of night before him.

"Ni, this guy is also ..." Huang Yu is too shocked to look at Yuejun.

Yuejun is actually a white electric light in the eyes, it is zone!

Yuejun also opened Zone, and the physical quality has skyrocked instantly.

"Changfeng!" Yi Yuejun screamed, throwing basketball on the basket of Emperor's high school.

boom! Basketball makes a white light column that starts.

! Night long-winding figures suddenly appeared in the inner line of the Emperor High, directly punished the ball.

The white light column was broken in the air in the air and turned into a basketball.

"NicePass!" Night long-faced horns slightly, and the golden electric light in the eyes is also awkward.

At this moment, the night-lived wind also took the initiative to open Zone!

what! Qingfeng Dahui and the inner line of Ziyuan Tower, including three generations of the miracles of the three-point line skipping the miracle, and the jump of the big call, it can be said to be the most robust line of the country.

"Come, audience friends, Changfeng will have to perform!" The Qiangjun Hao in the explanation room was excited, "and in front of him is the strongest shield in the high school in Dizhen!"

In the air, the noise of the night is like a swift, and it is constantly flying forward.

"If you want to block me?" The night long-lasting corner showed a context, "roll!"

! Absolute hard, the night-catching wind does not do any fancy turning action but directly hits the three people flying in the air!

Muscular collision sounds the sound of the entire energy alley.

Under the eyes of everyone, the night is actually colliding, and the body will pull up again!

"I want to have to go!" The miracle of generations greeted, and the lights in the eyes were in the same time, and the body was also forcibly pulled. Even if they were foul, they also pulled down the night!

"I said, roll!" The golden electric light in the eyes of the night has never been shining, and the Zone mode was stimulated by him!

Dang! Dang! Dang!

Qingfeng Dahui, Ziyuan Town, and the green dynasty were hit by the stadium. It was extremely exaggerated to roll a few times, and the billboards outside the court were blocked.

And the night-long wind is the basketball behind the brain, and in the air!

A rumble, the basket is wrapped in the waist, and the night long wind and then played back!

The organizer's staff is long, they are really afraid that the night grows and the new hydraulic basket is broken.

The noisy alley is instantaneous, and the second hero's second, the second, the second, is also a stay.

"This is too tm of TM!" Yu Tianhao couldn't help but explode.

The free throw line and the small wind car after the three people hit the three people!

Seeing this kind of ball will not help but explode, and the key is that the three people who are hit to the court or the miracle will open the three people under the Zone!

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