The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 706

"How big is the power of this guy?" This is a question in everyone!

! After the landing, the night grows coldly looked at the three people on the ground. "I have already said, told you to roll! Since you don't want, I will help you!"

"You!" Qingfeng Dahui almost did not be died in the cold, this guy is too crazy!

"The wind is too good, this dunk!" Yuejun fly over and looked at the night.

Laughing in the night, "" The passage of Yue's school is just right! "

Wow ~ I have been quiet for a few seconds, and the audience is boiling, called the sound and the excitement.

Although the dunk of the fire god and Huang Wei is also a bloody boiling, but there is still a big gap with the perfect combination of the miles and aesthetics!

Only the night's dunk can make people so excited, just like watching the jersey in the performance dunk!

105 to 96!

The difference between the two teams is still nine points!

But the situation of the game quietly changed in this short period of time.

Because since sinceritory high school is now a full member of Zone!

Chapter 594, crazy

In other words, the ten players on the field are Zone's [] peak!

What is the [] peak, what is the top competition, what is the most bloody battle?

This is!

Other school players on the stage were stunned to watch ten people on the field. They thought of the Zone state they wanted to achieve, actually, all the people were reached.

The three high schools in the emperor quickly stood quickly, and the eyes were still burned in the eyes, but they did not be hit by night, but they were more burn.

There is still five minutes from the end of the third quarter, the offense of the high school!

The eyes of the Emperor!

The Redshis Qiro and Huang Yuqi will cooperate again. The two will open the eyes of the Emperor, and the movement of the five people in the field is forecast one by one.

boom! Standing outside the side line Suddenly launched, put the basketball in the hands and throw it straight into the air, the basketball instantly became a red light to fly over the honesty basket!

~ ▉ ~ ▉ One side of Huang Yu cold is too straight to the beginning of the half, the body is so beautiful that the golden light is flashing from the honesty.

When everyone returned to God, Huang Hanliang has jumped into the three seconds of Hibu, will fly in the air basketball in the basket.

98 to 105!

-747 - from the tee to go to the ball, this offense is less than two seconds, it is too fast!

Honesty is also glanced at the eyes, don't say the players on the field, they sit down, even the viewers who have God's perspective on the stage can't see the ball of Ziro!

The air relay of the border, this kind of ball is extremely dangerous, especially in Honest High School, now all the people open Zone, in order to recover, the emperor is also fighting!

The night is frowned, although the other people in Chengzhong is now broke out one by one, but the gap on the talents is still very obvious, even if the ZONE is turned on, it is still a lot of people in a miracle.

"Changfeng!" Yuejun hugged the basketball, gave a night's eyes.

The night-hearted wind immediately started to start to the half of the high school in Dizhen, and the two people were brushed in the world.

"Blocking him!" The perfect imitation of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor.

boom! In the eyes of the border, the white light is blooming in an eye, and the eyes of the, in the case of the ZONE state, the position of nine people on the "DBBC) on the court will printed in the mind. Then instantly calculate the best angle and force to throw basketball to the sky.

boom! Basketball is like a shell, it is generally rolled forward, the speed is very fast!

More importantly, the perfect generation of the generation of the miracle of the field can encounter the area, and the perfect falls in the night length of the three points that have just stepped into the high school half of the Emperor.

Hey ~ After the long-winding ball, it is directly jumping, and the basketball will be documented without dragging the water!

~ ▉ 's waves, hollow into the ball!

107 to 98!

It was only in less than three seconds, and the night-length wind was in the same way as the unique way, the night, and the ball was almost exactly the same way!

The audience on the stage is stunned, and the replacement of the two people is also stunned!

This game is no longer a common sense, it is simply a battle!

Haven't waited for the audience to cheer again, and the red division took ten lake again, this time the green light of the honesty is flashed.

It is a green dynasty!

Basketball instantly fell in the hands of the green, ignored the black son of the eyes, the green is just over the middle line is a super long distance three-pointer shot.

Jumping, holding a basketball, shooting, the whole action line!

! Go to the last goal, perfect shooting performance!

101 to 107! There are only six points left in the two teams!

The day of the honesty troops will not sit in the day, and the hands are gradually cleaning!

However, there is still a problem in the day, and it is a problem. After all, the second section of the crazy outbreak is really overdraft. It is a short time. It is necessary to recover in a short time. Tan.

What's more, the situation on the field is that after the two teams of the two teams have been in the two rounds, they will fall into the crazy, often in the end of five seconds. At this time, there is no chance to get the ball at all, of course, it is impossible to change people.


"Ball!" Night long wind reached out to the ball!

The current competition is the rhythm that can't stop, honesty this is a good time, I like the fast rhythm of the opponent, now I am naturally impossible!

Snapped! Night wind did not choose drums this time, but passed the basketball to Yuejun.

It is clear that the ball must be fast than the running ball, and you must pass the high efficiency fast offense.

Yuejun, the eyes after the ball, the eyes opened, and the situation on the field, nor is it equal to the night length, and passed the basketball to the inner line of wood.

Muji-iron is turned around, and the elf is like jumping, generally doing a footsteps in the high school in Dizhen.

Ziyuan Tower is shaking left and jumped right, and the neurological response speed of superman is blocked by Muji Iron Flat.

! Just a way to flash in Muji, Puriza Tower is already lost balance, Muji just gave a basketball to the person next to him.

It is Qingfeng Dahui!

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