The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 709 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"He wants to pass it to Qingfeng!" Yue Yun's eyes opened, and immediately shouted.

~ ▉ Changfeng instantly appeared in front of Qingfeng's big brilliance, giving him dead.

Qingfeng Dahui found out of the night's defense, "can be evil!"

At this time, the boss's body in the air is still rising in the body.

Dang! In the face of the two jumped high, the height of only one meter seven-three decisive disappears!

108 to 112!

"Unbelievable! From Chi Sijiro, the junduan bulls!" Guaixian Hao was started to roar.

"It's great, red divide! The fire is full!" Dangguang high school replacement is boiling, and it is too shocking with a small buckle.

After calling ~ ▉ ~ ▉ , the redishi is not looking at the honesty of the basket, and the fire god and Muji are constantly gasping ...?

Night-hard wind knows that the body's strength is already the limit. Otherwise, this goal is not likely to make the redishijo, which is so easy to go. After all, his height wants to stage this happen in this case, normal The situation is still unobs.

Snapped! Yuejun sent basketball to the night long. Now, sincerity only believes their ace, Xiang Tian Lizi does not dare to change people easily, the end of the third quarter, this time is not honesty Good time, and the night's life doesn't want to change people.

The night-long windy rushed to the half of the high school in the emperor, and the basketball in the hands became faster and faster, it became a residue, there is a thunderous voice between the drums.

Accelerate, constantly acceleration!

"It's coming, the night's greetings have to come back!" The high tail and face on the stage, he knew that it was buffered by the Redishi Ziro, and the personality of the night, the personality of this guy will pay one.

bass! First, it is Qingfeng Glow in front of the night.

When the night is windy, the basketball is changed from the left hand to the right hand, and the Qingfeng Dahui is too windy.

The speed is not reduced, the night length is still accelerating, a golden figure is flashing, it is too cold!

Huang Yu is too almost almost gambling, and the basketball of the night long is just turned.

! Huang Hao is too fell to the ground, and the night long is the right hand lightning, and the basketball will go back and sway it!

In the face of the final line of Ziyuan Tower, the green and the Siyi three people, the night long-term wind is directly jumping directly from the three-line line of the high school!

"My God, what do you want to do? Do you do the trip basket?" Guaoda Hao second hampered.

1.2 Night long wind speed slap in the air constantly rotating.

The three generations of the miracle jumped to move forward in the air or to prevent the night of the night.

It is a pity that they have forgotten that they are already the world of night!

The night length of the wind is in a constant power of the heart, and the whole body muscles rise.

!!! The three generations of the miracle have been hit in the ground.

And the body of the night is actually rotating in the air.

180, 360, 540, 7▉0!

When the body of the night, the body of the night turned two laps in the air, he was coming to the emperor high school half-day three-secondary area.

The basket is in front of him!

Yuanzu wave dunk!

The night is too big, and the arms are more than twice. The basketball has changed in the wind, and it seems to be blown.

Dang! After a big sound, the night-long wind will enter the basketball. At the same time, I have a sound, I know that the latest hydraulic basket is deducted by the night, the rebound is directly smashed!

Chapter 597, ten on ten

"Wow! Danger!" The screams and exclamation came in the museum.

At the same time, the night length wind is deducted while being deducted, and it has been flashed in the inner line of the Emperor High School, and it is outside the triple line.

A loud loud rose, the rebound is on the floor, tempered glass instant ice cracks, and then scattered, the floor is glass slag everywhere.

On the scene, I was confusing, I was awkward ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

"Is this guy really a person?" The staff of the field is straightforward.

"My God! My God! My God!" Qiang Tianhao second first, then reacted, cheeks rose red, "three-point line jumped into the middle of the 720-degree dunk and again deducted the latest Hydraulic basketball stand! This is undoubtedly me tonight, no! "

"I have seen the best, exuberant, and most incredible meals in this life! All the dunk in the history of basketball is a slag in front of this plant!" Yutian Hao two-one is blowing, and the roar is continuous.

"Hey! You still have to do it, don't come in and deal with it!" Although the master referee was also shocked by the night's wind, it was shocking, but as a referee he or restrained his emotions against the field. The outstanding staff said.

"Oh!" More than 10 staff members who have long been prepared by the organizer quickly admitted, and the glass slag 31 of the stadium was started to replace the hydraulic basketball stand.

Sincerity and Emperor Gang high school have got a rare officially suspended rest, everyone started drinking water and ice supplementation consumption.

The big screen of the scene began to play back, just the night long wind, called the classic action of the century!

"My day, how did he do it?"

"I know, he must be an alien!"

"This kind of action does not say NBA players, even those who rely on street dunk art trampoline dunk are not doing!"

"Yeah, even if you do it, it is impossible to have such a perfect air posture!" The audience on the stage was in the middle of the audience. He was discussing that the night length is just the buckle. The audience seems to have forgotten a round of the night. Then the automatic turnover of basketball is actually more incredible.


Xiang Tian Lisi is also a long time, waiting until the people returned to the replacement.

The fire god and Muji and Yuejun are already very tired. They are all sweaty or intake, the most exuberant or black sizes, open the zone state almost overdrawn all his physical strength, now the state is similar to the day It is completely unable to play in the tension.

However, the most surprised the people is still a night-long, they have never seen the night long wind [flow] so many sweat, almost play all the clothes of the jersey in the chest.

Even the first competition, the night-catching wind is almost five, but now a little sweat, and now the low wind is full of sweat, the whole person is hot.

"Call ~ ▉▉ , the heart is also slightly surprised. He also felt a tired feeling in the court." I didn't expect to open the virtual real, using the skills that do not belong to this world. Transforming so consumables! Is it the binding between the World Law? "

Xiang Tian Lizi's eyes looked at the honesty of everyone, nodded, seemed to be determined.

"After the start of the game, the main staff took a break, and Xiaojin will replace it!" Xiangfang suddenly passed.

"Hey! Five five times? All members are replaced?" Xiao Jinjing screamed.

"No, this key moment cannot take this risk!" The day is flat, "or I am gone!"

"Daily, you shut up!" Xiang Tian Lizi directly replied, "The main alliance must be prepared in the fourth quarter, before again, you only have a task to restore physical strength!"

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