The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 710

"Don't you believe in the determination of the honesty of the player?" Xiang Tian Lizi asked.


"Give us! Daily!" Xiao Jinjing suddenly stood up, a pair of pride, seeing night long-distance laughter.

"But ..." The day is still worried, he is afraid of honesty high school will suddenly crash.

Although the situation on the field seems to be honesty compressed high school high school, the day is full of superman's ability to rely on the night.

Even so, the emperor high school is still narrowed by sixteen points to six points, 108 to 114!

"That's it!" Night wind slowly.

"Hey, long wind, do you agree with the arrangement of the coach?" The day suddenly turned around.

"The physical strength there is not enough, they have to replace it!" Night long-winding analysis, "The fourth quarter is in battle. If I continue, they don't have a chance! I lost the suspense too early. I am not awesome! "

"Stinky boy!" The day is flat, and this moment is still ridicuing to the opponent. There is only a person who has a night. "It is so mad!"

Emperor's high school replacement.

Like the miracle of the night, the five people who open Zone is much longer than the honesty. Although they are talented, physical consumption is also very large.

"Lingjiang, Yongji, Xiao Tailang! You will last for a while!"

No crown five tigers put three people looked at the sweat on the forehead of the miracle, and the water was turned on, and he nodded. "Give us!"

Dudo ~ ▉▉ The staff will clean the glass slag on the floor, and after the prepared hydraulic basketball stand is replaced, the referee blows the whistle that the game starts again.

At this time, it is over the third quarter, there is still three minutes!

When the two team players played, the audience at the scene was in a hurry.

The two teams actually replaced their respective substitutes, which means ten on ten, just like to change the two teams in the game.

"The long wind is really like God!" Xiao Jinjing could not help but praise the heart.

Sincere High School, Xiao Jinjing, Tujing, Water Ministry, 750 Flag, and a River I, Five, Five, Five.

The replacement lineup of this side of the emperor high school is very large, and the Lingyang, the root Wu Vali Yongji, Ye Mountain Xiaotaolao plus the original Tonghuang high school today and Sakurai.

Although the honesty high school has made great progress, it is more important than the luxurious substitute lineup with the high school high school, and the surface seems to be abused.

However, the five people in Honesty can't think so, they are both confident on their faces!

Including a slow-heat-free, this is also their finals, their stage, just sitting in the replacement of the flag, not too unfortunately.

This is also the opportunity they have been waiting ...

PS: Updated late. I took three days, I couldn't help but went to see a doctor, various inspections. It's better to have a big problem, just some inflamed. These days are not good, especially yesterday, I didn't want to move, I thought about it, I still barely ended yesterday's update. The black basketball world, close to the end, the last high [tide] I really want to write well, the recent matter is too helpless. And the new world is also very huge, thawing, only seeking to know, gotting everyone's subscription. Said so many pitches, you don't come to the ticket, do you want to think about it? Finally, I thank the book friends LJL and the big wizards and other books friends, thank you! (Less than 2500, this is not money, rest assured)

598 chapter, funny little gold

Energy Glocacy.

The situation will happen next to the various analytics sites in the Queen Hao, and then instantly, the two teams have been replaced.

"It is an accident. It seems that the high school and the high school of the high school and the Emperor Guang high school are in the fourth quarter's final decision-based reserve. After throwing the brain.

As a famous explanation, the thick face is also one of the necessary elements.


Sakurai is a little nervous outside the free throw, and he didn't expect himself to have an opportunity to appear.

"Sakurai, don't be nervous! Give me the ball!" The glasses of Ji Xiang's nose flashed a white light. It can stand on such a top stage in such a country. It is a good thing.

Snapped! Sakurai gave a few mouthfuls of turbidity, a little stabilizing his heart, and passed the basketball to this Ji Xiang.

At this time, the commander of the Emperor High School is the high-spirited today, and there is no five people directly, and now Ji Xiang starts to have a long time.

~ ▉ ▉

When the flag is compared to the practice of the last and Hualong high school, it is already a lot of progress, which is comparable to the rhythm of today's Ji Xiang.

Today is also a surprise. It was originally thought that the replacement of the honesty did not have a hard work. It should be that the defensive action is quite fast and effective.

"Very good, the first grade boy, only your level is here!" Today, Ji Xiang instantly accelerated, and stepped down in a step.

Today, Jiji is still very advantageous!

After today's long, it is not greed, and the basketball will drop the basketball to Yongji!

Renalu Valley Yongji took a help of the water house behind him, ignited his mouth, he did not impress this person!

The ,

The defensive position of the water house is very good, but helpless power is too much, almost hit by a moment!

Dang! Renalu Valley is not hesitant to stage a gorilla plant!

110 to 114!

! After landing, Renalu Yongji grinned against the water house, "Just want to prevent me? Fun. ¨!"

There is no reply in the water house, pick up the basketball falling from the basket, and make it out!

It is a fast counterattack of Hye High School, which is also the arrangement of night long wind.

It is unrealistic to fight against the high school in the high school in Dizhen, because the strength of the inner line is now too strong because the high school in Dizhong is too strong.

The best way is to play the most familiar, practicing the most running!

Flags caught the ball of the water, the previous fashing is a very cautious and very slow-hot first grade freshman.

However, the night-long wind is pulled in the summer, and he gradually explores his potential, injecting the blood of the attack into the body of the burner tree.

Snapped! Snapped! Although the absolute speed of the flag is not fast, the speed of the drum is very good, so too late, passing the basketball directly to Xiao Jinjing.

Xiao Jinjing did not hesitate to directly jump three-point shoot basket!

The core of running is that there is a chance to shoot, don't have any hesitation!

Snapped! Xiao Jinjing has just got up yet, and the basketball bumped out, and the fastest, the fastest, Zhiling, received the rebound.

Although a ball has not been entered, at least the opportunity is coming out.

Snapped! After the resumption of the rebound, it was a half-game, and sincerely wanted to speed, and the high school in Dang Gang is now stabilized.

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