The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 711 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

And in the Reling Bangye, the high school of Emperor Guangzhong will not only recover the score, but also in this short three minutes, as far as possible.

Because no one knows what happens, especially the other party, is there.

Sincere, this side is sticker, and it is a small Jinjing, and the two have paid in the national contest, but the small Jinjing has not completely defended the realism, and it is also for the Ling Ling. Deep impression.

~ ▉ ~ ▉! In the case of the three-point line of the honesty, he was in the three-way line of Honesty, and he was in the three kinds of shooting to retrieve the score, and people unexpectedly occurred.

Xiao Jinjing actually jumped in front of the fact that he jumped into a distant wall.

"I am!" The night-long wind on the troops was also shocked. "This Nima is not a trunk of the Sakuragona. When is this guy learn this trick?"

Honesty others have grown up their eyes can't believe in everything in front of them, and the Lingyang is actually the opportunity to hold the shot of Xiao Jinjing.


Really linger, it is not a person in front of him, but a high wall that wants countless small gold wells. This NM is shooting.

Snapped! When I was still in the truth, Xiao Jinjing turned back to a person to take the basketball in the hands of the people.

"Wow haha!" Xiao Jinjing laughed, the mouth Ba became W-type, "I really is a genius!"

"This ..." The Qianyao Hao in the explanation room can't talk, "How did he do it?"

"Haha! This guy is relying on the natural wild, and the summer hard practice is finally excavating the potential of the body hidden!" The night is also laughing.

"Go back to prevent!" When the Ling Rong reacted, Xiao Jinjing had broken through the half of the high school in Dizhen, and the role player in his impression was so humiliated. color.

Emperor's high school half is already empty, Xiao Jinjing's cheerful driver directly into the three-line line of Dizhen High School.

When several people in the emperor have not turned back, they started three steps on the three steps on the free throw line.

This time, everyone didn't think of things happened again. Xiao Jinjing was actually under the public, and I got a blue basket.

This guy is somewhat forgetful, the upper basket is too powerful, the finger is not soft enough, and the basketball has passed a bridge directly, and the other side of the basket.

Ye Shan Xiao Taro, who is returned by Damuang High School, directly income!

Ye Mountain Xiaotaro has already given up the hope of chasing this ball. I didn't expect Xiao Jinjing to make a big layup, and let the opportunity to argue.

"Wow haha ​​~ ▉ The audience of the audience is laughing," this guy is funny! "

"But he just defense is really amazing!"

"Interesting, this honest player is too interesting!"

Sincerity, the day, there is a head, "Xiao Jin, this guy, is still an exaggeration!"

599 chapter, replacement

On the high school tower of the Emperor, the redishi hit a gesture for Ye Mountain Xiaotaro.

Ye Mountain nodded, reached out, the meaning of Chis said that he let him attack.

When Chiba Mountain, Xiao Taro took the ball in the frontcourt, it was at this time that he was the first-year life of Hibi High School.

The river is a good one, but the first grade in the first grade, but after all, it is a first grade and it is almost a substitute. Of course, everyone thinks he is a honesty weakness.

Concentrated attack power offensive the weak places, always being the high-quality high in the emperor.

Snapped! Snapped! Ye Shan Xiaotaro continued to move the ball, and the basketball was dazzled.

"After you only use three fingers!" Ye Mountain Xiaotaro's whole body moved to the three fingers on the right hand, the body was instantly plundered by the rivers, the right hand took the basketball forward, but the hand is stretched. Out.

bass! The right hand of the river, the right hand, almost shot the basketball in Ye Mountain, and Ye Yushan Xiao Taro finally rely on the neural response or hiding a robbery, recovered the body, returned to the original place, and the basketball was changed to the right hand.

"This guy!" Ye Mountain Xiaotaro-753-cold looked at the frontless year of the face, he did not expect the replacement reaction in this substitute, actually so fast.

If the night length of the tension is slightly tight, if the general first-year life is going to play?

As a leader in the first grade, the rivers, the night, the night, found that he found very good potential in the summer, the body's reaction speed was very fast, which can be said to be a level of common people.

However, the body is weak, plus the basketball is not long, still in the stage of rising.

At this moment, he sent him, and the night costs naturally also had to hone this first-year life.

"Don't care, Ye Mountain!" The next side of this Ji Xiang reminded, "the opponent is honest!"

"Shut up!" Ye Mountain Xiaotaro is now very angry. "In this case, I am full!"

Ye Mountain Xiaotaoo gave the strength of the body in five fingers, and it was a full-minded knot.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ , Ye Mountain Xiaotaro's body is like electricity, instantly passed the river, the river, the Hao Hao can't react, it is directly over!

! Ye Mountain Xiaotaro stepped into the free thistle line of Hibui half.

The inner line of solar wells and water hits the batch, standing on the line of Ye Mountain Xiaotaro breakthrough.

~ ▉

"Keep it!" Cheng Shu is shining on the day.

At the same time, the water house and the soil are simultaneously jumped, and Ye Yushan Xiaotaro rapidly recovered the basketball of the right hand quickly, and he was instantly curled in the air. Flying in the clamp.

"Ni!" The water house was shocked. He did not think that Ye Mountain Xiaotaro's lagging ability is so strong, and physical control is so good.

~ After the two people, Ye Yushan Xiaotao finally left the basketball from the right hand to the left hand, came to a pull rod.

~ ▉ !

112 to 114! The ratio between the two teams came to a historic two points!

"After the beautiful breakthroughs, the two people leap on the bars!" Guaixian Hao 2nd!

"It's so powerful!" The fans in the scene of Dangang high school also cheered.

"It's really wonderful, the strength of these two teams is really strong, even the replacement players are so strong!" There is a viewer in the table.

The night length of the honesty is also nodded. In terms of pure physical fitness, Ye Mountain Xiaobaro should be the strongest in five people.

The air attitude and lagging capabilities are top levels in Japan (DBBC) middle school students, but it is only easy to impulse and the ball business is not high, which seriously affects his strength.

"Can be evil! Is this the final?" Flag wiped the sweat of the forehead, the peaceful training is completely different, and every minute of the final stage is extremely nervous.

More than 30,000 viewers outside the field look at your play, as long as you are in the court, you will feel a substantially general pressure.

"Sure enough, is it too nervous, is it too stiff?" The night's wind stood up and did a gesture in the water house.

The water house is nodded, and it is simply communicated with sincerity four people on the field.

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