The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 714 of the Chapter 714 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Is the Emperor of the Emperor?" The night grew away and smiled.

Kingdom of Feng! open!

The night long-term wind opened the kingdom skills of the Wangziwu, the king of the world of tennis, and five people in the middle of the game became transparent in front of the night.

The miracle of the five-person skeleton, the whole body of the geese, and even the flow of blood is in the mind of the night.

~ ▉▉ Right.

However, the night grows is actually the body moves to the left. He has passed the Redishi Qili and Huang Hanmai two!

"What!" Chiczi Ziro is dramatically contracted, because his eyes are actually predicting, this is never happening.

Even if the summer league final is abused, it is because the physical quality and speed can't keep up. The Emperor's eyes have never been mistaken!

Today, at this critical moment, the Emperor's eyes are actually invalid!

Surprisingly, Huang Yu is too cold, he found the speed of the night's breakthrough, angle, and the direction of him is all the direction he can't move, just like an instant, his own weakness, the body is always Can't move!

"What are you doing?" Looking at the two people who are easy to be swayed by the night, Qingfeng Dahui is very angry, the blue electro-optical light is flashing, the whole person is stocked in the direction of the night!

However, at this time, five people in the world of miracles were in the same place, and they did not move.

Night wind is like a lightning generally brushed from Qingfeng's big brilliance and his green and purple in the mountains, and the miracle of the three generations of generations are like a puppet.

Dang! The night's wind broke through the basket, and it was already empty, and the one-handed single-handed single-handed dunk ended this offense!

120 to 118!

Opening less than eight seconds, the night grows in a 50% of the enemy!

Wow ~ The audience of the field is awkward. They don't have something to happen. I only know that the five people on the high school in the emperor are moving in the basketball into the basketball.

"My God! What is going on?" The Qiang Tianhao in the explanatory room fell into the madness again. "The emuo high school is not possible to waterproof in this time. The speed of the night is coming soon. The last five masters reacted the speed? "

"Good ball! Long wind!" The honesty is a jubilant, although they don't know how the night is doing.

But they have become the magic of the night, on the basketball court, nothing is what he can't do, this is the voice of the honesty.

Chiczi Zoo's eyes are cold and looked at the back of the night, and there is a feeling between his vague, and the night's feelings don't look through all of them!

"What is the one just? Why can't I move?" Ziyuan Tower was low, and a face did not understand.

"The eyes of the Emperor also lost the effect, redish, what is going on?" Huang Yi asked too much.

"I don't know, I guess this is the talent of the night-catching guy!" Chi Sisheng took a reputation.

"You mean that the night is also the eye of the Emperor?" The green Taorang pushed the glasses on the rigid.

"No! Maybe it is a more advanced talent!" Chiczi Qi Lang coldly replied.

"Don't manage so much, this game, we have to take it off anyway!" Qingfeng Dahui just felt that his body was bonded, but he always felt that he can break through this constraint.

Now he only wants one thing in his heart, that is, win!

No matter how strong the night grows, he has to win!

Attack and defense, the offense of the emperor high school!

Chi Si Zhu Xiaolian Wing's ball is half a game, honesty high school everyone is also waiting, this ball must be preserved, or if the night grows, even if the ball is going, it is also futile!

Snapped! The miracle of the generation of generations in Honest and half-line, Ziyuan Tower once again entered the inner line, forcibly squeezed a neutral gear in the fire god and Muji iron!

Snapped! When the green dynasty is very hidden, it is a big hand that suddenly appears to copy basketball when the basketball will pass the basketball to the inner line.

It is a night that lives ...

"Ni!" The green is shocked, "I was already worn again?"

"Your action is very deceptive, but your muscles and bone joint movements will not be lie!" The night grew smile and started to fight against the ball!

"Night long winds and dramatic balls! Honest obstacle! My day, is the long-term winds open an invincible mode?" The night's wind is full of firepower, and the roar of the front of Tian Hao is naturally continuous!

"Go back to prevent!" Chi Si Ziro shouted, the miracle's generation of five people instantly became five electric light to start chasing the back of the night.

Feel the oppressiveness behind, the night length is instantly, and the speed will be upgraded again!

The whole person is like the arrow of the string, and the speed is fast to the limit.

~ ▉ The audience is stunned. After the night is not looking at the back, I escaped the five people of the miracle!

"My God, how did he do it? Is it long behind?" The audience on the scene also exclaimed.

Lianying, everyone is also eye-catching!

The speed of the night is getting faster and faster, and the speed of the miracle will keep up, but the night is like a ruling, and a hair in the night is not able to catch up.

Night wind seems to predict their movements in advance!

Just kidding, the night-catching wind is now open, but the kingdom of God-level wind, the air flow around the field is in the heart of the night, and any wind blows to hide the feeling of the night!

In other words, the scene on the scene is the 1.2 kingdom of the night. In the kingdom, the night is not invincible!

The running ball is getting faster and faster, and the night long is stepped into the free throw line in the high school half of the emperor, and there is no one in front of the air!

! The night is long, and the body is like Dapeng, the whole person is unfolded!

The body is constantly leaping, the basketball is changed to the right hand from the left hand, and then the right hand is changed to the left hand in front of the air!

At this time, the night-catching eyes are the basket, and his left hand, kick up the basketball!

Dang! Dang! The basket has a painful sorrow, keeping up and down!


"Are you joking? Free throw lines and jumps and strolls them to change their hands. I will see God in the sluggish!" Guaixian Hao two sounds are already hoarse, but the roaring sound is getting higher and higher!

Wow ~ The game is even more cheering of the tsunami, almost rushing the roof of the energy ballhouse!

! After the night is falling, I have no four generations of five people in front of my miracle, but the audience!

Like a king of a kingdom, Jun is in the world!

PS: Update is late, forgive me! Also, thank the brothers, and the old is very touched.

602 chapter, a few invincible

Call ~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ on on on.. .. on............ ... .

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