The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 715 of Tennis Prince Chapter 715

"Be evil! Night wind this guy how to crack the eyes of the emperor, and why I have a feeling that I have seen on all my body!" Huang Yu coldly wiped the sweat of the forehead.

"If I haven't guess, the night's wind has a stronger talent than the eyes of the Emperor, and what is still waiting to be observed!" The Green Tria Lang pushed the glasses on the rhinar.

"In any case, you can first put it into a ball, stabilize it!" Achiced a dialect.

The counterattack of Dioguang high school, Chi Si Ziro became more careful, the eyes of the night, always let him think that there is a feeling of being stared at the hunter.

When the Boss's trace is half a game, pass the basketball directly to Qingfeng.

Qingfeng Dahui is now full of fire, but it is actually can't be moved through the night. It is simply a shame!

Snapped! 31! Qingfeng Dahui came back and forth in a righteous, in the face of defending his voluntary god, Qingfeng Dahui directly turned around, a movement has fallen.

The fire is still a normal state, and the speed will not keep up with Qingfeng!

~ ▉ , the speed is getting faster, the whole body linges a faint blue glory, Qingfeng's big brilliant body is like a ghost, in the honest internalline freedom!

Muji-Tia Pacity is also over, and stepped into the three seconds. He stepped into the three seconds. When Qingfeng Dahui was jumping, a picture appeared in front of his eyes, reaching out, copying Qingfeng Dahui is preparing Basketball lifted up.

Snapped! The residue is displayed, it is the night.

"This is impossible!" Qingfeng is big, the pupil is sharp contracted. His Yungui just saw that the night length is still in the three-point line. Even if the night long wind speed is not like the sky, it is impossible to move. what!

Sincerity, the rest of the four people and miracles are still stunned, they are very clear from two, so it is very clear.

Especially the Chiczi Qi Lang opened the eyes of the Emperor. In his eyes of his Emperor, the night length is really suddenly disappearing from the three-point line of the honesty, and then the next moment suddenly appeared in the three seconds. Qingfeng brilliant, and will open basketball!

The ice room on the stage also rose a lot of mouth, "Is this the real strength of the night? It used to hide strength?"

"My God, I am watching the sci-fi movie?" The Okuna next to it is also a round.

"This is no longer the range of basketball. Is this a small child really alien?" Yangquan's coach is a little bit of impulsive possibilities.

Court on the court.

Taking advantage of the rest of the workers, the night is already starting at full speed, the figure is like a blast!

"Be evil!" The miracle of generations began to go back quickly, and the speed was very fast.

Chi Si Ziro and Huang Yu are too cooperated, the two are chasing the night, and the Qingfeng Dahui and the green are around, it blocks him before the night length.

The night's feelings feel the fluctuations of the air, and the fifth of the five people in the high school in the brain has formed!

"Want to package me?" The night's wind is slightly tight, "You have no chance!"

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ... .,,,.

After that, I appeared in the three-point line of the Emperor High School half!

Qingfeng Dahui and the green dynasty dynasty have come to think about why the night's long wind will suddenly appear here, but directly to the night long body.

This time, even two people join hands and fouls must stop the night's wind again!

Must stop the night grew soon!

But when they just pounced a moment of night, the night, the night, the ball, the ball, was instantaneous.

"Ni!" Waiting until the miracle of the generation of generations came back to God, and the night-long wind was already starting to turn back.

The basketball is falling in the air, and finally falls into the basket!


The audience once again blocked by the night of the night, and he couldn't see the movements of the night!

The second chamber of the hall was stupid. He didn't know how to explain.

There is no reasonable explanation to indicate how the night long winds have successfully break through the line of lines of two clamps and how it just now goes back.

"Backstage! Slow lens playback!" Qian Tianhao scatched his headphones.

The big screen at the scene started to go back to the ball, and the slowdown of twenty times slow lens.

It is stunned to the scene, and this advanced high-speed camera actually does not have a way to capture the movement of the night.

I have disappeared in an instant, and it is still a violation of physics common sense!

The lens only captures the picture of the night-lived windshire and the last single-handed dunk. As for the middle two times in the middle of the night, it is a blank, which makes people feel that the camera is bad.

Snapped! On the day, a few people also rushed over and hit the palm of the night, and they were still shocking.

"Head boy, how did you do it?" The day asked in Shunping.

Laughing at night, smirking, faint: "There is an ancient step craft in our China!"

"Repending place?" Japan Shusheng 757 obviously does not understand the idioms of the night length.

The defense of the two defense lines and instantly broke through the defense of the two lines, and the night cost used the skills in the world of tennis - God-level full-scale shrinkage!

After the test of the night's long wind, he found that all-round contained in the basketball court, it is simply a skill, which is one hundred times more than the food that will disappear than the black child.

Not only can you move in front of the left, and you can do three hundred and sixty degrees, any move, although the distance of moving is limited, it is not possible to move from the stadium, but it is used to have a sudden appearance Cashed basketball in front of the other side is very easy to use!

Of course, forced to use the skills that do not belong to the world, the physical energy consumption of the night long wind is still quite huge, and the sweat is constantly moving in his forehead.

On the stage, the momentum of the honesty response group was high, and the other side of the emperor in the other side did not have a sound.

The strength of the night long wind is displayed, can only be described by the horrific.

At least the few American scouts who were originally watching the battle were all dizzy. They couldn't accept everything in front of them. It is a superman for them!

Yes, Superman Clark Kent and you play basketball, how do you play?

603 chapter, the whole battle


Although the score gap on the field is only six points, but there is no doubt that the high school in the emperor is now completely suppressed by the night, and the miracle will even find a way to limit the night.

~ The generation of a few people who have been miracle did not give up, it was hard to reunite, and then hit this, how can you give up?

Redishi is tentang, the green, Qingfeng, Ziyuan, Huang Wei's fighting fire has not been extinguished, and the electric light in the eyes is brighter!

If you want to go to the neighborhood, they must inspire deeper potential in the body, that is, open the second door of Zone, enter a deeper level!

This requires that they must be fully trusted to teammates, and they are integrated into one, and that the door is actually a five-person generation of the miracle.

"Their expressions seem to have changed!" The day, it looked at the miracle of five people.

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