The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 717 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Opening the field of night-long wind winds, the basketball in the hand seems to have a spirituality, automatically jumping around the -760- night long style.

Night winds directly driven from Qingfeng Dahui and Huang Haiwai two to break through, and he is a knife basketball in his hand, it is incredible to returning from the night long wind.

People are divided, usually the ball is ahead of the person, after the person's ball is inherent.

And the night's wind is a person, and the ball has passed, it is simply unheard.

Snapped! When people play in one again, the speed of the night is accelerated, and Huang Yu is too big and Qingfeng Dabu is behind him!

At this time, the Emperor's high-neutral inner lines and purioshan also rushed to prevent the breakthrough of the night's wind, and the chief of the next choice was also doing the two people who were broken by the night. After the interference night long wind ball Preparation.

What didn't think of the night is that the night is actually jumping directly, and it is not a shot posture. Like Qingfeng's unclear, the night is free, and the ball will raise the basketball, and then force it to the air fling.

boom! The basketball instantly turned into a golden light column, and finally returned to basketball in the basketball.

13 (dbbc) 0 to 123!

Three-line line outside the shot basket! The fourth quarter is not only three minutes, and the night grows has been madly cut more than ten minutes. Life will pull the difference between the two teams to seven points!

"Too strong!" Everyone in the scene could not help but show the brake state of the night long's wind, it was simply a man blocked, the Buddha was killed!

! After landing, the night's wind looked at his right hand, "This warrior is not bad!"

"Changfeng!" The day is coming over and cheats at night, sweat is arrogant!

The sweat on the night's wind has been scary, and the day has never seen the night long wind [flow] so much sweat.

In his impression, the night growing is a triero, never tired, many times, even the intensity of his warm-up is not reached.

The fourth quarter didn't get three minutes, and the night growth has already flowed so much sweat. Why don't you surprise the day?

"You are fine, long wind! Do you want to take a break?" The day lowered.

Laughing at night, "I have never played so hurt, why do you have to rest!"


Redishijo rapidly quickly, now there is only a ball that will be more popular than night, only have the opportunity to win!

~ ▉ ~ ▉! The rapid pass of the high school high school, even the glory of lightning is passed back and forth in several people.

There is no doubt that there are now the other four people in Chengzhong can't stop the fans of the five people in the miracle. In a few seconds, the redishi is in the Hiriyin, the Basketball in the Hibi-high-line.

"Ah!" Ziyuan Tower shouted, and his eyes turned into purple. He hit, Muji Tm Pacity only felt that a difficult contest is coming, it is directly flying out!

! When I turned to Yuling, I wanted to jump up the dunks, I was actually blocked by a more powerful power!

Still no wind!

The turn of the Tower of Purple Town tried directly gave up, although his power improved again but still hit the night.

Ziyuan Tower passed the basketball to the Qingfeng Dahui near the free throw, Qingfeng Dahui directly launched, and turned into a blue light.

The fire will not move, he will move it again, the speed of Qingfeng's big brilliance is too fast, almost the speed of the night, and the speed is quite!

Just as the night's wind thought that Qingfeng Dahui had to force the use of amorphous shooting, Qingfeng Daxi actually passed.

Basketball is in the hands of the outer line, in the hands of the first half, the day to explode himself, and the green is not the second day.

~ ▉ ▉ ,,, , , ,,

The speed of shooting is too fast!

The basketball has not fallen, and the green is already returned. Shows the incomparacy of yourself!

~ ▉ The last hollow network, 126 to 130! Emperor Guang high school is still niche!

This night's night is still weak, all-round containeratory is cool, although it is very short, but continuous use will inevitably pause!

"The greenhouse, is there anything I have been paused in this trick?" The night was frowned, looking at the back of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Be evil!" The day is smooth and flat, and now I am using it now, I can't help you! "

The night long shot took the day to a smooth shoulder, turned to the four people, "You stand on the court, it is the greatest help!"

"Or do you think I have exhausted?" The night's smile laughed.

"Changfeng, you!" Muji Tie Ping, is the long wind hides strength? how can that be?

The audience on the stage has a bit hoarse voice, shouted a whole game, anyone who is exhausted, but they still cheer.

Because the competition is getting more exciting, the night's wind shows the strength of the superman, and the miracle has not given up, and the constant way to recover the score!

The roaring emperor in the explanation room is in a rare quiet, and he is talking about the situation on the court with fast and concise tone.

He knows that the truly wonderful is still behind, the two team players are brewing the final depend, he is of course the last roaring!

605 chapter, equalize the score

Snapped! On the day, I will start the basketball to the night wind, and the game starts again.

This time, the night's wind did not choose a single battle, but passed the basketball to the next day!

Since the second game, this is the first time to catch the ball outside the third line!

The green dynasty immediately sticked the defense day to peace, the story of the shooter in the second game made the green space in front of the next day!

Although everyone knows that the cold wind is waiting to prevent the honesty high school, but the other people, especially the shooter, the sky, can not be light.

After the sky, the light is flashing, the light is flashing, and he is still unfriendly, and the back side is one step, then the basketball in the hands is not invasive [guilty] shoot basket!

And the one who lifted basketball in the day, a red figure flashed, it was a redishi.

Chi Si Ziri suddenly appeared in front of the day, reaching out the day of the knife basketball.

Snapped! Another golden figure flashed the basketball to control the basket, and Huang Yu is too cool!

The miracle is actually an extremely adventurous choice of gambling steals!

Snapped! Snapped! Huang Yu is too hot to quickly play the ball, and the half of the high school in Dizhen!

Qingfeng Dahui and Ziyuan Tower have already gone to the inside of Hibao High School, and the two blocked the fire god and Muji, which fully occupied the inner line of Honest High School.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉

Huang Hai cool is blooming in the eyes of the golden color that has never been seen, and the figure is actually disappeared in front of the night.

"Is it the ball that will disappear?" Chengqi's first grade in the first grade.

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