The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 718 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"No! This is ..."

Night long-faced rises slightly, "is my all-round zoom!"

Night wind did not expect Huang Yi's perfect imitation to imitate himself in the case of opening the second door of Zone.

Snapped! However, when Huang Hao is too cold, his body has lost his balance when he once again appeared.

It is brave to imitate the whole-scale shrinking. It is the difficult to listen to death. His physical fitness is fundamentally unable to hit the tricks of this.

Snapped! Before the ground, Huang Yu is too used to do the best in the whole body to make the basketball out and then revert to the ground.

"Good Ball, Huang Wei!" Qingfeng Dahui took the basketball, and then he left the fire god after the body, it was directly turned to jump!

"Ox!" The fire got a stomach, and the right hand stretched out and wanted to cover!

Qingfeng Dahui is directly to keep the body, and finally, it is almost parallel to the floor to put the basketball out!

Super back!

Basketball draws an arc in the air, crossing the five-finger gongs of the voluntar, finally squatting in the inner edge of the basket, moving into the basket!

128 to 130!

"Good!" Dang Gang High School replaced the members directly stood up for this ball.

From the adventure package to Huang Hai cool too much imitation, the last is the back of Qingfeng, and the miracle of the generations will work together to chase the score only two points!

The momentum of the Turkish high school is not over, Yuejun is directly a basketball, just a long history, he wants to immediately pass the basketball to the night long wind near the middle line, come to a quick counterattack!

But he forgot to fall to the ground!

Huang Yu is too sudden to suddenly appear on the path of the pass, copy the basketball!

Is a black child's phantom copy!

At the crucial moment, Huang Yi cool is the perfect imitation of Huiqi!

boom! After the ball, Huang Han is too cold, and the whole body is gathered to the right hand, and the hand is turning the basketball to the basketball in the basketball!

It is super accelerated ball!

The basketball instantly turns into a golden light column to the honest basket.

"Don't let them catch the ball!" The day turned to the inside.

! A huge purple shadow directly, the purple electric light in his eyes is also awkward!

It is Ziyuan Tower!

The four people of the honesty jumped, but the other three were hit by Ziyuan Tower in an instant, including Qingfeng Dahui!

! Purizine Tower will cut off the golden light column and change back to a basketball, and then the body is directly basketball!

Double-handed bunk!

Basketball is in the basket with Ziyuan Dun!

130 to 130!

At the end of the last game, there is still five minutes, the emperor high school will tighten the score!

······ Flowers ······

The miracle of generations are completely intended to burn their potential!

"nice shot!"


"The strongest!" In the energy globe, the fans of the Miyu's high school miracle were completely boiling. What else is more than the key moments, it is more bloody!

"Take it! Emperor!" Dangguang high school replacement is excited to stand up, they see hope!

The honesty is nervous, and the fourth quarter is a big outbreak, so that they can see the blood, but the emperor is actually biting his teeth, but also chases the score!

What happens in the next five minutes, no one knows!

....... .....

"Is it only one person in the wind, don't you still do?" Xiang Tian Li was frowned. At this time, it was called to suspend or change people, there is no meaning, and only the players on the field can determine the winning and losses of the game.

"Only five minutes, audience friends! Finally determine the five minutes of the national contest winter cup finals! It is a miracle to create a miracle to win the championship, or a high-spirited champion, smile and proud?" Hao two sounded up.

"Come on! Let us enjoy the last feast!"


It seems that sincere situation is not good, although the five people's main force is there, the day is not completely recovered, and the foot of Muji iron is also more serious, almost jumping.

The fire god is also falling into a sluggish. As for Yuejun, it is very miserable by Datsuki Qili!

The last hope of the last thing is still holding the shoulders of the night long!

A person picking up the whole team, a lonely hero, such a night's long wind has already done too many times!

Just this time is the last time, it is also the most shocking time!

The bodies on the night, suddenly the body suddenly faster, the whole person has become a golden person!

"The day, the second!" The night grew out of the right hand, and his face was full of confidence!

On the day, there is a glimpse, "Changfeng, you ..."

Snapped! Basketball has arrived in the loud life, and this moment is the beginning of the five-person nightmare of the miracle of the emperor.

606 chapter, see the future

The five people in the field of the field were also large because the score is flat.

Snapped! Snapped! The night long windshield has passed half a field, Huang Yu's sun and the Redishi triso are also a left and right blocks in front of the night.

~ ▉ ▉, the night long body is gold and light, and the basketball carried in the hands is dyed!

There is no limit to the ultra-hammer of my realm!

Night-catching wind opened in this moment without my realm, five people in the emperor high school feel a feeling of oppression.

The two shoulders are not shaking, and the night grows in a row, and the golden basketball is dazzled by him. It can only see the residue.

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