The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 730 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Ball!" The night is low.

The man stays, although I don't know what night is talking, but I can see the mean of night, "Give me the ball!"

Snapped! Night live wind caught the basketball and started to speed up the half of the other party.

Snapped! Snapped! A small black man still wants to stop the night's wind, and if you have a long wind, you will turn it off directly.

"So fast! Drug ball, turn around!" Joe's nephew nodded frequently.

"Huang Pedia, don't want to pass!" The big beard Harden appeared in front of the night, and wanted to block the night's long wind.

Night long wind shoulders jitter, the body continuously changed, and Harden is directly swayed to the ground.

"Cut ~ ▉ I thought it was a master, it turned out to be a defensive tumor!" When the night's wind glanced at Harden, the body is faster! "

The black people in the black team are also mentioned near the penalty line, and want to interfere with the night.

At this time, the night lengthy winds directly put the basketball on the rebound, and the body blunt the black center.

"What do he want to do?" The audience outside the field exclaimed.

! The night-catching wind is directly stepped into the three seconds, and the basketball hitting in the rebound is also bounced.

The night-long wind can grab the basketball, dance a large circle in the air, then pour it into the basket!

Dang! The basket has made a painful sorrow!

"Wow ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ! Good gorgeous action!" The onlookers of the scene exclaimed.

"Explosive power, bounce, timing grasp, dribble is very perfect!" Jordan did not think that the night's eyes did not look less than 18 years old, and the wind is completely formed.

He knows that he knows that some players who have a small name in the American high school league, actually the opponent at night is not the same.

"Fuck!" Harden stood up, the anger in the chest was burned, and he was swayed to the ground. This can be said to be the most shameful thing.

After the Golden Guard, Harden took the ball, it would not pay attention to the teammates, and a person is a ball and he wants to return to the night.

"I want to play answerball, you!" The night did not put Haden at the eyes at all.

After the one of the round, the night-length wind has roughly understand the strength of these black players, the physical quality is really stronger than the miracle, but the ball is very general, and it is worse than the high school player.

These black high school players are obviously eaten by physical talents, and the ball can be used to describe it.

Snapped! Snapped! Harden drops directly kill the inner line of the white team. In the face of the night length, Harden is proud to make his stunt, change the basketball from the right hand to the left hand, it seems to have a cold.

"Haha, there is!" Haden did not realize that the night cost is deliberately let him go to the basket.

Harden saw the eyes of the eyes, no one, it is directly jumping, I want a single-handed dunk!

Just when he raised the basketball, he was a huge and a night, it was a night!

A loud noise, the night cost directly gave the ball to the ground!

Oh! The onlookers of the off-site shot their eyes with their hands, and the expression is very exaggerated. This is the way the United States looks like the ball. It is rich in body movements.

Snapped! The night long body shape is very fast to control the basketball in the fan in his own hands!

Crate over! White counterattack!

"Defense!" Harden stood up, and the back of the night, the back of the night, and the result did not take a hair in the night.

Contact acceleration, the fancy of the night-catching wind is like lightning, and it has been changed through three black players in the middle line!

"Dame! Is I watching the performance of the lightning man Wade?" A watchman outside the field couldn't help but sigh the moving movement of the night.

Snapped! Snapped! In the face of the last high black player, the night-long wind is in an instant to fight the body that has accelerated, and then drops twice two consecutive times, double [leg], it is dazzling, it is dazzling Shake people dizziness!

The veteran of Joe is constantly nod, and it can be seen as a guard, the basic skill of the night is quite solid, and when you look at it, you have been working hard ...

~ ▉ ▉ ▉

After the high black players jumped, they found that they didn't get enough at night. Don't say that they interfered with the night's back!

~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ,

Even cut four points! The loud life is excellent, and there is no impact on the relationship between the time difference!

"Dame! Similar to me in the same time!" Qiao's father couldn't help but scream, he saw his past shadow in the movement of the night.

Calling ~ ▉ ▉ , Ah, he is the same talent with Kobe, McGrady! "

Cameron listened to Jordan's name, the eyebrows opened, Jordan said this, representing the night-long wind into the mountain cat team is nail.

1.2 and Cameron believes that the super strength of the night is soon, soon, I can fish with a large contract. When he will not be ah with the night grows.

On the field, the night long winds can not be empty, and the old man is playing. When you arrive, you will focus on the game.

Steal! Cover! Defense! Score! Night wind is omnipotent, almost hit the No. 5 position almost, how to vote.

Unstoppable, connect with each other!

At the end of the first quarter, the night length of the wind has cutly cuts more than 30 points, and five assists, five caps and ten rebounds are simply can't go.

The score is 42 to 8, and it is almost almost lost the suspense!

Jordan terminates the game and let everyone go to the egg, he wants to talk about this young man in front of him.

Chapter 617, God's return

Inside the training hall.

Time has reached 5 o'clock in the afternoon, everyone has left, leaving only night long wind, Jordan and several trainer and scouts.

"Young people, what is your name?" Jordan threw away the cigar in his hand.

Laughing at night, "My name is night long, according to the habit of Americans, should be the night!"

"Oh, night! You are willing to come to our Bumang team, I can use some means to let you first sign a short-term contract. If you play well next year, you will sign a big contract with you!" Jordan flashed a golden light, he I know that the player of the night, the player is extremely high, it is to grab the hand, if you don't take it now, you will trouble.

At least in Cameron, there are several other teams of scouting are the strength of the night's long wind. If those teams come to grab the night, the Bumang Cat team has no advantage.

After all, the Mountain Cat is established in Zero. The team's operation fund is far less than other teams, the team's record is also very poor, this has already plagued Jordan for several years.

If he is young ten years old, he will come back again with the character of him, and personally put it in person.

"Oh, it's a good idea!" Night long-term treasure, "but ..."

"But what?" Jordan hurriedly asked.

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