The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 731 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"I still have a more important thing this time!" Night wind slowly.

"More important, night! You are crazy, what is more important than entering basketball NBA, getting glory and a lot of more important things!" Cameron next to Camelin couldn't stand the mouth.

Night long-faced horns slightly forsake, "Money? I have the money I have now bought all the NBA teams!"

"What? All?" The scenes of the scene are stayed. It is not like a braggy, but a very calm statement, and the young people are actually a big rich?

"What is the so-called more important thing?" Jordan was surprised to the wealth of the night, but he obviously be more interested in people in the night.

"Beat you!" The night is turned, and the golden light is full of attention to Jordan.

Instantly feel the pressure relief released by the night, Jordan's sweat conditions reflectively, "Night! Are you joking with me?"

If the time falls back for 20 years, then Joe's father is peak, there are countless young people want to defeat this [] peak, whenever you have a talented young man want to challenge, Jordan will use the victory. Herdly told these young people, you are too young, don't know what is real basketball.

But now Jordan is nearly five0 years old, although the body is still a good maintenance, but it has not been specially trained for strength or physical fitness, and the physical function is not as good as before, technology is still wasteful.

"Night! You are crazy!" Cameron next to Kameron yelled again.

"If you beat me, I am willing to fight for five years without compensation!" Night wind did not pay attention to Carmelon, but said to Jordan, "But if I won ..."

"How?" Joe wrinkled.

"I will join the Phoenix Sun Team!" Night wind slowly.

"Phoenix?" Cameron is very confused, why the night's long wind will want to join the Sun team, he doesn't know that the night grow is a fan of the Sun.

"Young people! The world of basketball is not as simple as you think!" Jordan's eyes were ignited to fight the flame of the fight, and there is no one for too long to challenge him for too long.

Everyone regards him as an idol, boss, starry, and a guy who is old, no one will take him his opponent.

This makes the birthplace, never serve Jordan's silence [lonely], but this young man who has incomparable talents suddenly said to challenge yourself, which makes Jordan's unrequited heart to beat.

He once again returned to the four-year-old elderly, the robes of the trousers were because he tired of the continuous failure of the Wizards team. After the coming out, Joe's father was like the NBA of the strong, face to him. A small round of young people with talents play the priest of the killing.

The results of the Wizards team have risen very quickly, but they will finally bring their hobbies because of the injury, Joe's father, if the Wizards enter the playoffs, no one knows what will happen, after all, Jordan can be the playoffs. king!

Now Jordan is already a fifty old age, and the young people in front of them seem to be 18 years old, and they are more than him.

But Jordan is still a sink, "then come, night!"

"What! Boss, are you crazy? If you are injured, what should I do!" Cameron is going crazy, he doesn't know why Jordan will promise the request!

Potted by the trainer Tom nod, Jordan went to the locker room, he was ready to replace the jersey.

Thomic trainer and scouts also turned away, and by the way, Cameron, who was shouting, also dragged away.

! The door of the training hall was closed by Tom, and everyone did not got out of the gym and sat at the door!

"Why don't you stop them, why do you want to close!" Cameron shouted Tom, "Are you crazy? Tom!"

Tom, I saw Kameron, "Your guy only knows money! With the boss's character, what do you think he will see that he is playing very miserable?"

Night wind is standing on the court, quietly waiting for Jordan.

Jordan passed the player channel and slowly moved to the locker room.

On the walls of the passage, Jordan's wonderful photos of Jordan, Joe's grandfather, every step, and there is a force in the heart.

Jordan decided that his state is not known, the footsteps are more and more, and the body's vitality is gradually awake.

When he walked into the locker room, when he opened the locker door that had not been opened for a long time, Jordan suddenly felt that there was no difference between his two decades ago.

The feeling of invincible world is back!

Dead staring at the bull's red jersey on the 23rd, the original body is blessed, and Jordan is already can't wear this trunk.

But I don't know why, the Jordan ghost makes the red jersey in their own body, really completely complete, and the same is exactly twenty years!

Jordan was surprised. He looked down and saw his hands that had been full of wrinkles. It actually changed back, turned to look at the mirror of the wardrobe, the face and two decades ago, there is no change !

"I am back!" Jordan is a mad, holding a double punch.

He doesn't know what is going on, but it is important that his body returns to 20 years ago, the moment when he is the peak!

618 chapter, I see my Majesty

Looking at the Joe Gangnao came out from the player channel, the night's wind felt a feeling of oppression never had.

"It turns out, beat the [] Peak period Jordan? Sure enough is the epic mission!" Night long-faced horns slightly, "It is a pothoratory superhen system, give me a big gift!"

The figure in front of you and the night-length winds have been in the same way on the record, and the version of the most powerful playoffs.

"Super god system, give me Jordan's current properties!" The night's wind suddenly found that there is a big question mark on the head of Jordan, actually can find attributes.

"Yes Master!"


Name: Michael Jordan (Insessor Edition)

Title: Basketball God (100% of the ball bonus), a flying man (50% of the jump capacity)

Age: 29

Height: 198cm

Weight: 98kg

Comprehensive ability: 99

Power: 99

Agile: 99

Physical strength: 99

Bounce: 99

Drug ball: 99

Pass: 99

Shot: 99

Three points: 99

Systematic evaluation: His Majesty, Basketball God Michael, the most great player in the basketball history, the legend of the legend, the superstar among the superstars! Great is not enough to describe everything, he is the strongest player in history, the real basketball god! Beat him, the user will become the existence of the god of the basketball!

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