The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 756 of the Chapter 756 of the Prince of Tennis

643 chapter, seventh group

After a few hours, the sky outside the window has been fully illuminated by the sun, and the time is officially entered the next day.

The lips sit in the bed in the bed, slowly open their eyes, Jin Guang is surging!

call! The night is long and vomiting, feeling the filling of Chakra, the strength of the night, and the strength of the night!

Soon to the Ninja School, I listened to Iluka today, and the graduates of all schools must participate.

In the door of the ladder classroom, I saw a smiley nun.

"This kid will not laugh one night?" The night grew and shook his head, got the past, sat next to the Naruto.

"Oh, it is the long wind! Good morning!" Naruto smiled at night long.

"Haha, you are really active, come so early!" Laughing at night.

"Of course, I am the genius ninja in the village ..." Naruto voice did not fall.

A beautiful figure appears in front of the two, is the spring wild cherry.

The Naruto suddenly became red, "Hey, it is Xiao Yaki, it is hard to do it next to me?"

"Naruto! Give me a flash! I have to sit over!" Chunye Sakura pointed to the position next to the Naruto, that is, the position of the night long style! "

31 nights have already seen the Spring Sakura, the forehead is like the original, it is not good, it is not very good, and the night's wind has also calculated Luoli, but it is really a Sakura Not interested.

Moreover, she is still very arrogant, so that the night growth is slightly unhappy.

Turning a look at the face of the face on the left, the night is finally understood why Spring Sakura is not to take his position.

Before the attention is on the Naruto, the night grows did not pay attention to his left student is the famous Unechebra.

A little fart is cool, let the night long wind can't help.

The nun, the Naruto is directly opened by Xiao Yak, and she is thinking that the night is blowing at night, and the night is turned to her glance.

The blue flame of the blue eyes passed, and the Spring Sakura felt that he suddenly couldn't move, and the width of the cold sweat was not from the autonomous retreat.

"What happened, Xiao Sakuo?" Asked the Naruto.

"Don't be too kind, Naruto!" Night wind slowly.

At this time, Iruka came in, and the public participants sat down.

"Cough!" I Luka coughed two times, "You have graduated, officially become a qualified ninja! Next village will give you a task, and you will also be a group, listen to the delegation Teacher's guidance! "

"That is to say that you will complete the mission of the village as the leader of the teacher!" Is Luka explained.

"Hey! Three people a group? But there are two cumbersome!" Yu Zhibo helped himself.

"Great, I want to be with the long gang!" Naruto laughed.

The night grows is a mouthful, "Is the boring story started?"

"The first group ..." IUka began to announce the group.

"Seventh group ... whirlpool moon! Night long wind!" Iluka looked at the people.

"It's great, I really is a group of , long wind!" Narley called.

"There is also ... Unexpello Sasuke!" Iluka was again.

"Cut ~ Is there that guy?" Naruto did not cool, and standed directly.

"I Luka teacher, why do I want to be in a group with that guy, I am a wooden genius, are you not knowing?" Naruto said to Iruka.

"You also sit down! Sasuke is the best in all graduates, and you and the long wind, one is the first one, one is the second!" I Luka explained, " Also balanced strength! "

The night floating shook his head, he did not expect himself to replace Spring Sakura turned into a member of the seven groups.

Although the graduation test of the night, the results of the night break broke records, but in other previous records, the performance of the night-catching wind is the end of the annual crane, and the person is poor.

So his last achievement is just the second count, just to exceed the Naruto.

"But ..." Naruto also wanted to say something, directly interrupted by Iluka.

"Okay! You don't have to say it!" Iluka face, continuing to read a list of groups.

After reading, IUka's forehead is also a sweat. "It's really serving this koni, and I will give me a chaos at this time."

"Well! I will introduce your tutor to everyone in the afternoon, now dissolve!" Iluka announced.

The lens turns to the room of Naruto.

Three generations of fire shadows and other wooden big famous ninja flag wooden Carti appeared in the Naruto room.

"Naruto live here?" Carti picked up the milk on the table.


"This milk has been out of time!" Carti looked at the date on the milk.

"Naruto this child is less string, always likes chaos! You have more you can't worry!" , "there is also Sasuke ... In your group, there is another night-hard wind that is born from small parents. The recent strength is also a sharp step, a lot of doubts, you have to pay attention! "

"In short, I will give you, Kakasi!"

Kakasi is on the three black lines on the forehead, and the heart is embarrassed. "Three are the students, and it seems that it seems to be very hard. ... 880 ..."

"Well! I know!" Although it is trouble, since Kakasi naturally promises, since it is a three-generation rigid.

The lens returns to the classroom of the Ninja School.

The students of other groups were taken away by the teacher, leaving only nights, Naruto, and Sasuke three people still in the classroom.

The night is sitting on one side, closing his eyes, actually in cultivating Chakra, as long as there is an opportunity, the night is not waiting for the cultivation.

It looks slow, but long-term adherence, progress will be quite amazing.

Sasuke is the other side sitting in the classroom, and the Naruto walks around before the platform, a very anxious look!

"What? Our teacher has not arrived yet, only our seventh group has not come! Eluo teacher is also gone, it is really!" The unity of the Naruto shoulders, rubbing his mouth.

! The Naruto is worthy of the king of the prank. At this time, I wiped a blackboard in the door of the classroom, and then used the door to make a trap.

"Hey! Actually with this boring guy in a group!" Sasuke looked at the movement of the Naruto frown, showing the color of the eyes, "this small trick, how to do it,"

At this time, the door of the classroom finally opened!

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