The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 757 of the Chapter 757 of the Prince of Tennis

PS: There is a little delay, updated late, sorry ~

644 chapter, flag wood cardi

Snapped! The blackboard is rubbing on the head of the person who is entering the door, and people are the flag wood Cardi!

"Hahaha! Amused! Trummed!" Naruto pointed at Kasseha laughed.

Night wind is also slowly open his eyes. "Is this Kakachi? Sure enough ... very handsome!"

Night live wind has to be acknowledged that Kassei is really handsome, and the key is that the face hidden under his face is too mysterious. It can't help but want to take his mask to pick up, see the bottom How is a face!

"Is this I have to bear it? How do you feel a bit unreliable ..." Sasu help frowned.

"Hey ... how to say you, give me the first impression is ... It is very annoying!" Kakasi took this sentence for a long time.

"..." The forehead of the night, the forehead is three black lines.

Come to the roof roof of the Ninja School, a widespread feet, and the entire wooden village is full of eyes.

"Well ... Now let's introduce me first!" Kakasi Road.

"Self-introduction? What should you say?" Naruto touched the back of the back.

"Hey ... what is like, hate something such as things, interests, dreams, etc.!" Kakasherheat took the shoulders.

"That teacher, come first!" Naruto said, "Demonstrate!"

"Oh? I?" Carti, "My name is called flag wood Cardi, likes and hate something confidential! Say dreams ... It seems that there is a lot of interest!"

"Interest will not be a vulgar huan color book?" Night long wind suddenly, Kakasi was awkward.

"This kid ..."

"Okay! Let's take you, start from the right!" Kasi lazy eyes deeply saw the night's eyes.

"I am me! I will come! My name is the whirlpool!" The Narley pushed the leaves of the wooden leaves on the head, and I watched it. "I like the bubble! The favorite is the long wind, please eat A congregation! The most hateful is three minutes of waiting for the bubble surface. ¨! "

Night wind looks at the active look of the niece, and the heart is sighing, who will like to eat bubble? From childhood, no mother, no one cares, even people who have cooking, night long does not know how Naruto has come over.

"Have the opportunity, let you eat my cuisine!" The night is far away, "must let the Naruto forget a lip-standing ..."

bass! Naruto suddenly stood up. "My dream is to surpass the ride, let everyone in the village agree with my existence! But now it is different, my present dream is to become a true hero!"

Night long-faced horns slightly, nothing, he actually changed the dream of the Naruto, but the cost of really wanting to become a hero is really too big.

And who said what is the real hero?

"Heroes?" Kasi lazy eyes opened, "This is still very interesting!"

"Is my interest? Probably a prank!" Naruto finally.

"Very good! Next!" Cardi replied.

"My name is Yushuo Sasuke, nasty things, there is nothing like! As for the dream, I am not interested in things!" Sasuo helped his hands before the nose, the eyes were cold, "I have my own ambition, I want to be heavy Zhen Yu Zhihui family and ... "

"Kill that man!" Sasuke's tone is cold, including boundless hate.

The night flock shook his head, in fact, Sasuke's life is also very poor, and even it can be said to be miserable, and the Naruto can say that it is almost, but it is two completely different character.

"Cut ~ What is the guy saying so scary?" Naruto smashed.

"It's really this!" Kakasi looked at it.

"There is also the last one!" Kakasi turned his head and put his gaze on the night.

"Cough!" Night long-standing cough two times, "finally arrived, first of all, I would like to thank MTV, thank my record company, thank me ..."

When the night's wind is pulled, Kasi is directly stunned, "What is this stinky kid?"

"Haha!" Laughing in the night and evil, "My name is night long! I like something ... I like it as long as the otaku likes!"

"Otaku?" Naruto watched the night's long wind, obviously, I can't understand what it means.

"Nasty things are also a lot, for example, there is no strength to be equipped with people!" Night long-lasting horns slightly, "dreams, I will not say it, say that I am afraid to scare Kakasi teacher!"

"This stinky boy ... is really special!" Kakasi is also unable to vomit.

On the match, the night is self-reliant, I claims to be the second, I am afraid that there is no one dare to call the first!

After all, in the world of tennis people, there is such a "] peak dress than the master, the game is also lost!

"Okay! Self-introduction is here! Start the task from tomorrow!" Kakasi helpless.

"Teacher? What is a mission?" Naruto raised his hand.

"First, we will implement the task!" Cardi replied.

"What! What is the task?" Naruto was interested.

"Wild [outside] Survival exercises!" Carti replied.

"It's very boring? We have done it before school!" Naruto.

"..." Night long wind and Sasuke are silent, there is nothing to say.

"This exercise is not general, your opponent is me!" Kasi suddenly said, "and I can tell you a bad news, in the twenty-seven graduates, can be admitted to be nine people! The will be sent back to the school and then trained! "

"That is to say, the difficulty of this test is extremely high, reaching more than sixtens percent!" Kakasi explained.

"Ah! So high!" Naruto touched the leaves on the forehead. "What are you doing, I will not easily graduate, how can I go back, too shame!"

The night-long wind also wrinkled, unable to vomit: "It is not a way to bear, I thought I graduate directly upgraded to endure!"

"Okay! Tomorrow morning event, I will make a qualified judgment!" Kakasi took out a stack of paper from the ninja bag, handed three people.

"The specific requirements are above, it is best not to be late tomorrow!"

Naruto carefully took the paper and began to read it carefully.

Sasuke is directly to the paper into a group, throw it on one side.

Night wind is just a slight sweeping eye, then turn over, the paper has disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

"This kid, how to do it?" Carti just has attracted his attention, but he doesn't know how the night grows, because there is no fluctuation of Chakra completely, it is impossible to be a Sterile.

Snapped! Snapped! The night is shot, stood up, "Okay, flash people! Naruto Jun, see it tomorrow!"

"Well!" The Narler should be very nervous.

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