The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 762 of the Chapter 762 of the Prince of Tennis

The angle of the night long is slightly tight, looking up, "This is Kakasi wants to see, successful brainwashing ..."

! At this time, Kakasi's figure really appeared again in front of the three people.

"You are all three people ... Qualified!" Kakasi's eyes narrowed into a seam.


"What exactly is going on?"

"You are in my cardi, -887-first batch of qualified students!" Kakaki looks at the horizon, "Ninja is calm, calm, cautious! Anyone who violates the rules of Ninja and the iron law It is called waste, it will die very bad! "

"But people who ignore the companion are the worst waste!" Cardi slowed down.

"Really ... it's too cool!" Naruto looked at Kakasi to be intoxicated.

"Hey!" Sasuo snorted, but his mouth was a smile.

The night's wind shook his head and smiled, and the heart was dark. "" It is forced to open the novels model! It is better, friendship, first of all, if you die, everything doesn't make any meaning! "

Night long style feels that he doesn't belong to this nigname world, live and become strongest, master the fate in his own hands, this is what he came to this world!

"The exercise is over! The whole staff is qualified! Dry, from tomorrow, the seventh group began to perform the task!" Kakasi rushed over the thumbs up of the three people.

"Great, great! My whirlpool is Ninja, Ninja!" Naruto is happy to have tears.

"Okay, go back!" Kakasi turned and left (DBBC), Sasuke and Night wind turned and left home.

"Hey ~ ▉ Wait for me, first unlock the rope tied to me!" The Naruto was also tied to the stump.

Laughing at night, smile, suddenly there was a bitter, and then throw it backwards.

Hey! Silent, next to the right shoulder of the Naruto, the bundled rope is cut off in an instant!

Next day.

The seventh class of the legendary fire begins to perform the task.

Help four people look at the children, help the big name to find the lost pet cat ... Since the level is too low, the seventh class receives all this daily task.

Numerous office.

"Don't shoot it again to our task, too bored, give us a major task!" Naruto shouted.

"Well, I'm right!" Sasuke rarely endorsed the view of the Naruto.

As soon as, the night-long wind he was in the beginning of the cultivation, this is to use him to sleep, and practice it into the cultivation of the cultivation.

"Into! You are still a newbie, there is no experience! Everyone is this, relying on a simple task to accumulate experience!" IUK a repayment.

"But these tasks are too bored!" Naruto called.

At this time, the night growth is slowly opened, and the golden light in the eyes is turning again!

"White, that is, we are going to stand, no qualification to receive too high-level tasks!" Night long wind suddenly.

"This little child!" The eyes of the three generations of fire were put on the night's body. Some of the strange look at night, "I actually guess what I want to say?"

"But I want to say that your decay rules should be changed!" Night floors.

"What are you talking about, the long wind! In front of you, it is a big people, don't talk!" Iluka urgently.

"Hey!" The night is cold, "Waphan Village seems to be bustling, in fact, many crises have not hidden, many years have no truly top ninja! Otherwise, the age of three generations is also retired. ? "

"Stinky boy, what do you want to say?" Carti did not stop the night grow.

"Only the most dangerous task can get the most powerful ninja, there is no strong heart, it is impossible to become the top ninja! We all want to become strong, so please give us the most dangerous task!" The night is in the air.

Night long wind turns to look at Kakasi, strange smile.

"Stink!" Carti has an unknown premonition.

Night is not really in order to become a top-level ninja in Waili Village. It is only a superb nanny in Kakasi, picking some relatively senior tasks, in order to encounter a senior enemy, get enough benefits.

For these daily tasks, there is no interest in the night, and the rewards are some money, and money is the least shortage of night growth.

"Is the heart of the strong?" It's not angry when I look at the night, but I have a smile. "Since you have said this, then I will assign you a C-class task!"

"Really? What?" Naruto suddenly came.

"Protect a person!" .

"Who? Is it a big name or the main public?" Naruto hurriedly asked.

"I will introduce you, come in!"

~ ▉ is pushed away, and the bad old head in a hand is coming in. "Really, how is it a little ghost? Especially the short-term like a winter melon!"

"Who is the winter melon?" Naruto left to see the right, and found himself shortest.

"I want to slaughter you!" Naruto was angry, and he took Kakasi.

"I am a famous bridge master - Duzna! Please block my life to protect me until I go back to China to finish the bridge!" The old man was filled with wine and slowly.

Ding! At this time, the suggestion of the super-god system was raned in the night-long's mind.

Trigger the main line task: Complete the C-level task of the three generations of rigid

Task Level: Blue Task

Task reward: randomly extracts S-class tolerance

Failure punishment: Randomly delete a skill

Systematic evaluation: The user has just started in this world, but also very weak, please complete the task as soon as possible, strengthen your strength!

"Oh? Blue mission? Reward S-class tolerance, it looks good!" Originally, the night is not interested in this so-called C-class mission, but now in the reward, the night is still Decided to bare to complete this look very boring protection task ...

Chapter 650, was attacked

The next day, the door of the wooden village.

The four classs of the seventh class and the task principal Danzner have been assembled at the door.

A total of five are each carrying a backpack. Of course, the backpack of the night is empty, and the things that can be used by him into the small world.

"Departure!" Naruto hide his hands and shouted, and his face was excited.

"Naruto, you are too excited!" Night wind weakly spit.

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