The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 763 of Tennis Prince Chapter 763

"Because this is the first time I left the village!" Naruto is east, and his face is laughing.

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉ ?" Duzina poised that the Naruto's face is suspicious, turned to ask Carti.

"Oh ... rest assured! And I have to endure this!" Carti replied.

Naruto forehead, "Hey! Dead old man, don't be too small to see me! I am also very strong!"

Naruto raised his fist. "I have a hero who will surpass the fire in the morning and evening. You give me a good, my name is a whirlpower!"

Danzina filled a wine in his mouth.

"Hey, I will definitely let you eat!"

When the five people continued to their destinations, at this time, the atmosphere in the air had a slight change.

Kakasi and Sasuke, and Danzna and Night Great have noticed this change.

Among the small water trees on the roadside, it is actually an uncomfortable geeks, it is wrong, accurately said that two geeks are close.

~ ▉ , the steel chain in the hands will take the direct tie in the last Carti!

"What's going on?" Naruto was shocked.

And the night-catching wind is also a few steps behind, and the cold looks at two geeks.

! "The first hook!" Two geeks used to pull the steel chain, Kasi's body was stirred into pieces in an instant, blood is arrogant!

"Ah! Carti teacher!" Naruto is big, the forehead is cold and sweating, and it is actually a movement.

"The second is you!" The two geeks made the back of the Naruto, and the chain on the robot arm was thrown out again, and I want to set out the nun.

"When I don't exist?" At this time, the night is always started at the same time, and two people fly one left.

Sasuo help the right foot to kick, kick a chain, take out the big [leg] on the right hand, no chain, the chain is not far away.

And the night's wind is directly grabbing, the monster of the night long wind, the monster's other chain link is actually instantaneous disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

"What?" It was shocked by the geeks of the robot arm, and looked at the night of the night was shocked. "What did this little child do?"

And another geeks are directly being taken to kick out, and the steel chain is also broken.

Sasuke and night-long winds are quite rapid, but two geeks are more afraid to the mystery of night long winds.

Hey ~ After a geek is quickly retracted, it is forcibly bypassing the night long wind and Sasuke killing, and one left and right will kill the Naruto and the client Danzna!

Naruto actually stunned in the original place, blocked his face with his right hand.

The Sasuke is a sound of , and it appears in front of Duzina.

In the dangerous high, the nutan is still in the first time, and this is normal.

Before the night length is also flashing, he has seen the strength of two geeks, but most is just to endure.

"Carti teacher, you will not come to us, you have to die!" The night is sudden, he wants to solve the two in the top two tolerance, it is actually very easy, but only the night is so good, don't want to be so early. Exposing your strength.

! At this time, Kakasi's figure suddenly appeared, and the unfortunate uniforms were directly in the moment!

! The two geeks were in the hands of Kamas, and there was no resistance to the power.

"Carti teacher, you are not dead!" Naruto reacted, "It turned out to be the body!"

"It's a guy who loves the limelight!" Sasuke himned.

Laughing at night, "I bother you out of the limelight!"

"You!" Sasuke was caught in the night, and he couldn't speak.

"Call ~ ▉ is nothing!" Dz Nasca has a breath.

"Naruto ... Sorry, there is no right to save you right away! Harm you hurt!" Kakasi Road.

It turned out that the geek mechanical claws still caught the right hand of the Naruto.

······ Flowers ······

"Sasuke, long wind, you do your best!" Kakasi appreciated.

"I am useless ..." Naruto eyes, slapped his big [leg], "Why can't you move!"

"No injury! Garbility!" Sasuke turned to provoke the road, the Naruto was angry enough.

"Okay! Naruto, the two guys's claws are poisonous, or they are first sterilized!" The night is frowned, and the provocation of Sasuke is very dissatisfied.

"The long wind is correct, the Naruto will cut the wound to cut the wound, if the words, the toxicity will spread the whole body!" Kakasi said.

! Kakari tied two geeks together and throwing on the ground.

"Mr. Duzina!" Kakasi suddenly turned to Danzna.

........ [....... .. ▉ ....

"What ... What is it?" Danzina looks tense.

"These two guys are in the middle of the fog, and they are famous for all the dead battles!" Kakasi slowed down.

"How did you notice us!" The two geeks still don't know how to be discovered by Kassi.

"These days are big sun, there is a small water on the road too strange!" Carti replied.

"Since you have already missed, why not shoot?" Duzna asked.

"Because Carti teacher wants to confirm why these two geeks should attack us!" Night long wind suddenly.

"Yes! Let that it is to confirm that it is rushing on our wooden village, or rushing at you, Mr. Duzna is coming!" Kasi's eyes flashed a golden light.

"These guys are rushing at you, Mr. Dzina! I thought I thought that C-level tasks were just a robber or rogue, and now there are two inherent, this is already a B-level task or more! You should have something to hide, this is already a violation of the task! "Caassi slowed down.

"Carti teacher, what do you do with him?" If it is not because of the relationship between super-god system tasks, the night-length wind is too lazy to pay up to Zezna concealing the real situation and let the ninja are in dangerous principal, "here No medical ninja, how to give Naruto anesthesia? To deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise it is troublesome! "

"Yeah! This can be troublesome!" Kakasi turned his head to Naruto, "send the people in the village to treat!"

Chapter 651, arrival in the country

"I am evil! I don't go back!" Naruto directly took a stab in his right hand in his injured, and blood was arrogant.

Other four people were stunned. They didn't expect that Naruto actually didn't use the right hand to extruding the right hand without anesthesia.

"The poor Naruto is stimulated!" The night's wind shook his head, the self-esteem of the Naruto is actually very strong.

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