The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 771 of Tennis Prince Chapter 771

"Do you think you can keep up with me, and I have two advantages!" White suddenly.


"One is the water that is scattered around you, and I have one hand!" White one hand starts lightning printing.

"Well? One-handed print ... I have never seen this!" Night live wind is also a bit surprised.

"Secrets, thousands of kills!" White instant print completed, suddenly in the mouth.

~ The water under the long wind flew down in the air, condensed into the nine and cold shots of the hemless Ice column!

"Changfeng!" Naruto called.

"Who can't keep up with the speed?" The night's wind instantly gathered Chakra to the feet, the right foot was down, and the whole person immediately slammed the sky.

Then ... disappeared!

! The ice thies of the four sides hit together, and scattered into the water beads, and the night growth has disappeared.

"Your speed is too slow!" When you appear again, the night long has come to the back of the white.

31! Night winds gathered Chakra to the right hand, one of the fists, there is no fight skills, it is fast!

! White turned around and guarded in the chest, but it was still flying out in an instant, and he fell on the ground.

"Saucy! The speed is even better than the white!" The peach is not awkward, and the last time, the speed of the night seems to be faster!

"If you don't want to see you, if you see the long wind, you can see you! Don't say that I have not remind you!" Kasi suddenly passed.

"Haha!" The peach will not suddenly laugh, turned to the white big channel: "You also see it, then you will be dead, you are!"! "

"Yeah! It's really sorry!" Bai slowly stood up, and the whole body started to exudes the blue cold.

"Is this chill?" Night wind is also a brow.

White begins with both hands to print, "Secrets, Mirror Ice Crystals!"

At night, the wind is the same as the wall surface of the ice wall, and it is covered with the sky, and he and the white are completely enveloped.

"What is this forbearance?" Carti, who saw the signs, did not have seen this forbey.

The Naruto and Sasuke were even more thanked, and the white is actually in front of the ice wall, and then the night's eyes appeared in all the ice walls all over the ice wall.

Scene is quite strange!

"Not good!" Kakasi is dangerous in seeing the night, immediately starting action, want to save the night.

At this time, there has been no action, but it is suddenly in front of Kakasi, "Kasi, I am your opponent! Regardless of how the kid body is, it is undoubtedly! "

"Is there a mysterious deficiency?" The night was frowned. His surrounded by the substantive cold, let the night sweat!

"So I started, let you see my real speed!" The white voice suddenly became very cold!

Substant ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

"Open the door, open! Hukai, open!" Night Changfeng didn't even open the two doors in the body. At this time, he has not retained, this white is obviously his life.

! The body's body speed is raised to a new height in an instant, keeping a dodge or use the ice threshold to shock the ice needle!

~ ▉▉ , there is still a thinness of the face, and the blood flows out from them, and the face of the night is long.

"Changfeng!" Naruto saw that the night was hurt, and launched directly to help the night's wind.

"Naruto, standing in the same place!" The night is suddenly shouting.

~ ▉ ▉ ▉, "But the wind ..."

The night is touched, full of blood!

"Congratulations, you have anger me!" The night's face is sinking, and the blue flames of the blue flames are burned.

"This little ghost!" The peach of the side will never feel that the momentum of the night is completely different.

Kakasi in the side is also flashing in the eyes. "What secrets are there hidden on the end of the wind?"

"Kakasi, don't want to use the shadow, you will be smashed. If you use it, you will be blocked by my moisture, just white waste Chakra!" Taoily no longer I thought Kakasi wanted to save the night.

In the ice wall.

"Your speed is really fast, actually can escape me so much silver needle! However, this endurance is actually one of mobile, it uses only the reflection of my mirror!" Bai slowly Tao, "It is still not moving at all, in fact, you still have it!"

"I advise you not to move, the more you move, the more you hurt, the next time is not just a scar!" Bright.

"It turns out!" Kakasi has seen it out of white, "I can't think of his tights, the people who have a small age will actually have the kind of tissue ..."

"That is to say, I can't copy my written eyes, I don't want to let go!" Carti is still worried about the comfort of the night's wind 547.

"In fact, I have to give up all the emotions, and become a real ninja. I really don't want to kill you, but I don't want to kill you, now I'm now, I only have all emotions, becoming a true ninja ! "" Bright slowly, it seems to be letting down to solve the night grow up as soon as possible.

Night-length wind, "Don't take a mouth, killing, but will give yourself a reasons for you! This is the world of weak meat, the real strong is not afraid of life and death, only fists is the last word!"

boom! The night cost is gripped into a boxing fork, put on the chest, the whole person's body's muscles completely burst the upper body's combat service!

"Changfeng! What do he want to do?" Snoking people felt that the momentum of the night's wind was constantly improving.

The breath around the night's wind continues to flow out of the straight horizon, and the water around it is evaporated in an instant, and it is between the heavens and the earth!

The green bulls of the forehead, the night long wind is beginning to cover the light blue glory, it is the sign of the body Chakra!

Bang! At the same time, the night cost is unfolded, and the whole face is rising, the strong bridge in the foot begins to crack.

The stone in the air around the night is around with the airfall to the sky!

Night live wind opens the third door of eight-door armor - giving a door!

Chapter 660, you are dead!

"This little ghost!" The peach is not big. He instantly smells a dangerous breath in the night's wind. "Now we must solve him, do it or not, you will suffer!

"No, your opponent is me." Carti left hand on the head on the head, cold and cold: "I want to solve you right away!"

"Cardi, it is a bloody eye, you will not be a little else?" The peach will not be cold, but the heart is a lot of worry.

"Changfeng!" Naruto and Sasuke and Danzina's eyes were attracted by night.

The breath of the night, the body is getting more and more exaggerated. White tries to thoroughly tatting the cold-covered ice needle again, but the ice needle has just been touched by the nightly wind, and there is no longer.

"How is this possible, Chakra is actually physical, like a pair of armor wearing him." White is also shocked, "Who is you?"

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