The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 772 of the Chapter 772 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"You have no chance to know!" The voice at this time is more like a low, "because you are dead! In the moment I am angered me."

boom! The night is beginning to move, and the figure is like a lightning, it seems to have a thunder.

! From the ice wall, the white wall is moved in the head.

"It's too fast, just hide at all!" Bai once was taken out, and the whole person turned into a big hole in a light!

~ ▉ ~ ! The white ground kept rolling, slipping more than ten meters on the ground.

! The mask on the white head is instantly cracking, revealing his pretty face.

"No more people, I can't win this person ..." The radiance in the white eyes is gradually bleak, and the full shock of the night-length hard is almost crushed through his entire skull.

On the other hand, Cardi and Tao live no longer fight is also officially started.

Kakasi blood wheel opened once again raised the peach that pulled out the big knife again.

"It doesn't matter on your mouth. In fact, it is very fearful to the blood circles, yes, no longer ~~?" Kakasi cold channel.

"Hey! Kaka Western is nonsense, do you think I will not be able to play with you like you last time?" The peach is no longer moving, and the hands are printed.

"Tolerance, fog macrk!" The figure of the peach will disappear in an instant, and the fog between the heavens and the earth is getting more and more strong, and the visibility is less than one meter.

Carti even can't see more than ten meters away from night long wind and white scene.

! ~ ▉ ▉ ........

Ping Pong ~ ▉ ▉

"I actually let you hide, it is really a blood circular eye cardiki!" The peach will never suddenly appear after Kaka West, "But the next time you see me, everything is over."

The peach is no longer a slow down, and disappears in the mist again.

"You overestimate your blood circles, Cardi! If your blood wheel, you can't see the enemy, it is useless." The sound of the peach is not awkward, "and I have closed my eyes. Your blood circles have no longer hypnotize me. "

"Hey ~ ▉ Caassi is the darts that are reflected in the mist," How can this, such a big fog, even you can't see it! "

"Oh, Kakasi, do you forget that I can lock the goal of silent murder!"

~ ▉ ▉ . .......

! Kakasi arrived in time, put the big knife of the peach, just this time, Kasi's chest began to bleed, he was drawn to the skin by the giant dagger big knife.

"Carti teacher!" Naruto called.

"You still have a slow half, Kasi! You are not distracted too much, the truth of the enemy begins to be unresponsive, you don't worry that the arrogant boy, he probably be killed by white. ! "The peach is not cold.

"I will send you to hell, you will reunite it there!" The peach is no longer disappearing in the fog.

"Naruto, Sasuke you protect Mr. Duzna not to move!" Kakasi seriously.

"No, I can't just rely on copy of the scripthe, I can live today!" I didn't know when there was a reel in my hand, starting a complex and rapid printing, "Ibold, summoning the soil"! "

! Carti hands hold down the ground, and the mantra in the ground is turned on instantly.

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉ , you don't know where I am." The sound of the peach is no longer in the mist. "And I have seen your move." You have already caught my trap. "

Hey ~ ▉ ▉ ~ Suddenly fog is actually passed out of the dog bark.

The peach is no longer in the mist, and the hound drilled out from the ground bite the calf.

Betting ~ ▉ ▉, the seven eight varies of the other, the fierce dogs surrounded by peach, and then fell to him.

Every dog's neck or head is taken with wooden leaves, they instantly bite the body of the peach.

"If you can't see it, you can only go to track by your nose!" Kasi suddenly said, "This is the summoning surgery specifically used to track, before my injury is just to leave on your knife. My blood. These are my cute northern dogs, noses are better than any dog! "

"It's really not to fall into the trap!" Kakasi blood wheel released a murder, "your future is only died!"

"You are less, Carti, there is any tricks!" The peach is no longer biting by the group, or like it is nothing.

Kakasi double (money) is in complex printing, "Ray!"

Kakasi's left hand presses the right wrist, the thunder is in the hands of Kakasi, and his whole people are reflected in the blue!

"What! It can clearly see Chakra gathered to your hand, this is too dangerous!" The peach is not very surprised.

"The peach is no longer telling the misty village. For your wild and Cardo, it is died because of your wildness, this will not be the ninja." Carti right hand Thunder is constantly flashing.

"What do you know, Kasi! I only fight for my own ideals, no matter what price, there will be no change in the future!" The peach is no longer whisper.

"I don't know people!" Kakasi right foot, the right hand's lightning power is getting bigger and shining, a knife is directly cut to the peach!

This is the legendary Thunderic!

661 chapter, borrowing bitterness

Just when this is no longer dead, there is no longer in front of the peach.

It is white, and the white is white!

! Kakasi's Thunder's "Plug] into the white heart in front of it, no more than one, the whole time, all throughout the whole moment!

Blood is arrogant, reddabe, also died in the peach after the body.

Everyone's stunned, the pupil that the peach is more violent is more intense.

Night live wind is also shocking. After he opened three doors, he used to use his full punch to kill, he obviously heard the skull cracked figure.

And after opening three doors, the night cost is almost moving. Although the whole body muscles are not broken, it will be fine.

Li Luok opened five doors in the midst of I Ai Luo, after almost all people have been abolished.

The physical quality of the night, is not as good as Li Lock at that time, and the three doors have exceeded the limits that the night length can bear.

Nowadays, the night's wind is only looking at the fight against Kasi and the peach, it is already very good.

But let the night grow up did not think -660- is that the white actually is actually moving in the case of his head, and it is instant to block in front of the peach, and will never grace this will be dead!

"Is this your awareness?" The night is looking up and looking up at the blue sky above the top, and the fog is already exhausted.

"No more people ... I ..." White turned his head finally looked at it and did not scream, and his eyes were full of attachment and never, and then slowly closed his eyes.

This time, white is dead, you can't die again!

The peach is no longer a moment, "Cardi, you don't say that I am only dead, you are wrong!"

"Is that a person wearing a mask?" The Naruto next to it is already stunned, so the scene made his heart have been greatly impacted.

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