The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 773 of the Chapter 773 of the Prince of Tennis

"What happened?" Sasuke is to pay attention to the position of the night long-distance standing.

"White, do well!" The peach is no longer screaming in the cold, and the big knife in the hands will be swayed again!

"Does he want to hack together with this child?" Carti was flashing in a white body, and the whole person bounced.

Call ~ ▉ ▉ !

Kakar pulled the right hand from the white body and slowly put the white body on the ground.

"It's really ruthless, no longer!" The night is looking at it, and the eyes are full.

"Oh ... the dead of white and let me recruit freedom!" The peach is no longer cold.

Kakasi slowly closes the white eyes, and the murder is more prosperous!

~ ▉ 's figure disappears in an instant, then appears again, no longer kick directly by Kakasi's right foot.

"What's wrong, no longer, have you so powerful?" Kakasi coldly, "Why is it standing in place?"

"Bastard!" After you don't get rid of the ground, once again, you will come to Kakasi, this time is the hands of the big knife forward!

! The cards that were seen in the heart became a vain, and it was already coming to the peach and never.

"You are deserved!" Kakasi holds the neck of the peach with hands.

"What!" "The peach is no longer contracted vigorously.

"Goodbye, the ghost is not awkward!" Kakasi's hands did not fly, directly stabbed back to the back of the heart.

At this time, the peach is no longer in an instant, and the lightning of Kakasi tattoo is never thoroughly stabbed in the right arm of the peach.

! Kakasi is not pushed away by the peach, and the peach is no longer in the hands of the big knife, sliding out a few meters on the ground, slipping to the front of the night.

When the night is windy, the right hand is louder, and the giant dagger big knife instantly disappears between the heavens and the earth, just like never appeared.

And no more handsome is weak, it is already lifted.

(DBAI) "You are abolished by me now, the printing is not enough, you can't use tolerance again!" Caassi slowed down.

At this time, an unhamined sound rang in the ear.

"It will be so bad ... You are so disappointed ... no longer!" A small old man wearing a suit appeared in front of everyone, and he was a geeks who had a weird in a weapon.

"Card! You are here, there are so many people, what do you mean?" No more turned, coldly looked at the card.

"Oh, I have long thought so, I don't want to die, you will die here, I have never thought about paying you!" Said the card said, "I don't need you!" "

"Where to come from so many people!" Narves fell.

"Kakasi, I am sorry, we will hit it here. Since I don't have to kill Dadzna, I don't want to fight again!" The peach will not be lucky.

"Indeed!" Carti replied.

The night's wind is simply a big ironic, and the peach is still not good, it is the IQ.

"To put it up, your strength is really bad! I have even a few derays are indentiers!" Cardo walked to the white body, actually kicked a foot to the head of the body.

"You bastard! What do you want to do?" Naruto is angry!

"Naruto, don't move!" Carti grabbed the Naruto and did not let him send it.

"Hey ~ ▉ is your companion, how do you not move! You are too cold!" Naruto wanted.

"Give me the mouth, the little ghost! White is dead! There is no good night!" The peach is not cold.

"Yes?" Night winds, the body restored at this time, 100% of the title of the Night Great Super Dollar Chicken, the recovery ability of night long winds, although it is not as unlimited to Nine Takla Naruto, but it is also quite metamorphosis.

To restore the muscle strain for a week, it is already a lot to recover.

And the body shape of the night is also started in an instant. When it is revealed, the night lengthy wind will kick it out, kick it into his hand behind him.

~ !

"Then why you cry again!" The night's long wind turned his head and looked at the white body.

"Well?" Everyone looked Qi to the peach, and the peach is not actually crying!

A rebellious ninja in the eyes of everyone is actually crying, his heart is on the blood!

"Little ghost! I lost!" The peach will never blame it, and then the chill is deeper. "You took my big knife, at least borrowed a bitter!"

Night, the right hand, one turn, a fine steel is hard, "I gave you, the last gift!"

Snapped! The peach is no longer a big mouth, and it will be in the mouth, then rush out.

Rolling into the card and his hand ...

662 chapter, small heavens

"You are fast! I will stop him, don't let him come over!" The name of the night with a night, and looked at the peach and rushing and scared.

"Oh!" The many mixed gentle sings of the cards in front of the card should drink.

"Do you think that you can win so many people alone?" The mixed voice of the head did not fall.

Boom ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉

No left the right to flash right, and the life of the mixed is not constantly harvested.

These mixed tops are more strong, even if they can't use their hands, but the gap between strength is still huge.

Put the tab and cut vegetables, and then broke through the heavy surrounding, flying to the card.

At this time, I have been [inserted] into a few wonderful weapons, although "eight three zero" he has more than these blending, but the hands can not get up, let him have a complete defense all angle.

But no longer burst out, the whole person burned the flame of the blue.

Cardo was scared and did not move, as if I saw a ghost.

puff! No nozzles have the pain in the mouth, there is no tricky chest!

Blood is arrogant!

Hey ~ ▉ ~ ▉! At this time, no one of the various wonderful weapons behind it will not be bleed!

I don't slow down, the face is awkward, and many blends are scared by him to open a road.

Then the hand stretched out of the white, and the eyes never had a gentleness, and then slowly extinguished!

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