The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 785 of the Chapter 785 of Tennis Prince

"Yes, you will die here with me! Forbearing, double snakes, killing!" Red beans, and the big snake pills.

"Oh, don't you want to live?" The sound of the big snake pill appeared behind the red bean.

"That is just my bordering!"

The , was caught by red beans, the big snake pill was disappeared.

"I am special, how can you use my ban on you?"

"Why are you here?"

"I haven't seen red beans for a long time, don't be so cold!" The big snake pill was completely torn off the appearance of the camouflage.

"Hey! You won't come to assassinate the big people?" The red bean asked coldly, she grabbed her neck, and there was one of the same imprints just like Sasuke, in a faint pain.

"How can I? I am so kind, how can I confront so many wooden ninja, I just want to find other plastic talents in the village!" The big snake pill smiled slightly, "I want to get the child! And I found that the young people in Wumi Village are getting stronger and stronger! "

"Hey! You Hu Jun, so you will die!"

"He has a hopeful hope, and he will live well as you will be like you!"

"So, the child is very happy?"

"Are you? Red beans! It seems that I am gone to make your heart full of resentment!" The big snake pill suddenly said.

The red bean is a glimpse, and the eyes are dark, and the face is more sweating. The curse of the big snake pill is in her body.

"He is an absolutely ideal heir, because he is the descendant of the Yishabo family, if he is alive ..." The big snake pill is horses, "you better don't stop the exam, otherwise ... I ruined it. Woody village! "

The squat, after I finished, the big snake will disappeared again, leaving only the red bean who fell into the ground and gasped.

The lens turned back, the night length looked at the two wounds in front of him. Sasuke or bite his eyes, the curse was blended with his body, and the Naruto used the nine tail strength, it was just dizzy. In the past, that is, the only one of the seventh classes is only a good power.

"It seems that the draw must get a little medical skill or the call of the nurse's stream!" The night grew in front of the two people holding down the Bisso Road.

Naruto does not need to manage, his nine-tailed Chakra super recovery will soon recover.

As for Sasuke, there is no good way to live in the night, only to listen to the life, see himself, can not support it.

"They are there!" At this time, the three wonderful ninja in Ying Yin Village appeared in the bushes not far from the night, "according to the instructions of the big Snake Pills!"

"To! Target - Unecheo Sasuke, others can slaughter them!"

··· ▉ ▉

Death forest.

Night winds found a big tree hole, put the Naruto and Sasuke in the tree cave, and read the night lengthy winds of the Baye wilderness, for the [wild] survival, still very good.

It's a good two people, and the night is sitting on the side and begins to enter the cultivation.

After a few battles, the night long style felt that Chakra in his body was consumed seven or eight eight, but it was faster, and the fire of the undead seems to have a breakthrough.

Sure enough, the battle is the best way to practice!

After a few hours, it was already a dark sky and slightly, it was already a second day.


Suddenly, the eyes closed, the eyes opened, and the hands were turned, and it was shot.

It is bombard that is bombarded in the small squirrel, the mouse exploded in a moment!

It turns out that this little squirrel is attracted by people!

"Out, do you have for so long, just want to have such a way?" The night's mouth is ridiculous.

bass! Three people in Yingyin Village have been shaped in front of the night wind, "Kid, you are very arrogant!"

The night grows slowly, "Look at your care should be sound, but also on the hands of the big snake, I don't want to talk nonsense with the dragon, let's go, come!"

"I will let you first, don't say that I have not given you a chance!" The night is cold, before fighting with the big snake pill, the night is actually in the absolute bottom, which makes him a belly.

"You have two to solve the help, this guy is handed over to me!" Standing in the most forehead leader.

"It seems that you are going to plan three or one? Since this is like this ..." There is a blue flame in the eyes of the night in the eyes of the burn, and the hands are in an instant print!

"Come out!"

There was a dark door in the void, and the ninjas of the three muscles were stunned. They rose a chill from the bottom of the heart.

"My God, what is this !!"

Night long-faced rises slightly, a waving, black hole, walked out of five hand of the cold weapon, "Oh, this is to send you to the dead!"

675 chapter, secondary undead creatures

Five .

However, there is no disappearance of the black hole, and the lift is a change in the lifting, and the black hole is actually coming out of the two.

"This is good for you to try the power of the archers!" The night grew slightly, a pair of expression.

Outside the night-catching undead has been broken down under the cultivation of his day and night, you can summon the 2-level archer.

The previous level of the soldiers are different, and the soldiers' sells are much better, and the whole body is good, there is no trace of cracks like the bones of the soldiers.

Moreover, the flame in the eyeliner is not a faint white, but green, looks more horrible.

The most important thing is that the two hands hold a "zero zero" huge bones, no bows and bows, and the night growers have some doubts that these two armbles are used to arrow.

"On!" The night's right hand, the right hand, five , although the speed is more than the rush of the ninja, it is not slow.

"Can be evil! Is it awkward? First solve the kid, these will naturally fall!" These three sounds still have to use the night's wind.

The attack of the sound hold is generally acoustic, and there is no meaning for the soldiers.

~ ▉ Three sounds tolerate the five appear in front of the night length, the archer is finally moved!

In the hands of the giant bones in the hands, the hand is pulled, and the void is actually condensed with green arrows!

"Oh, it turned out that it was condensed with energy, not bad, it seems to be more advanced than the !" Night-lasting style nodded.

Of course, the archers are of course much higher than those, although they are only one level, but if the distance is far enough, the arrow can be killed in seconds.

~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ , green energy arrows, to bear three people.

Three people instantly feel the huge energy in the arrow, and they are not urgent to attack the night's wind, "flash!"

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