The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 786 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Bang! Three sounds have escaped the arrow, the arrow is angry in the ground, and a giant pit appears in front of the night, dust, cover the sky! This arrow can be more powerful than the power of the prince!

The smoke is exhausted, and the three sounds have been surrounded by the five groups, and three of them have hugged three people, one.

"Stupid! It's easy to fall into the circle, it is a dragon set!" The night grew away and waved his right hand.

The energy arrow is shot again in the arrow!

Bang! The loud noise once again, this time, three sounds will not be in urgent reactions, which are fried as gray, and even the slag is not left.

The poor three dragon sets did not say that they have been with the five , disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

Night hard looks at two , is satisfied, "This second-level " is really good, the only shortcoming is that the interval of attack is a bit long, and there is almost no more than melee capabilities. ! "

But with the soldiers, the strength is stronger.

"Waiting for Laozi, it is strong to control an undead army, and all kinds of undead creatures, then TM is the opponent of Laozi! Haha!" The night didn't help YY.

"Right, they should have a reel!" Night long wind suddenly remembered the reel of the reel, when he exploded, he saw something flying out.

"In that!" The night-catching wind picked up the rectangular object lying on the ground, shaking the black ash on the ground, showing a 'land' word!

Is the book!

I don't know what this spool is doing, and I actually take it to the explosion of the previous.

"Take him, this is a qualified!" The night's book is the book, that is, the seventh class has completed the second exam, and you can travel toward the center of the death forest.

When the night is growing, the right hand is turned, the book of the land disappears, and he is thrown into the safest small world.

"Ah ~ ▉ ▉ ▉,,,

The face and the body are full of curse, and the blood circles are also automatically opened. The whole people are sharply rising, and the night-long wind feels the breath of the big snake pill.

"MD, trouble!" The night-long style flashed in front of Sasuo, pressed the hand with hand.

The body is directly opened the first two doors of eight-door armor. The huge power among the body flies out, and the life of the death consciously pressed, not let him mess ...

After a period of cultivation and fighting, the lifting power has improved, and after connecting two, the body muscles are released, and now the power is great.

Although Sasuke got the power of the big snake, it was still held by the night, there is no way to stand up.

"Sasuke, you calm down to Laozi!" The night grew in the wind.

Sasuke's blood circles were dead and stared at night, and then slowly disappeared, turned back to black eyes, and the curse of the body was gradually disappearing, and finally disappeared.

"What is going on? That big snake pill?" Sasuke recovered in the eyes.

Night wind is also slowly letting go, rub the sweat of the forehead, "I kao, when you are really exhausted!"

"Don't hurt the long wind!" At this time, the Naruto sat up from the ground, shouting in his mouth.

Then look at the night, the eyes, the Naruto is embarrassed, "Hey, I have a nightmare, what is the situation now?"

Laughing at night, there is a sudden turning around, the two rolls of scrolls appear in his hand, one day, "When you have a rest, I have already set the reel for the reel, now we can go to the Tower! I I want someone to wait for us for a long time! "

"Wow! It's amazing, it is a long wind, actually get the reel! Haha!" 3.5 Naruto is happy.

"Hey!" Sasuke is a bias, and it is a bit uncomfortable. "He has been more than he has got a reel. What did he do?"


Deepening of death forests.

Red beans have arrived in the tower, and the two people in the dark are also coming.

"It turns out that you are here, red beans ..."

"Cut ~ I'm smother as the dark, the speed is too slow!" Red bean turned his head.

Ah ~ ▉ At this time, the curse of the red bean was posted, and it was directly painful.

"Hey ~ ▉ Beans, what's wrong with you!" The two people were obviously the old man of red beans, and they saw the curse of the red bean neck.

"Actually the curse, is it ..."

Chapter 676, arrive at the Tower

"Yes, it is a big snake pill!" Red bean cold channel.

"Damn, we will send you to the big people there!"

"No, I have to go to the tower, you will go, please ask the old people!" Red beans are in a long time.

"Into! Don't say stupid, I will stop the exam, the guy of the big snake pill is coming!"

High tower.

The darkness of the two people did not stop the test under the strong demand of red beans.

"Red beans, you finally come, some urgent affairs need to report to you!" A ninja appeared in front of red beans.

"You can't wait, I have an urgent matter here ..."

~ ▉ Ninjei directly took out the tape, "Please take a look at this first!"

"Video?" The dark department is also a glimpse.

"Please pay attention to the time that appears here!" Ninja put the tape into the player, and a few people appeared in front of the screen, and several people appeared on the screen.

"they are……"

"This is the picture captured by 37 minutes after the exam, the Ninja of the Sand has ..."

"No ... 31 ..." Red beans are also stunned, watching the picture on the eyes of the eyes cold, I love.

"I only used 97 minutes. They completed the second exam. This kind of thing has never happened!" The Ninja is in a hurry.

"This kind of strength is already far better. If you can't think of the previous four hours of records, I have been broken!" The ninja has sweat in the forehead.

"Not only this, from the entrance to this a total of ten kilometers, the road is difficult and there are all kinds of beasts and poisonous dears, you see them, basically no damage, especially the brown hair, no dirty!" Red bean brow A wrinkle.

"Yeah, even if we can't keep it like high tower!"

"This child has a strong ability, I haven't seen such a good child for a long time, but his eyes are too uncomfortable!" One of the secrets of the secret slowly.

On the other hand, the three people in the night are also rushing to the tower, and I have encountered the previous Ninja.

The two squades did not fight, because they all set a reel, and the Naruto was still very good, and they came to the tower together.

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