The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 787 of the Chapter 787 of the Prince of Tennis

Sasuke is still very unfamed to the unidentified port. As for the night long, you know what a dangerous figure is what is a dangerous person, but the acting of the plum is simply Oscar, and the night is not a reason to reveal him.

Dangdang, the Naruto is directly the door to the high tower, and the three people raise their feet into the tower.

I looked at the back of the three people, and there was a white light on the glasses.

! A person suddenly walked in front of his pocket, "Is there a harvest?"

"Of course, and more than expected, except for a short period of time, the seventh class is here in this second exam!" Have a card to hand it. Come, "This is what you want, it seems that you are still very awkward ... big snake pills! ▉

Yes, it is the disappeared big snake pill before standing in front.

"Oh, I want to know how you look at him ..." Big snake pills looked at the card, "Your view of your village's professional spy!"

"Is there anything necessary ... Do you not pay by you? ▉▉▉ !"

"Very good, this is the most appreciation of your place, pocket, you are very smart!" The big snake will disappear in a moment, "I have been working!"

On the other hand, the three generations of fire shadows also rushed to the tower.

"How is it, is it hurting in the mantra?" Asked.

"I don't hurt, thank you, I feel much!" Red bean and reputation.

"Said, the big snake pill is in the legendary figure, even the dark department does not dare to move him, and the S-class wanted manual also also has his rebellile, but isn't he is it? How can I appear here? "Asked the deputy doctors next to him.

"Maybe it's a help ..." .

"What?" "Red Bean is shocked," Is he coming for Unexpello? "

"Naruto adult, red bean adult, after confirmation of 21 people through the second exam ... According to the provisions of the crowd, the third exam will hold the preselection that has not been entered in five years!" Report.

"Naruto, you see ..."

"The exam also hosted, but you must pay close attention to the movement of the big snake!"



Tower in the hall.

The night-long wind is looking at this hall, it looks like a play of a military field, very huge, there is a huge two-handed statue on the front, very domineering, and the first floor is a place to watch.

The three generations of fire shadows were standing on the stage, and the candidates were standing under the second exam.

"To congratulate you first, you have passed the second exam!" .

The red bean on the side looked at the crowd under the stage. "Although there is only 21, it is much more than I think, I expect people who will only leave the number of people to complete the exam!"

The night-hearted wind reminds people through the exam, the small strength of the leaves passed, and there is also the country of the country, and the three people, and some lucky dragon sockets.

Dear guiding teachers also rushed over, Erica also appeared in the 933 instructor.

"Your team is good, Kasi! But, then it can be so smooth, because there is my part!" Akui said, "Who lets the next level relies on strength. ! Youth, sometimes it is very sorry and ruthless! "

"Hey? Are you talking to me?" Kakasi turned his head and slept.

"Can be evil! Kaka West, you're embarrassed, it is my death! You let others think that you are cool, really gas!" Akai is still a temporary.

The three-generation fire shadow looked very pleased, turned to look at the guiding teacher next to it, "there will be so many people, and most of them are new people, no wonder they want to recommend these newcomers!"

"Please ask the third generation of fire, the rules and related matters of the third exam! You have to listen carefully!" Red bean tricks.

"Before I explain the third exam next, I should first say something, which is why we have to hold this test between our allies ..."

The night lengthy wind under the stage shook his head. "This old man is coming again, there is much nonsense, I still practice it!"

When the night length of the wind was closed, it was actually practiced alone when everyone heard the taste, and he was unique to study hard.

677 chapter, qualifier

"... This is a prestige for your own dreams and villages, you must have to turn out the battle ..." The three generations of fire, the old man is still talking on the stage.

In addition to the night's wind, everyone is still very careful.

"Tone less, or hurry to say the game rules!" I love Luo.

"Okay, let's give it to the referee." It is also very helpless. He also pays attention to the night, the night is actually closed, and thought he is sleeping.

"Hello! My name is the moonlight wind, the referee of the third game!" A very important ninja appeared in front of everyone.

"you are?"

"Let the next preselection, which will determine if you are eligible to participate in the third exam!" The referee said.

"Pre-selection? How can it be preselected, isn't it directly to participate in the third exam?" Deer's dissatisfaction asked.

"The first two before the end of the exam is too simple, and the remaining people are a bit more ... so according to the rules, the preselection is required!" The referee cold channel, "Ok, no nonsense. Now there is physical discomfort or After listening to me, I want to exit, I will raise my hand now, if there is no, I started preselection now! "

" -033- ... is the same, we have just come here from the death forest!" The dog is called.

"I ... abstain!" At this time, I raised my hand and said to abstain.

"What ..." The pap is actually abstained! "Naruto was very surprised.

"Good! You are the pharmacist of the wood, you can go! Who else wants to withdraw?" The referee nodded.

Naruto turned his head and rushed to the pocket, "Do you have to quit, clearly, you can't get here, don't try?"

"Sorry, Naruto ... I am already a breeze, already ..." said a regret.

The night long-term mouth is hidden, there is a bit uncomfortable in my heart, "Pack, continue to install! If in the film, the director will give you a chicken leg, it is really good!"

When I saw the left side, then turned and left, "Oh, the seventh classes of the children, we have the opportunity to see you again, or keep the fun to the future ..."

The night is full of eyes, I saw a ninja in the village, the face is white, and the eyes flashed green light. I always feel that this person seems to know.

"This death ... hurts more and more frequent!" Saso helps his neck.

"What's wrong, Sasuke, do you want to quit?" The night is deliberately asked.

"You don't have a leisure, and you have nothing to do!" Sasuke cold, "I am a Avenner!"

Night long-faced horns slightly, now Sasuke and the night growings, and the strong will be able to play, and they are also desirable.

However, on the road to the strong, it will be given to the anti-counterfeit, becoming someone else.

"Bastard! What to put! The long wind is concerned!" The Naruto called.

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