The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 788 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

"Naruto ..." Sasuke turned his head, "I am eager to fight with you ..."

Naruto stunned!

"Sure enough is the curse of the big snake!" "" .

"Or let him withdraw it out and isolate it under the dark guard!" Said the red bean.

"He won't come to lay it ..." Kasi suddenly inserted, "Who let him be the descendants of the Yishabo family!"

"You are less, Carti. If you don't work, you will come hard, no matter what he wants him! You don't know the power of the curse, even Chakra is sealed! Finally, will completely erode The body of the monger! "Red bean turntable.

"Naruto" ... "

Hui ~ ▉ , "Although I am also very popular in Italian, I still let him continue the exam, see again! Once the curse spreads, the power is out of control, and immediately terminated his exam!"

"Yes!" The college entrance examination and the wooden ninja were in the same way.

"So, now start preselection, the qualifier will use a one-to-one personal battle form, and it is a actual combat!" The referee is explained, "Now it is twenty people, after a couple of games, win one party You can take the third exam! "

"What is the rule?"

"There is no limit, fighting to one party, falling or admitted, the best thing to make life, I will admit defeat. Of course, in order to reduce the casualties, I may go to the game!" Referee Reply.

"Well, now you look at the screen!" The referee pointed out the big screen of the ceiling, "it will show it, you appear in the order!"

When the night lives, there is no understanding of the technology of the world. The black and white green display looks like it is through the style of the former five or six dozen.

Candidates are deeply looking at big screens.

The name on the big screen began to scroll, and the final result is Yuxi Bo Sasuke VS Red copper.

"Who?" Night live wind did not impress this dragon set.

"Please ask the two candidates who appear on the screen to come to the front!" The referee walked into the military farm.

Sasuke and the red copper station opposed to the center of the play.

"The first round, the two sides Unechebra help and the red copper army, have there any objection?"

"No!" The two represented.

"Hey, if you want to make a hand with me, don't lose to this sunglasses!" Naruto gathered to the help.

The attention of the night's long wind is on the mysterious sound of the village, and the guy smirked, so that the night is always very dangerous.

"Well, now start the game, in addition to the contestants, the rest of the people will go to the second floor!" The referee pointed at the second floor.

Everyone began to go to the staircase.

At this point, Kakasi came over, "Sasuke ... Don't use the bloody eyes!"

"Hey ... I found it ..."

"If the curse in the neck is out of control, you will be dead, not that is so good every time!" Kakasi slowly, "If it turns into such, the game will stop, when I will rush down, I will rush down Stop you, please take care! "

"Well?" Sasuke, grabbed his neck, more and more painful curse [department], "Now it seems not to be a bloody eye, I can't even use the most basic Irrability!"

On the stage, Yin Yin Village Ninja looked with Sasuke, "Sasuke ..."

"Oh! Carti teacher, here, we are here!" Naruto arrived at the stand and did not stop, and called Kakasi.

"Changfeng, Naruto, you look good! It seems that there is a growth!" Kakasi said.

"Of course, I am a genius whirlpool, haha!" Narler smiled.

Night live wind is also laughing, the eyes turned to the two people in the play of the work, "I don't know what it will become ..."

678 chapter, pressing curse

"Start!" The referee will be left.

Both people bounce directly to both!

The red copper army is handed out, and the left hand explores the darts in the ninja bag behind him. At the same time, Sasuke is also in the ninja bag on the big [leg].

Ping Pong! The darts of the red copper shot instantly was used by Sasuke, and at this time, the curse in the neck was also episodes.

~ ▉ This opportunity, the red copper is directly flashing now, the right hand is a punch, Saso helps the thousands of hair, it is shouted, the right hand of the red copper is on the ground, playing a deep pit, small Stone flies.

Sasuo, the brain is flashing, bitter is nailing on the ground, the body is squatting, caught the calf of the red laminate, directly to the hug, instantly use the feet to pay the red strip of the arm, put down In the ground!

"Get it!" Naruto called.

"Hey!" The red copper smiled, and the right hand killed the seasons, and the faint Chakra appeared in his hand.

"Damn ... My power!" Sasuke is very shocked, he feels that his strength is constant, and the hands of the red copper.

! The red laminar quickly broke away from Sasuke, and directly kicked out, it was instant to stand.

"It's evil, why didn't you really get your strength!" Sasuke slowly stood up.

At this time, the red laminate quickly rushed over, and the right hand directly pressed in the head of Sasuke.

This time, Sasuke did not escape, and he was killed by the red copper.

"Hey!" The red copper will be saved to the ground, and the hands appear light blue again.

"Sasuke!" Naruto was sweating in the forehead.

On the side of the night, the wind is frowned. "This dragon set, it is not weak!"

"My Chakra is by you ..." Sasuke pupils suddenly contracted.

"You only know ..." A red copper is smirk.

"The ability of this guy is Chakra's absorption, as long as he is encountered by his palm, Chakra will be sucked away by him!" Night long wind has seen the ability of the red copper, "Very nice tolerance, However, it should be limited to it! "

The night length is that this Chakra, which is the red copper, is very interesting. If you can learn the power of others in the battle, you will be stronger, and the enemy's power will continue to pass, it seems very strong tolerance. Surgery.

"Ah!" Sasuke screamed, his strength continued to be squeezed by the red copper.

"I don't want to be sucked away by him, only to rely on the power of the curse, come, liberate your strength!" The Ninja Village of Yinyin Village is actually a big snake pill, "" Only you can live! "

"Betting!" Sasuke or taking advantage of the gap of the red copper, kicked him with a foot, got rid of the control of the red copper.

"Oh, I don't think you have the power of resistance!" Starting with the red copper.

"Good insurance, but if you have been encountered by him, I can't move!" Sasuke gasped, consumes great, "What should I do?"

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