The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 810

"This little ghost, really like the legend!" The referee brows.

"Changfeng, how to help have not come yet!" Naruto asked.

"Don't worry, take the character of the guy, he will come!" Night grows.

The VIP mat of the table.

"The school team that has sent a dark portion to find it, but ..." The Ninja lowered, "said that he has been seen by the person. If you are like that, you will definitely not come. ! "

At this time, a masked man in a header 'word marker hat entered the VIP room, slowly sat down, this person is stunning: _ ≯_ ≮ Alternative: _ ≯ The lead shadow of the first colore!

The prosperity in the arena looks at the arrival of the wind, and the heart of the heart immediately accelerates. They all know that all this means stunning: _ ≯ ≯ ≮ ≮ ≮: _ ≯ will be taken as usual.

"Where, where ... is still here!" The wind shadow talked in the front, "But although your age is still still light, but if you want to travel, I am afraid it is not to eat, or I have the fifth generation of fire. The candidate is better! "

"Haha ... Don't always be used as an old man, I still want to do it for five years!" .

"Dear guests, thank you for gathering here to participate in the Chinese tolerance test, let's take a formal competition through the preselected nine players!" , "please Good appreciation! "

_ The sky has frowned and did not answer.

See the tribuna.

"You listen to it, this is the last test!" The referee said to nine people, "Although the topography is different, but there is no limit, there is no restriction, the competition is to be able to accept or die when they will stop ! But in the fainting of the victory: _ ≯ ≮ ≮::} I will stop the game ... understand? "

"Starting less, start! Say it back, sometimes, not you want to stop it, you can stop it!" Night cold people ≮ Alternative: ≯

"Well, the first round is the whirlpool, the rumor, the day!" The referee announced the way, "Others please come to the alternative: _ ≯ ≯ ≮ ≮ ≮: _ ≯ ! "

The previous pre-selection, although the night cost is a spike of Ning, but the last time, Ningxiao and the young land, winning still, Ning, ≮ ≮ ≮: _ ≯ .

Ning is frowned. When the night is so small, he also makes him a quite fire, but he also got the night, the long-standing is alternative: _ ≯_ , is not a grade ninja .

Full selection: _ ≯ .

"I really look forward to this game!" Dogs looked at the figure of Naruto, and since the Naruto defeated him, he was alternative: _ ≯ Since the impression of the Naruto completely changed.

The young field next to it is worried about the Naruto on the scene, "If the brother is playing, the Naruto is ... will not be dangerous.

"Don't worry! Naruto is not as weak as you think!" The night's long wind suddenly appeared around the Tiantian.

Under the mouse, the game officially started, and everyone puts his gaze into the arena.

One of the opening is the opening of the white eye, it is clear that he also wants to speed up the speed, I don't want to waste too much Chakra on the Naruto!

The goal is that the night grows, revenge to the night long ...

And the Naruto took the hands and printed, using the shadow, divided into four fresses, he knows that Ning's trek is very strong, the knife is alternative: _ ≯ .

"Yes?" The night is laughing, "How do I feel that it is a hole! But every day, the cheongsam you wear today is very beautiful!"

"Yes? Thank you ... Changfeng!" Everyday was happy, and the night is so exaggerated to make him feel happy.

See you in the field.

Ning Xin's body suddenly started, one of the two borders that rushed in front of the ground, followed by a three hundred and sixty degrees of legs!

Full selection: _ ≯ ≯ ≮ Alternative:} ≯ , , ~ ▉ 's four different flesh!

At this time, there are two borders that appear in Ning, and it is necessary to suffer. [Plug] When entering the back of Ning.

Buch suddenly a low head, escaped the bitter attack, instantly revealed the pair!

Full selection: _ ≯!! Two fresses were impeded in an instant!

"Awesham!" I came up at the desk, and the movement of Ning Ji 0.0 is a gas, simply destroyed, the shadow of the Naruto _ .

The night's life smiled and shook his head. "Naruto is stupid, I am not talking to him is three hundred and sixty degrees [transpared] I didn't understand what I mean?"

"Oh, I heard that you want to surpass the ride, I advise you to dream! You can be too flat! In the face of realism, you can faint ≮: _ ≯ What can escape my eyes!" Ning times cold Channel.

"Breast! I don't want to be teached by the guy who is born in the sky! Like the long wind, you are a weak chicken!" Naruto hands ≮ ≮ ≮: _ ≯ ≯

Night wind is slightly tight, "" The idiots don't know the talent gap between him and the Naruto is a real day.

702 chapter, the power of the nine tail

"Multiple shadows of shadows!"

"Don't see me into idiots, your attack I have already seen it!" Ningjun cold channel.

"Bast easter, don't try you know!" The Narler roared, and hundreds of schools rushed to Ning, and the shadow of the sky was wrapped in Ning Ji, and rushed together!

White eyes, open!

The green gluten on the face of Ningxia has skyrocketed, and the white eyes open to the maximum, 360 degrees sweep, "your body is there!"

Ning times, the right foot is in the back, and it turns out the harmonious attacks of the Naruto, and the shoulder of the Naruto.

"You lose!" Ningjun coldly.

The people who were hit were spitting blood, but they looked up and laughed, "the bastard, losing you!"

"Stupid goods, it is good!" The night long-faced corner on the stage is also slightly tight.

! It turned out that Ning people hit in Ningjun is just a branch, and at this time, there are two Naruto to spend on the back of Ning.

"Ah!" Two Naruto shouted, one left and right attacked Ning.

Just when the Naruto had to complete the attack-750-, Ning Ji suddenly turned up the light blue Chakra, the knee slightly, and immediately rotated into a circle.

! The two Naruto were blown out at the same time, one of which was immersed in an instant, and the other is that the body is talented on the ground. Ten meters can be stopped.

"Damn!" Naruto's full body pain, "What is the moving!"

"You think ... have you been won by yourself?" Ningxiao bruises.

On the table.

The top of the top of the young peaks, "that is ..."

"Hey ... this is the defense system of Ningji ... return to day!"

"The white eye of the guy is the perspective of three hundred and sixty degrees. That is to say that he can look around everything around, so through the white eyes to perceive the opponent's attack, then use the one who just received the attack, from the body Clard's XUE Dao released a large number of Chakra! "Night wind slowly.

"After it is like a gyro, spinning the body, bounces all the attacks, this is the so-called return!" The golden light in the eyes of the night.

"Yes! Changfeng, you are so powerful, actually look at it! (Dbbh)" Try every day, "Ning's gossip returned to the sky is another absolute defense, perhaps than the Ninja of the Sand Absolute defense is strong! "

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