The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 811, Chapter 811, Chapter 811

Laughing at night, there is no reply, in the night long eyes, this so-called absolute defense is still a gap between the sphere defensive in the high-density of my love.

And there is a fatal weakness.


"This is over, you are already within my eight-handed road!" Ningjun cold channel, then launched his hands, the body put out the pocket of the gossip.

"Soft method · gossip sixty-four palm Owen alternative:! ≯"

~ ▉ ▉ ...... ....................

Both palms! Four palms! Twelve palms ... 64 palms!

If there is a hint of the rain, it is hitting the nun, the Naruto is blown out in an instant, and the heavy fell is on the ground.

"It's great!" There is Ninja on the table.

The night length of the mouth is ridiculed, "" What is the eight palms, the palm is messy, the hole is full! "

The people next to the people are surprised to watch the night long, they don't understand why the night is so good to have such an evaluation of this power.

In fact, in the world of the night, the world is in a child, and the night long is to grow up with grandfather.

And his grandfather once is a master of a national doctor, and the strength of the fist and foreign boxing is quite powerful.

What is national surgery, it is martial arts that kills people.

From the small night, you will follow the grandfather to study the national surgery, helpless talents are too bad, and it has always been a flower.

However, under the eyes of the eyes, the night-lived winds have aware of the martial arts of all kinds of national surgery, and some research on the stunts of each door.

The so-called gossip palm is a kind of three major inner boxing, and it is also called the gossip, which is a kind of boxing of the enemy by changing the enemy. Since the closeness of the gossip is called the gossip.

The gossip palm is also divided into many factions, and the night's best is the gossip, because this is also one of his grandfather's most talented.

Night winds havenoted countless times, grandfather practicing gossip, the gossip is the palm of the palm, and that is a pen, the dragon snake, the tiger is hungry, there is a long dragon hovering on the ground, instantly knock down more than ten enemies around.

In the loud eyes, it is the real gossip.

And Ning Ji played out the gossip, in fact, it was a continuous and fast point XUE. Without the relationship between the eighth palm, there is no semi-cuisine, the so-called day, the eight gossip is simply a prestigious name.

It's just that the world has the existence of this energy of Chakra, so it looks powerful. If you don't use Chakra, the night long-term wind thinks that he has been practicing the feet of the gossip can also instantly let Ning. Lying down.


Naruto fell to the ground, and the whole body curled into a group.

"Your whispered Xue has been dotted, you can't stand up! You lose!" Ningjun looked at the sound.

"Naruto is still lost ..." The dog is sigh.

"Sure enough, it is more stronger!" The wild field next to it is also attached.

"It's far away!" The night long style is not falling. Bamboo

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703 chapter, fighting Li Luke

"I want it!" Naruto was shrouded with a substantive red Chakra, and a punch was played back to Ning.

The fist Mo wiped the air, and made a sound burst of sound explosion, the speed was extremely fast.

~ ▉ ▉ .................. .. . ...... . .

! The two power instantly hit, the explosion sounded at the same time, between the entire isott, was shrouded by the entire arena, which was unclear.

Call ~ ▉▉, blow up the smoke, Ning and Naruto people disappeared in the same place, there is a humanoid big pit, and a wolf around the ground.

"Ekimony Chakra, the little ghost actually has such an amazing power!" The referee on the side is also a glimpse.

"Who is it won?"

Snapped! The human shaped big hole reached out, the people slowly climb out, the day is Ning!

"The tail of the crane, I am sorry, or I won!" Ning's voice did not fall.

! He suddenly broke the soil under his body, from the bottom up, a punch beat it on the lower chin.

Ning will be flying in an instant, blood and vomiting!

Dang! Finally, heavy fell to the ground ...

"It's evil, my body is actually ... I can't move!" Ning suddenly found that his body did not have a way to stand up, his whole body Chakra is already consumed.

"Wow ... a great little ghost!" The whole game is boiled, and the entire arena is in the applause.

The referee on the side confirmed that Ning is still unable to stand up, and raised the right hand of the scorpion. "Winning the whirlpool!"

"Haha, this day is successful, the long wind!" Naruto called the night's wind.

Laughing at night, "Stupid, this is of course, what is good to celebrate!"

"Dry well, boy!"

"Being beautiful!" The audience is quite high for the performance evaluation of the Naruto.

On the arena, Ning Ji was treated by medical ninja, and Naruto returned to the battle room.

"The next coupled parties are the second round of Li Luok to the night of the war, the cinnites of the wood, ninja!" The referee announced the way.

When the night is standing instant, the figure disappeared on the stand, and it is already coming to the center of the arena.

The night length refers to the little Li, the mouth of the mouth, "down, the youthful beast of the wooden leaves! Let us come a real battle!"

Ah! Xiao Li instantly raised his legs, "finally got up, the youth of the village!"

! Xiao Li jumped directly from more than ten meters high, and stabilized in front of the night.

"I didn't expect to be so powerful with Changfeng, but it was still excited." Xiao Li's eyes flashed in the eyes, and the right hand stretched out a shape.

"Xiao Li and Changfeng Divide, who will win?" The heart is very contradictory, she hopes to win the night, and I hope that the Tongli of the same team will win.

"They are very strong, but the long wind is invincible!" Naruto looked at the two people on the arena.

"The watermelon head is impossible to be the opponent of the boy. After all, even my love has not won that kid ..." Scrupion Jiu Lang stared at the back of the night.

"Xiao Li, should be careful ... This little ghost is not a general, it is put on the two people.

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