The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 815 of the Chapter 815 of the Prince of Tennis

After doing hundreds of push-ups, Xiao Li started to skip rope, jump!

"If you can't jump up to 1200, you will kick the wooden pile 2000 times!"

"226 ... 227 ..." Xiao Li's consumption is too much, and even the jump is tripped, the body lost the balance, directly falling, and the head is on the wooden pile!

A little, Xiao Li fell to the ground!

"Hey ~ ▉!" Xiao Li bit his teeth, tears couldn't help it ...

"Xiao Li, are you tired?" Akai suddenly asked.

Xiao Li Yifang, then slowly stand up, took the dust on the PI shares, "How come you come, Akai teacher? I am not there apologized for the last mission ..."

!! Xiao Li started to kick your wooden pile!

"Xiao Li, you are indeed different from Ning, whether it is inheri, or in terms of surgery, you have no days, but Xiao Li you can have the strength of the Ning, you have this possible Sexual genius! "Akai slowed down.

"I don't need your comfort!" Xiao Li made a constantly kicking the wooden pile.

"I am not comforting, because you are a genius that is hard!" Akai smiled.

Xiao Li Yifang, let go of the right leg, "Are you not lie to me?"

Xiao Li's hands grabbed the wooden pile, and deeply embedded in the wooden pile. "I have always been convinced here, and I keep working hard, I believe that as long as I pay more than two thousand women than Ning. It will definitely become stronger! But now I will start this, can you really go beyond the day? "

Xiao Li's body constantly [trembling] shake, "will there really return after work, in order to figure out this, I will continue to make my hand and I will make my hand, but every time the results are the same, my attack is to him. No effect, when the task is executed, my leg will be scared! "

"It will not be the same, I can only be like this, I am really scared!" Xiao Li hit the head and hit the head, tears, "What should I do?"

Akai's face, Shen Sheng: "People who have lost confidence in themselves will not make sense!"

Xiao Li Yifang, wiped his tears.

"Xiao Li, we are really like, I used to be a person behind the legs, but now I am still more than that of the genius Carti, I am still more than a lot of money!" Akai's eyes are glorious, "I To prove to everyone, even if you don't have tolerance and illusion, you can make a (Li good) for the gainful ninja! Isn't this your endure? "

Akai smiled, "This dream is great, it is worth having to pay all efforts for him!" Akai took the sky, "Xiao Li, you must strengthen his belief, big step forward Let's go! You are the most talented genius of the teacher! "

"Yes!" Xiaoli's eyes in the same light, "I prove that efforts can also surpass the day!"

Xiao Li's voice honestically, the sunset died him into gold.

!! Xiao Li has begun to constantly play the wooden pile in front of him ...

Day, year, year after year ...

PS: Inn, my favorite person is not a help, nor is it a popular role or a wave of water gates. My favorite is Xiao Li, I remember that when I first look at the shadows in the first time, I was touched by Xiao Li, which is maintained so far. Only work hard and insist that it will surpass the day, this is my endure!

707 chapter, five-door decent

The lens returns to the arena.

"Xiao Li, I will admit it, you can't fight long!" Every day, he is not tolerant in the two people injured.

At this time, Xiao Li, which constantly gasped, the body, slowly, and the right hand stretched out a hand.

"How can I lose this like this, I have to become stronger, becoming more than before!" Xiao Li looked at the mouth of the night long.

"Xiao Li is laughing, at this time, he is still laughing!" Atmosphere every day.

"That is of course, it is hard to meet the opponent like that little, have you not seeing two of them laugh?" Akai's mouth is also a grin, showing a shiny teeth.


"Wooden youth will bloom again!"


Two people stand in place, and the momentum "Saturday" is constantly improving.

"Good terrible Chakra, what do these two little ghosts do?" The audience on the stage exclaimed.

"It's coming!" Naruto also felt that two people constantly improved.

The two have a hands holding hands in the chest.

Xiao Li put the face rose red, cross hands crossed!

"Ah!" Xiao Li constantly called, Chakra continued from him, rotary, and the small stone on the ground was also surrounded by him.

On the other hand, the night's heart is also a bloody, the hands are instantly, and the whole person, the whole body, Chakra is like an explosion, usually surrounded by him.

The same night, the small stones around the night are also blowing flying in the air.

"Is these two derays really just endure?"

The arrival of the VIP room is also looking at the two people. "They are the future of wood!"

The two people opened the third door at this time, and the moment is already quite horrific.

But the two people are still not satisfied, since they are the strongest confrontation of vital surgery, they must go all out!

"Injury door ... Open!" Two people opened the fourth door of eight-door armor.

At the same time, two people who use eight-door armor will play, even A Kaidu is difficult to expect.

Everyone's eyes gathered to the two people, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, and I was afraid that I might be the most exciting moment in this to endure the exam.

boom! One gold is green, two light columns, from the sky!

Xiao Li is all green flames, full of red, and the hair is inserted!

The night-long wind is a full body golden flame bear burn, the whole person has become a golden person, and the golden light in the eyes is even more bright.

"I have never seen this scene. Is it so powerful? It's great ..." A young Journal of Junah muttered on the stage. K Deng

The two people on the arena felt the powerful momentum of the opponent. At this time, there was no retardation or retreating this statement.

There is only one word - dry!

"Du Gate - open!" Two ▉ almost yell at the same time.

Chakra, the whole body is almost explosive, and the little nose is already a bit of blood, but he is honest.

One gold and one green two-way light column, at this time, it also turned into two-day JU dragon, and roaring each other in the sky.

Dragon is constantly!

At this time, Chakra in the two people is already bigger surpass Chakra, even a short period of high.

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