The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 816 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

This is no longer a derivation between tolerance, but an [] peak between the two young people's body skills!

At this time, Xiao Li's full body pain, the body is suffering from huge pain.

After the night's wind is surprising, I have no last time, but I have a feeling of death without the last time, but the whole body has a constant power.

His body is already in the past, and there is one of the world's most hardly [hard] things in the world.

The whole body of the whole body is also different from the previous creek, but the river, which is completely able to withstand the huge Chakra Sea of ​​the five-door open.

Moreover, Gold Chakra is also condensed than the general Chakra, that is, Chakra that has pourd out in the night-hearted air has not last time, just fill all the contexts all the threads.

"Move!" Finally, when the two people were raised to the vertices, they were started at the same time.

Bang! A huge sound, the entire arena is like being turned out in an instant, and the two are exploded after the land, and the boulder fly in the air.

The small stone is more chaotic, and the bullet is generally shot to the four-sided eighth. It is good to have a special Chakra shield before the audience on the stage. Otherwise, don't know how many viewers should be hurt ...

"Wow! It's too fast!" Everyone was hung by the scene in front of him, and they never have some vital skills to reach this speed.

Don't say that you can't see the shadow!

"Where are they going? Disappeared?" Well's is called.


Night wind and Xiao Li have come to the sky!

Xiao Li's right foot flew out of the chin to kick, the voice of the Thunder sounded, and the sound explosion was even more connected. After Xiao Li looked five, the speed has reached a horrible level.

! However, the night's wind is also five gates, and the speed is even more faster than Xiao Li, and the pupil will kick it back!

!! ~ The big explosion sounds in the air, almost a piece.

However, everyone on the stage almost less than two people, only can see the explosive waves constantly rolling in the air!

Both people blink, actually in the air, dozens of consecutive, and the air waves roll, even the clouds on the sky were blown by the heat waves of the two sorts.

The gage is over, a blue!

At this time, the body's body of Xiao Li is already the limit, and his eyes shines green flames, which is hot than any time!

The speed of Xiao Li actually enhanced, and the night's live wind did not expect this situation. Xiao Li actually increase his speed 5.7 degree to this level.

"Work hard to surpass the day, this is my endure!" Xiao Li appeared in front of the night length, kicked out.

~ ▉

! The night-length wind is thinking that the hands are in the chest. It is not anxious, and the chest is in the middle of Xiao Li!

! Night-length winds [hard] such as the sternum of the stone, it is actually kicked, [plug] into his lungs.

puff! Night long-haired spit blood, reddish small plums!

"Ah, I haven't played yet!" Xiao Li shouted the way to the bandage [wrap] around the night!

"Ah! What do he want to do! Changfeng Jun ..." The young fields can't bear to see the veading of the air ...

708 chapter, no loser!

At this time, the eyes of the night long wind instantly, and the golden light in the eyes, "I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

bass! Xiao Li will pull back in the night, and the right palm instantly gathered the whole body Chakra heavy shot to the night, so as far as the Thunder.


At this time, the night long's body suddenly turned, Xiao Li [wrapped] winding around him, instantly, the golden Chakra shocked by the night-lived wind!

The blood in the long-length wind is surging, the right arm is brought back, and it has risen three times in an instant. There is a gold light around the arm shining.

Yuanzu wave!

Two kinds of strong power between the heavens and the earth are hit in the air!

What did you have to think that it would be that it would be a huge explosion, actually calm down.

The two in the high-altitude once again showed the shadow, the right fist of the night, and the right palm of the little in the air.

"Nani! Actually did not happen!" The audience on the stage exclaimed.

Akai's eyebrow is a pick. He will not believe everything just seeing.

! The two have been separated less than a second, and the fire of Chakra, Xiao Li, is already burning, and 31 will fall directly on the ground.

After the night grows, after landing, single knee, a bloody spray!

"What is going on?" It's very tight every day on the stage.

"Changfeng wins?" The wilderness next to it is straight to stand up, stretched with the neck to see the situation at this time at this time.

The VIP has a cold light in the wind, "I didn't expect this little ghost, the body has reached this point ..."

The three-generation fire shadows on the side are also a little shocked.

At this time, the night length is standing directly, and the right hand of the box is in the back!

!! ~ The big explosion sounds, and a golden and green interstitial energy rass from the night length of the wind playing on the wall of the arena.

Suddenly, the mountain is shaken, and the entire arena is shaking, and the audience is even more exciting.

The dust is the sky, and every corner of the arena is covered.

"Ni, what is it, what is it?" It is constantly being called on the table, "I use hair dryness!"

Wind, hair dryness!

The three wooden leaves are in the same time using hair dryness, and the wind is sprayed in the mouth and wants to blow the dusty dust, but actually does not blow this smoke.

At this time, the handcraft in the watch room jumped to the stage, and the three-star fan behind it will be expanded!

Wind, air!

The Samsung fan of the handcuffs shot a powerful airflow, and finally it is blown to the smoke in the arena.

"What!" The people once again put their eyes into the arena, and they exposed a unbelievable expression.

Ten meter of the arena has been specially handled by a wall, that is, after the night length of the body, the wall that has just been thrown by the light column ever in the loud wind disappeared, even the gravel is not left, there is only a huge The gap.

The ring-shaped arena has disappeared at least a quarter!

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