The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 817 of the Chapter 817 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

How much power can cause so amazing destructive effect!

And this is not any stem, but the energy of the night long, is the energy of his and Xiao Li in the crash.

At a moment of hitting, the night-lived wind did not use all the best, but in turn, the power of Xiao Li Lilian is directly imported into the arm.

If the night long is really truly, the Yuanzu wave fists, Xiao Li's right hand or even half of the body will lose consciousness, even being homolled.

At that time, don't say that it is a ninja, it is a problem.

The night's long wind is also the arm fracture, and his recovery can recover quickly.

Night Changfeng chooses to accept the energy of Xiao Li in this critical moment, no one dares to do this, even if Akai is forcibly, the arm will completely abolish the Lianhua after the five doors.

However, the lively winds took place, he cracked a part of the energy wave of the energy wave with its own fluctuation, but there were more energy to drill into the arm of the night.

After that, the overnight of the night, forced the combination of these two energy, and hit it on the wall of the arena.

The scene, including fire shadows, don't have dare to do this, because they are still people, and the physical exercise is far less than the specialty Sports Akai.

If you just have a chaos like a night, there is a big risk.

At this time, the night-to-rise wind on the field is also hanging down the right arm, and his right hand is almost lost.

The night grew in the wind smiled, and the gene in the bones, the gene of the bones, so that she was abolished, and she was abolished.

However, the night is not stupid, even if his arm is discounted, he is not afraid of the recovery of super god system.

The night is doing this, it doesn't want to be hurt with Xiao Li, it is not a sympathy, but what is the same. It is a few years, he believes that Xiao Li is experiencing a few years, it will become a true opponent.

The night long wind is stepping on a slowly walking on the ground.

"You are fine, Xiao Li!" The night's left hand pulled a little Li, Xiao Li actually was tightly fond of his mouth.

"Next, I will win!" Xiao Li's eyes shielded.

The night is laughing, "Of course, I am waiting for you in front of you, 417 days! You will be a great ninja!"

Night wind raised the right hand of Xiao Li, two people stood above the arena!

Snapped! Snapped! ~ ▉ ▉ ,, this game has no loser!

The two people gave a truly fist to meat between the audience!

"Great, long wind!" The Naruto excitedly called.

"Dry good, Xiao Li!" Akai looked at his disciples, and also grateful for the night-length air reported.

As the body [] Peaks, of course, I have long seen whether it is not a full strength of all the strength, Xiao Li is likely to live.

bass! Akai came to the two people, and the night grew wind gave Xiao Li to Akai.

"Teacher Akai, the next time we have two, how?" The night is sudden.

Akai, I immediately laughed, "The stinky boy, it is still as arrogant as before, but if you want to play with me, always accompany it!"

After that, Akai left Xiao Li, although it didn't suffer any hurt, but the five doors did not have serious injuries, and it could not be restored for a short time.

"The second game, the night is windy!" The referee announced in the night length of the body.

709 chapter, repair injury

The night long wind looked up at the fire and shape of the VIP stand, and the two highest striions were also seen in the night, and the minds were different.

~ ▉ The figure of the long wind disappears in the arena, appearing in the watch room.

"Haha, long wind, you are doing well this time, only a little bit better than me!" Naruto wiped his nose with his hand.

"Cut ~ ▉ Your strong tail is strong, it is good ..." Jingye came to the battle room and couldn't help but Tao.

"How? Sasuke and Carti teacher have not come yet?" Night wind did not pay attention to the two people, but asked.

"Nothing, the next game is Sasuke, it is," Naruto replied, "I don't know what Carti teacher and Sasu help, and no longer have to be determined."

"Taking the personality of the guy will come, we will wait!" Night grows.

On the arena, a ninja appeared around the referee, what is said with the ear with the referee.

The referee nodded, rushed to the audience on the stage: "Everyone, candidates who participated in the next game have not arrived at the scene, so we have to move this game, advance the next game!"

"Call! Fortunately ..." Naruto took a breath.

"Then the next group of games, please survive the Jilang and the oil women to come below!" The referee announced the way. ▉ ▉ ▉▉▉ ▉▉▉

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710 chapter, Sasuke returns

Watch room.

"Deer Pill, your guy should be abstained, this is a chance to become a neointed!" Naruto cried.

"Well ... it is too much trouble ..." Lu Pei said with a shrug.

At this time, the night long opened its closed eyes, he felt that two familiar atmures have appeared in the arena.

"It's coming!" Night's mouth is slightly tight.

"What is it?" Naruto turned his head.

Among the arena, a round ball that suddenly appeared a round of rotating leaves.

"What is it? You see!" There is a speaker on the stage.

, the green leaves in the round ball flash in an instant, there are two people in the arena, a high!

It is Kakasi and Unechebra!

The two are back to the opposite, and the leaves are falling around.

"MD, Kakari teacher and Sasuke are more than I am still 13!" The night is helplessly shakes his head.

"Oh, finally came!" Naruto looked excited to look at the escort in the arena.

"Newspaper!" Said the referee.

"Unecheo Sasuke!" Sasuo Cold Sound.

"Cut ~ ▉ is so late, what is it!" And Sason-077-Torena also appeared in the arena.

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