The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 818 Chapter 818 of the Prince of Tennis

"How is your action so slow, Sasuke, I thought it was you afraid!" Naruto shouted loudly.

"Hey, look at what you have proud, this crane is winning!" Sakuo took a smile and looked at the Naruto.

"That is of course!" Naruto pushed the bail on the head, "Sasuke, don't be too early, I still want to fight with you!"

"Hey! Yes?" Sasuke smile not to be aware.

Kakasi flashed to the watchpad, and there was only one Ski and that sound in the arena.

"Naruto, long wind, it seems that you have won!" Kasi eyes bend into a moon tooth, "Don't do it!"

"Of course, I am the most proud disciple of Caassi teacher!" Naruto laughed.

"Yes, that huge gap is what is going on, I remember that the arena is completely closed!" Kakasi referred to the huge gap that the night grew is.

The eyes of all the people in the battle room did not show the night's wind.

"Sure enough, the long wind is out!" Kakasi looked at the night, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

"Carti teacher, through your separate training, Sasuke's strength should be greatly strengthened!" The night is asked.

"This, maybe ..." Kakasi ambiguity two reliatory, and then glanced at the entire arena.

"Such a big venue, why only have eight dark, only two squades are too few, after all, there are so many valves, what is the ninger?" Kakasi Xin said, "Is it a dark department? Are all scattered in the village? "


Sasuke and the sound of the dragon are looking for, and the referee will start!

bass! Opening, Sasuke Directly jumped directly, and then took out the darts from the ninja bag, directly shot to the tangible dragon set, long distance attack.

Ding! Ding! Ding! The sounds of the sound of the ribbon arm is in a stop, and the Sasuke's darts will be filled with a smooth steel arm.

It turns out that this sound, the whole arm is made of steel!

Sasuke suddenly flipped in the air, rushing directly to the muscles, speed!

"Well? Sasuke's speed is much faster than the preselection!" The night is laughing, "It seems that this month is not hard to practice, do he want to use body integrity to solve the other party?"

~ ▉ ▉

"What about people?"

Next moment, Sasuke appear now that the sound of the dragon is now!

"Wow, he moves fast!" The audience on the stage was exclaimed.

Sasuke's gravity of the body is sunken, and the right hand is in the back, and a punch!

! The musculator is a punch that is hurting, and the heavy fall is falling!

"Good speed, the standard speed with Xiao Li is almost the same!" Akaiyi.

"And the body is almost exactly the same as Xiao Li!" Night wind is attached, "It seems that the body of Xiao Li replicated before using blood circles."

"Come on!" Sasuke's right hand reached out, hook his hand to the sound of the tangle lying on the ground, and arrogant.

Night long can't hurt, "MD, Sasuke this guy will also put it better than I!"

The sound of the dragon is anger, and the hands release light blue Chakra, and the opponent encountered before the preselection is similar.

"Hey! It's this kind of move. Do you have this trick?" Sasuke disdainfully slammed his mouth, and then escaped the attack of the dragon set. "Do you think I will be this trick? "

! The muscles of the dragon is directly taken on a knee, kicking in the air.

When you call ~, you will have disappeared in an instant. When you appear again, it came to the upper part of the torch dragon.

Flipping his body, Sasuke's body is rotated three hundred and sixty degrees in the air, the right foot with huge inertia, and playing the chest of the tailor dragon!

! The sound of the dragon set is mad vomiting blood, and it is tested directly into the ground!

Killed in a spike!

From the opening to now, less than a minute, Sasuke ended this game, and the strength gap is too big.

This is also one of the fastest over these games.

"Unecheo Sasuke - Sheng!" The referee announced the way.

"It's very powerful, it is worthy of Yuxi Bo!"

"Who is more powerful with that night!"

"It's still a big ghost, you look at that gap, even if it is super-tolerance, it is not so big!"

"Not necessarily, the blood of the Yishabo family is very strong. I heard that their family has a very powerful bloody boundary called blood circles, Sasuke is still useless!"

"Haha, take him, anyway, the ninja of our wood!" The looks came up with a lot of happiness.

"It's amazing, Sasuke you are stronger than before!" Naruto pushed the leaves of the leaves on the head, "Oh, I must defeat you!"

Calling ~ ▉▉

The first round of competitions have also ended, and there are five people, which are night long, Naruto, Sasuke, oil women, and five people.

The second round of the handcuffs directly, and the night grow is to help the battle!

The civil war in the seventh class of the wooden leaves, it will be sent!

The viewers on the stage have also been interested, and they did not think that the two people who won the big popularity were actually met in advance before the final.

Chapter 711, the seventh class

In the room, Jiu Lang looked at the wind shadow in the VIP room. "Why don't you do it!"

bass! A night-catching wind appeared in the arena.

Sasuke and night-long winds, the eyes of the two are in the air, the Mars is splashing.

It has always been the strongest one of the young people in the young people in the village of the village, but the strength of the night, the strength of the night, let Sasuo look.

This is something that is unacceptable, he has always used the only goal of killing that man as his life.

If he is unrestrained by the night, it is impossible to achieve his goals at all, which makes the inner heart of Sasuke.

It can be said that the recent goal is to transcend the night, for this month, the madness of Kassi is to prove that it is the strongest to prove that His Zhiso is the strongest!

Everyone on the table is also looking forward to watching the two people on the field, and they are also quite high for the expectation of this game.

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