The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 820

"Put a lot of Chakra in the body, because it will make a thunder, like a thousand birds in the unique attack, so this is called a thousand birds, and it is also known as Raytere! "

"But the kid is not going to avoid what is going to do?" Akai is very unexpected, this trick does not dare to hard.

"Is it an avigant?" Kakasira got a forehead of the forehead, with the blood circles to look at the night, and suddenly shocked.

Chakra, in the middle of the night long-standing body, is actually compressed by the night-lived wind to the Dantian Sea.

"Changfeng, what do you want to do?" Lian Kakasi didn't understand what the night is going to do.

Sasuke rushed to the night of the wind, there is no return to the road, the hook in the eyes, the jade in the eyes, the Raincat in the hand directly hits the body of the night.

At this time, the left hand of the night, and the left hand of the night, actually grabbed the right hand of Tasko released.

▉ ▉,,

The audience is quiet, and everyone did not think that night long winds will actually force this trick.

At the same time, several dark ninja in the arena began their hands, no one noted them.

Everyone's eyes have gathered to the night cost.

"Are you crazy?" ? "Sasuke's face revealed the unbelievable expression.

All people on the same stage think that the night length will flash at the speed at the critical moment, after all, his speed is much faster than Sasuke.

But the night grows actually hardly, this claim can be obedient with lightning.

~ ▉ .,,,

The night's long-winding pocket opened the sakura for the wooden chicken, the double boxing, smirking, "Hahaha, but so, but so!"

The night, the whole body is covered by lightning, and he is constantly moving on him, and the night grows is actually quenching his own use of lightning!

The people of the Nangowed world will not be so crazy to quench your body with the power of the opponent's trick.

Because they advocate tissue, Chakra is not so high for the requirements of the body.

However, the night length is different, and the body's bones at this time, there is already a genetic dragon gene, which is not fatal to the night long wind.

Although night long winds have died at this time. ≮ Alternative:, but he can feel that the strength of the bones and flesh and blood is rising straight.

The strength of the thunder is quenched, this is a sudden illumination of the night, and then it is unable to do it.

! The night long and feet, the handsome double boxing, the whole body [wrapped] The power of the lightning disappears in the moment, actually is directly forced by the night.

The battle suit from the night, it was shredded by electricity. At this time, the night is half-body red luo, showing a streamlined muscle.

It seems more active than the muscles of the night long wind, which seems to be full of explosive strength, but destructive power.

"Who is this little devil ..." The wind shadow in the VIP room brows, it seems free to rotate the ring on his fingers.

"Actually inhale That Chakra in the body, this little ghost is really unexpected!" It is also more and more eye-catching.

"My trick is actually this stinky boy ... I will crack it ... I don't give myself a face at all!" Kakasi is also a helpless shoud.

"Sasuke, you lose!" The night's wind once again looked at Sasuke, and the eyes of the eyes were actually a silk light.

"I can evil!" Sasukes came back to God, and their hard tricks were actually crackdown in the night, which made Sasuke unacceptable.

For the Sasuke of desire forces, the gap between his and night winds is not only no shrinking, but also constantly expanded, which is the man who can kill him most want to kill.

At this time, the audience on the stage actually did not have a speech, but it was drowsy.

In the arena, it is also floating a lot of snow white feathers who don't know where to come.

"Well ..." Kakasi and Akai immediately found that the situation is not right, look around.

"Hey ... What is going on? How is my eyelids get more and more heavy!" Naruto is slowly closed.

It quickly got a few more spectators on the stage to sleep, and the movement of several heads and ninja hands were very awkward.

"Cardi, this is?"

"Yes, it is illusion!" Carti and Akai two both hands.

"Solution!" The two instantly bounced this illusion.

"Oh ... it is the elite of the wood, which can bounce the illusion!" One of the secrets of the secret.

In the viewing room, the look of Jiulang and Handcuffs is also nervous, "the action begins!"

In the VIP room, the day of the day and the wind, a look, in that moment, the wind movement moved, the speed is like a blast (Li Qi good), immediately instantly randing the neck of the flying, take it away, The hand is flashing in the hands.

The two came to the roof!

Kakasi and Akai's attention were first attracted to the day, and the night growth in the arena is also directly placed.

When the night is long, I feel uns, these guys don't have a plan.

"Changfeng, what do you do!" Kasi suddenly shouted, and he saw the nightmare of the night's face has fly to the roof.

"Of course, there is any advantage to get any benefits!" The night's mouth took a smile, and for the current night, there was a small world in hand, naturally did something.

In other words, the night-catching wind is now desirable to be weak, and the crisis in front of the eyes is a new opportunity to look at night!

PS: The update is late, it is actually sleeping in the morning ~

713 chapter, new task

despair! despair! despair! ~ ▉ When the night long body shadow is now on the roof, with this, there are four forms of different shapes appear on the roof of the roof.

Passing Four Zappia! Four people are simultaneously printed.

bass! On the front of the night long, the purple energy wall is instantly, and finally envelopes the entire space of the roof.

"Naruto!" Ninja, a few wooden villages wanted to be close to the roof.

boom! Directly impact the Purple wall, the whole body ignits the flame, almost the blink of an eye has been burned.

"It is evil! It is a junior!" The woody ninus flashed out, and it could not enter this inflammation at all.

"Hey, I didn't expect your sand, it turned out to betray the alliance!" .

"The boring game game is over, now the new history is about to be born!" The wind moves.

"Do you want to trigger a war?" Asked if you fly.

"Yes!" The wind is not hesitant.

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