The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 821 of the Chapter 821 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"The wind shadow adult, we should avoid the movement, use the way to solve the problem, still not late ..." I didn't want to launch a battle between the two countries and continue to persuade.

"Oh, the teacher, the old man, is your keen sense of smell?" The -123-voice of the vertical movement suddenly changed.

"You are ..." I fly, the voice just familiar with it, let him instantly eyes wide.

Booming ~ When you are not far away, there is also a burst of screams and constantly explosive sounds, and the entire wooden village is attacked.

Attacking the village of the village is a huge python creature, and the entire wooden leaves are generally swept.

"What do you want to do?" .

"Oh, the teacher, your stupid makes the whole wooden leaves passively, I have won!" The wind shadow pulled his clothes and camouflage human skin mask.

It turned out that this is not a hot shadow, but the disciple of the day, is also a big snake pill of three endure!

"Sure enough!" The night is always too hard to feel that everything is not strong. It turns out that all this is the conspiracy of the big snake.

Ding! At this time, the long-lost system prompts in the night-long-lived brain sound.

Trigger the main line task: Block the big snake pills from destroying the wooden leaf nunue

Task Level: Orange Task

Mission Reward: A lot of lottery

Failure punishment: exchange points minus 100W

Systematic evaluation: This task is related to the last task, once failed, the two tasks will fail at the same time.

"Is the number of lottery!" The night is very hard, and then excited, see the system's evaluation, the previous neoconbornness is also related to this task.

Moreover, it is only to prevent Dabin Pills from destroying the village of Woody Village. It is not asking for killing or saving the three-generation rigid shadow. The difficulty of the task is not high in the night.

At this time, the night is not going to intervene, just watch the lively, wait until the two defeat is hurt, it will come to clean up the residence, and in order to flee if there is no problem with the strength of the night, there is no problem.

But I want to participate in the battle between the big snake pills and the three generations, is still unobs, after all, not at a level.

Of course, the night grows is nothing sensation for the three-generation fire. He doesn't want to manage the life of the sky, but after all, he is also in the camp of the leaves. If there is a chance, the night is still willing to save Flying a day.

"Big Snake Pill, I am not teaching you, don't you know the result in the end?" I fly turned back and looked at the rack of his big snake pill.

"I have long known this early evening, but you want to take my head, it is not so easy!"

"Yes? I have long said to you, I have to determine the fifth-generation noodle person, because you will die here! The third generation of fire!" The big snake pill is shining in the eyes, he There is a sheate who has extended his nausea. TIAN has a bitter in Tian.

"There is a lot of people!" Kakasi looked at the surroundings.

"No (DBCE) is only the case, it seems to be a joint attack of sand and musical holds, you see there, the Nakai, the Nakai, the next side refers to the roof.

"That is ... I'm helid!" Kakasi.

"Kakasi, you are looking at it carefully!" Akai's forehead was dripping down.

"Well?" Kakasi stared, the eyes were in a moment, "It is a big snake pill! Worse, the long wind is still inside, I really don't understand how the kid think, run in, want to be a hero? "

~ ▉ At this time, many sounds began to attack Cardi and Akai.

Akay and Kakasi back to the heart of these invaders.

"Breast, these small , I am very annoyed, the fire is ..." Akai fits directly.

"I didn't expect the previous dark part to be an enemy. The above situation we can't take care of it. The big snake will be a good calculation. We now only guard them are not hurt!" Kakasi glanced over the roof Casting.

"But the Nuger Shadow is not so easy to be done, because he is our wooden village ... Huo shadow!" Kakasi glanced at the many tones in front of him.

Now they must have this tone here, because Naruto and wooden small strength, etc., they are in the middle of the illusion, in the sleep, Kasi and Akai must ensure their safety.

"I hope that the Naruto adult can take care of Changshui ..." Carti is still worried about the night grow, after all, the big snake pills that make people have a daunting.


"Your bow is really a soul!" The attention of the big snake pill was all on the bodies of the day, and he did not pay attention to the night length in the corner.

Laughing at night, I took it directly, and my right hand turned it. There was a wooden bench in my hand. I was placed under my body and slowly sat down.

"Oh, you will continue, I will watch it, I don't have to entertain me!" The night's left hand turned, and there was a melon seed in his hand.

Night live wind is slightly puzzled, and start sitting in the corner and squatting.

"This little ghost ... is very problem, and strength growth is too exaggerated!" The big snake pill is turned, "first solves the old man, then solve the little ghost, it will be infinite, since it will be sent to the door, I will even The future of wood is also destroyed together! "

The day of the sky is a helpless look at night, and it is too much. "This little ghost does not help but count, actually still watching this ..."

However, this is also a report, it is still reported. The previous pre-selection night length is poor by my love to kill, but the sky is watching the show.

Now, when the day is falling into the crisis, the night cost is also opened.

714 chapter, reflowing

At this time, the big snake pill was released, and immediately stood opposite the day.

"Oh ..." The big snake pill turned to look at the sky and the day did not speak.

"I know that you are not a person who acts because of resentment, you attack the leaves, there is no meaning for you!" .

"Oh ... I have to say, I am a purpose!" The big snake pill took the fighting cap. "I feel interesting, I feel very interesting, I feel very good. By boring ... There is no value for the windmill that will not be rotated. In all, I want to use the windmill to turn this wind in the wind ... "

"I am going ... isn't it just to agitate the war of countries, then touch the fish from China, what is the euphemism?" The night grew is a sideline 'translation'.

"Small ghost ... you!" The big snake pill turned to see a night's long wind, and the eyes were chilling.

"Haha, you continue, you continue ... I said to play!" Night wind shrugged, a innocent expression.

~ ▉ At this time, the daily day of the sky also took off the spot, and changed it directly.

"Oh!" The big snake pill turned his head and looked at the sky, and it was also a cloak on his body. He still looked at the night, "It seems that you are already foresee your death ... "

Outside the nobody.

The fire guard guards in the dark of the wooden villages are arrogant.

"This neighborhood seems to be broken from the inside to break!" A dark part of Ninja discovered the night's greater wind in the corner.

"Hey ~ ▉, are you the ninja of the wooden leaves?"

Night-lasting style nodded, "Yes ..."

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