The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 822 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"You can attack this wall from the interior, we can save you!" The head of the secret team took the leader.

Laughing at night, "Sorry, I am busy watching the show ... No time!"

"Can this be evil, is this small child crazy?" The secret of the head turned his eyes to the four testers of the four corners. "

"Hey ~ There is not much to start ..."

"The knots have also been made up in the comic circle ..."

"Good!" The four sounds began to open their hands, and a small juncture will instantly wrap them in it.


"Hey ... look, it is not easy to go out!" Cold channel.

"Don't say that, for you, let the waste of the dark part, will only let you go full to deal with me, the teacher!" The big snake pill.

The two people were looking for, and the atmosphere in the air became more tense.

"It's really looking forward to it, I came to the real battle watching in the fire, I should learn a lot of things!" The night's eyes looked at the two. `≮ Alternative:? ≯

! At this time, the two started at the same time.

I took out the sauce from behind the ninja bag, threw the dart, and the hands started quickly.

"Tolerance, darts shadow!"

~ ▉ ~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉▉▉ , ,,,,, , ,

At the same time, the big snake will also fly fast! I

- - -, finally the hands together!

Psychic surgery, reflowing!

~ ▉ ▉ ▉

"It's coming, it's a breeze!" The night is immediately sitting straight, and for the blister, the night grows is still very interested.

This trick is called God in the world, although there is a lot of restrictions, but there is no doubt that it is powerful.

And the night-long windy night, always feels that the fire in his body is reincarnating in the big snake pill, suddenly burning.

In the strict sense, the people who have been reincarnated by the dirt are also a kind of undead.

Night wind concevs, this must have any connection ...

Snapped! Snapped! Hey ~ The darts that I am flying in the sun are playing on the coffin.

"Well? I don't think he will use psychic surgery to defense, and still dead ..." He didn't think that the big snake pill actually summoned the coffin to block his dart.

~ ▉ At this time, the roof rose a second coffin, and a 'two' word is written.

······ Squire flowers ·······

"Oh, no matter how it is necessary to seal the third!" The third coffin, which is about to rise, and the third coffin is about to rise.

"Hey ... It seems that the third seems to have not called up, forget it, it is enough!" The big snake pill is soaked.

Hey, at this time, the two coffins in front of the sky are open!

"I finally stopped the third person, but I was in trouble! I didn't think that the big snake pill was actually called ..." , never had a solemn expression.

"What is it?" All people in the darkness of the neat were also gathered onto the coffin.

"Come!" Night wind is also a little excited to look at the two people from the coffin.

A red armor, the eyebrows are full of boom, even if it is a feeling of being dead, but it is still an airweight.

... ······

The other is a blue armor, full of white hair, domineering!

"Do you have ..." The darkness was shocked.

"Yes, it is the first generation of rigorous shadows and the second generation of rigid shadows, the big people in the two legend!" The night's long eyes looked at the two.

Although it is just a reflow, the two people release the oppressed feelings that make a soy sauce, and it feels a bit difficult.

"I haven't seen it for a long time!" The thousands of hands were faint.

"Oh ... , you are old!" The thousand hand movements immediately opened.

"Hey ... I can't think of it in this case, I am very sorry to meet you again!" I will take it back, I'm cold, "Please do two good things!"

"Drone reincarnation ... Is this young man with this blessing? It's really can't be awesome!" The thousand hand turned around to see the big snake pill.

"It's so flying, so, we have to shoot you!" The thousand hands helpless.

"Do you have a few old ages to chat again, hurry up!" Big snake pills.

"The big snake pill, respect for the predecessors!" When the night did the wind, he said.

"Um ... there is still a teenager, the future of the leaves?" Looking at the night, he looked at night, nodded, "it seems to have a familiar taste ..."

715 chapter, film-level war!

"Little ghost, you should close your mouth, or I don't mind solve you first!" The big snake pill was cold and glanced at night.

"No matter which world, there is always a war!" The thousand hand is exclaimed.

"Hey, you should like this kind of thing very much!" The big snake pills have taken out a bitterness that is tied to the rune, slowly [plug] into the back of the generation and the second generation .

The night-long style is holding the movement of the big snake pill. "It seems that the buddy of the big snake pill is not perfect, the process is somewhat complicated!"

"You dare to sacrifice the deceased, time and space is not so fun!" .

On the other hand, it was originally helped in the arena. After the Ninja in Yingyin Village disappeared, I didn't know where to ran, and there was also the way to survive Jiulang and handcuffs.

The lens "eight two three" transfer to the roof.

The big snake pills are all-handed, "Before you do it, you must first let the two restore to the previous appearance!"

~ ▉ ▉ and the second-generation rigid shadow of the whole body began to burn, gradually recovering angry, more and more like this, and the sense of compression is getting stronger.

It looks almost almost no difference!

"Their look is more and more like the previous look ..." The day of the day, I watched my loved ones, I was very sad.

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