The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 824 of the Chapter 824 of Wangzhao System of Tennis Prince

"Oh, I don't have to blew over, I'm really old, I am really old!" The big snake pills extended the sick Shehead Tian Tian grass sword.

Night lived on the day, "He didn't want to use it, only 31, now Chakra did not have so much period, for the sake of the sterilization, the three generations of fire did not use the shadow, it seems The stronger person is also the enemy's erosion! "

"I fly, how do you change this?"

Call ~ ▉! It's just that the sky is bold, but I didn't answer, just coldly looked at the big snake pills in front of you.

"Hey, as an understanding and can make the existing tissue professors of the wood leaves, don't let me be too disappointed!" The big snake pill is boorked, "the teacher, your current breathing can be very [urgent] promotion, is that OK?"

"Hey! It seems to solve the big snake pills, you must first solve the soul of the transfusion of the emperor!" The two rigs in front of the day, "In this case, only the fourth generation of nicotys is used!" "

"What are you going to do, a teacher!" Big snake pill continued to provoke.

I didn't have a reply. I didn't have a reply. I seem to be prepared. "Teacher, please forgive me, I want to make it!"

"You are old, I have never seen you so painful! It is really poor ..." The big snake pill reached out, "you used to be called the ninja, you will actually be too big but not mine opponent!"

! The big snake pill was torn, actually tore with his face, showing a teenager's face!

"Well ..." Night wind looked at this super uncoordinated face, suddenly felt very disgusting, "Big Snake Pill is really as an experiment, enough!"

"You ... Who is it?" Asked the day.

"Oh, because it is too sudden to understand?" The big snake pill smiled, "I am a big snake!"

"How maybe, he is one of the three tolerance. It should be so young after the fifty years old, and the long-term phase is not the face before the big snake pill!" The prostitute outside the neighborhood was very shocked. "

"So, you have successfully developed [ban] taboo!" Fei frowned.

"Hey, leave the village for more than a decade, I have a hard time!" The big snake pill.

"You are really a terrible heterogeneous, so I don't want to choose the fourth generation of fire, because of your character!" .

"Oh, I am so stubborn, you are still so stubborn! I have said that I have to get everything, I want to learn all the tissue, understand all the truths of the world, so that it is called 'Types' ! "The big snake pill slowly.

"For me, the life of meat is really too short. Even if you become a shadow, as long as you die, you have to develop long-lived, not old!" The big snake pill is crazy and stubborn.

The night long style standing on the trunk watching is to joke, and the theoretical of the old theory of the big snake.

Crossing the night-long wind in various worlds, there is a super-low-cost wind that is super-god system, this universe is multi-dimensional, there are countless worlds, countless doors are waiting for him to open.

Big snake pills include all people who want to rule or make the whole world, all of them are too limited, just limited to this world.

The journey of night-long wind will be infinitely broad world, become the strongest, surpassing the ninja, which is just his small step.

As for the longevity, the night's wind did not think about this problem, and the night's heart is undoubtedly growing, but his body seems to be controlled by superhen system.

Night long winds have a feeling, when you are strong enough, you can get rid of the chains of superh system, truly freely shuttle in all kinds of worlds, really become the 'Type of Pills in the Great Snake!

Of course, this is too far away from the current night, and now the night's long-lasting is only to think about how to get enough benefits in this movie level.

"This body is not old, it is to make your own soul, but after finding new [meat] body, you can make your soul to invade the body's anti-medicine!" Dabin Pills in order to stimulate .

If the night grows, he has heard the big snake pill, it is disdainful, "Isn't it equivalent to a hurt, or the lowest, side effects are large!"

"The reason why I turned into the previous 157 is to let the teacher can't read the past!" The big snake pill is horn.


"Selling, it is really empty, seeing teachers, let me be more convinced that my choice is correct!" The big snake pill looked at it, "and you will die here, you will get more powerful. [Meat] body, getting stronger! Finally become an individual! "

Speaking of this, the big snake pill is flashing is the pair of monsterous eyes of Unechebra.

"I understand, is Yis Zhi Bozuo?" .

"Yes, it is best to be him, but now it seems to have a spare!" The eyes of the big snake pill fluttering the night grows on the tree.

"Nima! What do you see?" Night live wind was seen by the big snake pill.

In fact, even if the big snake pills captured the night, it is impossible to capture the night long-term [meat] body, because the night grow is a host of super-god system, once the house will be blotted instantly!

In other words, Unicom's soul, super god system will be pulled off!

In the night's heart, the so-called long-lived age of Big Snakeball is really low and boring, the risk is still big!

Only have constantly improving your own strength, constantly surpassing every world's strongest, let the self-sustain of the sky time space, is king!

717 chapter, corpse ban


"Seize the body of others, let your own spirit, long life, now this is the first few people, big snake pills!" Ask the day.

"The second person is, then the next thing to cultivate the way I like it, then ... huh, ..." The snake pill suddenly laughed.


~ ▉ "

The face of the big snake will return to him.

"The big snake pill is really evil, but there are so many nonsense, it seems that he is still emotional!" The night is holding the chin.

At this time, the killer is another cross-handed cross.

The trees on the roof began to grow crazy, went to the day, and finally filled the space of the whole junior!

"Come again!" The night is once again a small world, escaped this full range without different attacks.

"Chikra and Chakra, which are also too exaggerated ..." The night's wind returned to the world and found a lot of corners.

"Well ... is also hiding by the little ghost?" The big snake pill is also a cold light, "For a while, he will pack him ..."

~ ▉▉ Blocking the attack of the trunk.

bass! Big snake pills put the grass in the hands on the ground in front of you.

"What happened to you, I'm really like your style, flying!" is also a sound.

"Sorry ..." It flashed in the eyes of the sky, which was that he didn't bear to remove the big snake pills. "Now I will correct my mistake!"

"It's too late, teacher!"

! I fly released the golden hoop, and the two-handed print is completed. "Shadow, the body!"

There are two different fares!

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