The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 825 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Do you want to fight?" The night's eyebrows were picked up, and the eyes were placed on the day and his two points.

"Oh, the teacher, you are old, you are dividing, isn't it more unfavorable?" The big snake pill smiled.

"Flying, don't you use that trick?" .

The continuous fast printer of the hands is finally the hands of the hands, and there is a monster of a dead temper in the back of the day, and there is a short knife in the mouth.

"MD, how do you feel such a evil door?" Night long wind suddenly felt a few degrees of temperature, "This is the legend of the legendary four generations, but why can I see God?"

It is reasonable to say that only the monoton is the talent to set the contract, but the night is also seen in the side.

In fact, all this is the merits of the bloody blood of the night, and his eyes can see any undead creatures, whether it is a soul state or an entity state.

"I have won, no matter what you do, the wooden leaves will die!" The snake pill is already a stable coupon.

"Wooden ninja village is my home, the fire is to protect this home and stand in this big tree, the will of the fire will not die, you still don't understand, the big snake pill!" .

Illusion • Black Darkness!

The thousand-handles suddenly made a dark row, the whole space changed to the dark, the night is very windy, in which he can't see anything in the sky and the dead.

! After a sound, I was hit by where the attack was not stopped, and the arms were blind.

"MD!" Night live wind, the whole body, the whole body, ready to hide in the small world.

"Teacher, you don't say smile, you are just this famous head collar in history, even if it is carved into a stone statue, there will be a day!" The voice of the big snake pill is transmitted in the darkness Come.

The night-long's style nodded. At this point, he still agreed with the big snake pill, what to sacrifice everything for the village.

To put it bluntly, the village of Woody Village is an organization, in order to maintain the weapons of the fire country.

Everyone's views and worldviews are different, and there is no difference in good people and bad people, but it is different.

······ Flowers ······ ·

The big snake pills are very normal. Most people in the world want to live for a long time, but the means used by the big snake pills are none.

In the eyes of night, it seems to be down, it is ...

"Hey! I inherited the first generation of the first generation of fire, the second generation of men's will!" , "I am the third generation of fire!"

"Big Snake Pill! I will let you see how you have never seen it, pick it up!"

"The surgery I don't know?" The big snake pills in the dark suddenly had a bad premonition.

~ ▉! Suddenly shooting from the dark, there is no such bitterness, and it is preparing for the day!

..... [...

Table ten table tennis, the long wind, and dozens of suffering, no shot in the darkness of the darkness.

"Head ghost, what do you want?" The sound of the big snake pill is cold.

"Oh, you still estimate your life!" The night grew away.

! The dead god behind the flying raised the right hand, and unknown runes full of hands appeared in his hand, and the strange spell was read in his mouth!

"Completed, then you can grab them!" I fly two bordered simultaneously, listening to the discerning.

"Can't catch it!" The two borders of the day of the darkness of the day were actually grasped a generation of fire and second-generation rigid!

!! Two mad spit bloods were hit, but they still died, refused to let go.

At this time, the two flying abdomen of the night long saw that it was extended to the hand of the dead, and I grabbed into a generation of fire and the second-generation noodles.

In the first moment, the darkness in front of the night is disappeared, and once again saw the big snake pills full of sweating and hands.

"It's really corpse, it's really awkward, three generations!" Night cost can't help but sigh.

Although the night's long wind doesn't catch a cold, he doesn't have a cold, but he still has to admit that the sky is a real fighter, he is guarding his hill village he wants to guard.

"The darkness is actually disappearing. What is this?" The big snake pill is a face.

PS: Thank you for the reward of the brothers, the morning network is rotten, now in the Internet cafe ~ ▉

718 chapter, oil lamp

"!" , he didn't think that it was really like this [ban] taboo.

"I am really sorry, I will fly ..." The thousand hand is slow.

"Yeah, actually give you so much trouble!" The thousand hand is at the same time.

"Please forgive me!" , the soul of the second-generation, the soul of the second-generation, is pulled out in the chest!

I was called two sisters, and my blood was reddish.

The body of the generation and the second-generation noodle body of the transfusion of the either became a miserable music.

"The big snake pill, you actually continue to take the life ..." The murderous fire in the eyes, returning to the light, it is already getting closer to death. ▉▉▉▉▉ ▉▉▉▉▉ ___________ ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉

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719 chapter, stroll

"Forget it! Since you are indulging in the sickness, then I will take the sickness passing of you learned!" coldly.

"What do you say!" The big snake pill was shocked.

"Ah!" ,,,,,,,, ,

"Stop!" The big snake pill is full of sweat and face.

bass! The short knife of the dead will be in an instant, and the hands of the big snake pills are broken!

"Seal!" ,,,

"I am evil! My hand has greatly changed ..." Big snake pills look at their hands that gradually lost their consciousness.

"Big Snake Pill, your hands can not be used, even if you change a body, you have been dedicated to death! You will never make the sickness!" .

The hands of the big snake pill is weak, no angry!

"Wooden destruction action ... has been blocked!" ..

"Is it finally ended?" The night grew is looking at the two defeats. "This task is completely lying 31, it is completed, and the next is the benefits of harvest!"

"Dead old man, come back my hand!" The big snake pill roared, has almost lost rationality, and for the big snake pill is second only to life.

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